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[Showcase] Fakemon Name Help (2) *updated on 23/8/23*

Tonapp + Pupa:
-Topu / Topupa
-Topa / Tonpa
-Tonapu / Tonappu
-Napu / Napupa
-Nappup / Nappupa
-Appup / Appupa
-Puton / Pupton
-Putona / Puptona
-Pupaona / Pupaonapp
-Paton / Patona
-Paona / Paonapp

Tonapp + moth:
-Tonmo / Tonmoth
-Nappmo / Nappmoth
-Appmo / Appmoth
-Mothton / Mothtona
-Thona / Thonapp
-Onapoth / Napoth
Tonapp + Pupa:
-Topu / Topupa
-Topa / Tonpa
-Tonapu / Tonappu
-Napu / Napupa
-Nappup / Nappupa
-Appup / Appupa
-Puton / Pupton
-Putona / Puptona
-Pupaona / Pupaonapp
-Paton / Patona
-Paona / Paonapp

Tonapp + moth:
-Tonmo / Tonmoth
-Nappmo / Nappmoth
-Appmo / Appmoth
-Mothton / Mothtona
-Thona / Thonapp
-Onapoth / Napoth

i like.... Nappupa ..... & urm.... most of the 2nd choices sound too much like Hummoth.... maybe another suggestion for the final stage? :>

but nappupa is going into the pokedex entry thread :3
Struggling to come up with something that doesn't evolve the word moth atm tbh =P
I guess I could just use the 'geometer' part of geometer moth though....

Tonapp + Geometer:
-Tonageo / Toneo / Toneom
-Tonome / Tonomet
-Tonete / Toneter
-Toname / Tonamet
-Appomete / Appomet
-Geoto / Geotona / Geotonapp
-Geomeo / Geomeon
-Mettona / Mettonapp
-Metna / Metnapp
-Metona / Metonapp
-Meteo / Meteona
-Terton / Tertona
-Terona / Teronapp
Struggling to come up with something that doesn't evolve the word moth atm tbh =P
I guess I could just use the 'geometer' part of geometer moth though....

Tonapp + Geometer:
-Tonageo / Toneo / Toneom
-Tonome / Tonomet
-Tonete / Toneter
-Toname / Tonamet
-Appomete / Appomet
-Geoto / Geotona / Geotonapp
-Geomeo / Geomeon
-Mettona / Mettonapp
-Metna / Metnapp
-Metona / Metonapp
-Meteo / Meteona
-Terton / Tertona
-Terona / Teronapp

i like... Meterapp :> thanks :3

into the pokedex entry thread it goes :>
new one to be given a name (?)

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

normal/fairy type

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Struggling to come up with something that doesn't evolve the word moth atm tbh =P
I guess I could just use the 'geometer' part of geometer moth though....

Tonapp + Geometer:
-Tonageo / Toneo / Toneom
-Tonome / Tonomet
-Tonete / Toneter
-Toname / Tonamet
-Appomete / Appomet
-Geoto / Geotona / Geotonapp
-Geomeo / Geomeon
-Mettona / Mettonapp
-Metna / Metnapp
-Metona / Metonapp
-Meteo / Meteona
-Terton / Tertona
-Terona / Teronapp

i have a new one :3 *in the above post*

Bear + Honey:
-Behon / Behone
-Beahon / Beahone
-Beone / Beony
-Beane / Beaney
-Honbea / Honbear
-Honear / Honea
-Neybe / Neybea / Neybear
-Oneybe / Oneybea
-Onebea / Onebe
Moon + Jellyfish:
-Moolly / Moolyfi
-Moofis / Moofish
-Moonje / Moonjell
-Jellymoo / Jellmoo
-Lymoo / Lymoon
-Fismo / Fismoo / Fismoon
-Fishon / Fishoon
-Ellyfoon / Ellyfoo / Ellyfo

Jellyfish + Abyss:
-Jellaby / Jellyaby
-Jellyss / Jellybyss
-Lyaby / Lyabyss
-Lyfyss / Lyfiss
-Fisaby / Fisabyss
-Fishab / Fishaby / Fishabyss
-Abyjell / Abyjelly
-Abjell / Abjelly
-Abyllyfis / Abyllyfish
-Abyfi / Abyfish
-Byssjell / Bysjell
-Bysselly / Bysslly
-Byssy / Byssyfi / Byssyfis
-Yfiby / Yfibyss

Not sure what to mash for the bear atm.
Moon + Jellyfish:
-Moolly / Moolyfi
-Moofis / Moofish
-Moonje / Moonjell
-Jellymoo / Jellmoo
-Lymoo / Lymoon
-Fismo / Fismoo / Fismoon
-Fishon / Fishoon
-Ellyfoon / Ellyfoo / Ellyfo

i like.... Moojell :>

Jellyfish + Abyss:
-Jellaby / Jellyaby
-Jellyss / Jellybyss
-Lyaby / Lyabyss
-Lyfyss / Lyfiss
-Fisaby / Fisabyss
-Fishab / Fishaby / Fishabyss
-Abyjell / Abyjelly
-Abjell / Abjelly
-Abyllyfis / Abyllyfish
-Abyfi / Abyfish
-Byssjell / Bysjell
-Bysselly / Bysslly
-Byssy / Byssyfi / Byssyfis
-Yfiby / Yfibyss

Not sure what to mash for the bear atm.

i like.... Abyllyfish :> thanks :3 into the pokedex entry thread, they go :>

& i'll wait for beahon's evo's name :3..... although... i quite like ''Neybear'' from beahon's name suggestions :3 it's going into the pokedex entry thread :>
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Moon + Jellyfish:
-Moolly / Moolyfi
-Moofis / Moofish
-Moonje / Moonjell
-Jellymoo / Jellmoo
-Lymoo / Lymoon
-Fismo / Fismoo / Fismoon
-Fishon / Fishoon
-Ellyfoon / Ellyfoo / Ellyfo

Jellyfish + Abyss:
-Jellaby / Jellyaby
-Jellyss / Jellybyss
-Lyaby / Lyabyss
-Lyfyss / Lyfiss
-Fisaby / Fisabyss
-Fishab / Fishaby / Fishabyss
-Abyjell / Abyjelly
-Abjell / Abjelly
-Abyllyfis / Abyllyfish
-Abyfi / Abyfish
-Byssjell / Bysjell
-Bysselly / Bysslly
-Byssy / Byssyfi / Byssyfis
-Yfiby / Yfibyss

Not sure what to mash for the bear atm.

i have a new one :3 *in the above post*
Chrome + Fan:
-Fanome / Fanrome

Not much to work with.... an alternative:

Steel + Blower:
-Steblo / Steblowe
-Steeblow / Steeblowe
-Steewer / Steewe
-Steelwer / Steelwe
-Blowest / Blowestee
-Werste / Werstee /Wersteel
-Wereel / Werteel
-Eelowe / Eelower
-Loweste / Lowester
-Loweel / Lowteel / Lowtee
Chrome + Fan:
-Fanome / Fanrome

Not much to work with.... an alternative:

Steel + Blower:
-Steblo / Steblowe
-Steeblow / Steeblowe
-Steewer / Steewe
-Steelwer / Steelwe
-Blowest / Blowestee
-Werste / Werstee /Wersteel
-Wereel / Werteel
-Eelowe / Eelower
-Loweste / Lowester
-Loweel / Lowteel / Lowtee

i like... Fachro... thanks :> into the pokedex entry thread, it goes :3
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new ones to be named - new pokemon in a new region based on plush toys ... a possible one

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

first pokemon of the region made!

normal type

*based on my toy dog blacky - https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-Plush-Dog-Pokemon-kuriu-931233356
*i think i've just thought of a name.... kuriu *black in japanese*kuroi* & dog in japanese *inu*

is it good, i wonder 🤔i'm not sure... it's my plush after all :<

i did my best to keep the plush look like you suggested :>


these 2 too, i wonder if these names i made are good :<

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

prinya *princess + meow in japanese*

normal type *stage 1*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

snowtama *snow + ball in japanese*

normal type *stage 1*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

fuwai *fluffy in japanese *fuwa* & dog in japanese *inu*

normal type *stage 1*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

clopyon *clover, her name + the sound a rabbit makes, in japanese*
normal type *stage 1...?*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

momorashi *peaches, her name*+ azarashi, seal in japanese*
Water/fairy type *stage 1*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

shelltle *shell+turtle*
water/fairy type *1 stage*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

faytsune *fay *her name* + kitsune *fox in japanese*
normal type *1 stage*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

latsuji *lamb + hitsuji *sheep in japanese*
normal type *1 stage*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

ginpurr *ginger *her name* + purr *
normal type *evo of prinya?
evo & final stage of prinya?*

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

avakit *ava, her name + kit *kitten*
normal type

[PokeCommunity.com] Fakemon Name Help (2)  *updated on 23/8/23*

lelit *owlet *a baby owl + owlette *her name*
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Chrome + Fan:
-Fanome / Fanrome

Not much to work with.... an alternative:

Steel + Blower:
-Steblo / Steblowe
-Steeblow / Steeblowe
-Steewer / Steewe
-Steelwer / Steelwe
-Blowest / Blowestee
-Werste / Werstee /Wersteel
-Wereel / Werteel
-Eelowe / Eelower
-Loweste / Lowester
-Loweel / Lowteel / Lowtee

i have new ones :3 *in the above post*