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PokéCommunity Daily: Fanwork Feature: Dunsparce Line

#FeatureFriday: Dunsparce and Dudunsparce Fanworks

#FeatureFriday: Dunsparce and Dudunsparce Fanworks

Dun dun Dudunsparce! Here’s some fan works by members of the PokéCommunity to enjoy.


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979


    The Pokecommunity Daily wants to feature you!

    We're restarting a grand old plan - a series of Daily articles about a specific Pokémon! And one of the articles we want to do is a collection of fanworks involving the featured Pokémon (and any evolutions).

    To begin, this month we're looking for any works involving Dunsparce and Dudunsparce! We'll like to do an article featuring your fan works involving the two.

    If you would like to submit fanworks, please post below with your name, the fanwork/link to the fanwork itself, and a link to your PC thread (or dA, or tumblr, or wherever you host your work). Any submission is acceptable, no matter what style or medium, so feel free to get creative! Digital art, traditional art, sprites, drabbles, trainer fic, sculptures, whatever you would like The Daily to feature! You can submit multiple, and they can be new or old. It can even be a small scene from a larger work!

    The tentative deadline is the end of April!

    [Note that we'll continue accepting submissions after the article is published too.]

    If you have any questions about submissions, please feel free to post them here or direct them either to the section staff or myself.​

    Article: https://daily.pokecommunity.com/2023/05/12/featurefriday-dunsparce-and-dudunsparce-fanworks/
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    I present to you...

    S P A R C E

    [PokeCommunity.com] Fanwork Feature: Dunsparce Line
    During the last GT I made this Dunsparce evolution in the Fakemon Contest. Not sure if it counts, but if you want to count it, then here it is:
    Thanks for the contributions! One more by Kitty was added, and also some drabbles by yours truly. Article is now live - see top of the thread!

    If any more are made, please ping notify me (quote this post) and I'll add it to the article.