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Fire Emblem Role Playing

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Lucius: (screaming) AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Leah: Lucius!!!!!!!
Ryan: Lucius!!!!!!!
*Tyler Kills Lucius*
Ryan and Leah: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Ryan: I shall KILL you!!!!!!!!!!*stabs Tyler with steel lance*
My Heart My Heart It Is Not Broken Looks Down At His Chest And Is Barley Alive Nothing An Exilir Would not Do Use Exilir And Runs Away And Needs To Make Friends
*is eating a sub off the end of his sword*
Woo! Nice hit!
.........AHH! LUCIUS!!
*runs over to Lucius*
Lu....Lucius? Are you ok?......Lucius!? Here! You can have my sandwich!
*tries to give him the sandwich, but he doesn't take it*
....huh? Hey! It's his guiding ring! I suppose I'll keep it for now...
.....ahh....grrrr, that's it! I'm mad as heck! Where are you Tyler!!!
*shines his sword, and runs off into the distance*
He can't be very tough, he took a direct hit by a spear....
Sees What His Face Darn Everyone Is Against Me WHY ME Chops A Snag And Crosses The Water And Runs Off
Ice Master said:
Sees What His Face Darn Everyone Is Against Me WHY ME Chops A Snag And Crosses The Water And Runs Off
I heard that! Because you killed Lucius! That's WHY!
*sees the snag cut*
Hmm, this was cut down just recently, he can't be far...
*runs across the river over the snag*
Runs Into The Forest Into A Tree Ill Be Safe Here There Is Hundreds Of Trees
Ice Master said:
Runs Into The Forest Into A Tree Ill Be Safe Here There Is Hundreds Of Trees
*runs up to the forset*
Gaah! I'll never find him if he runs into here....
I guess it's best if I just return to the group....
*puts his sword in it's sheath, and runs back to the group*
Jumps Down From Tree Well It Was A Good Pay For THis Job Better Go To Camp And Meet Up With My Ally
oni flygon said:
Abigail: Darn you! I'm a Shaman here! *uses Nosferatu on Jordan*
Oni: O.O ...
Gahh! That.....OUCHED! And I wasn't in the best of moods!
.....hey! I can't attack a girl!
......as long as you quit attacking me that is!
Goes To Camp And Sees Marilian
Birthplace: Osita
Unit type: Shaman
Level: 3
Weapons/Items carrying:Luna Flux Nosferatu
MarilianWell You Got Somthing For Me:Tyler No I Forgot To Get the Guilding Ring Should I Go Back:Marilian Well Take Me With You Then Im Strong And Can Defend You Goes OVer Snag Tyler:Im Coming Matthew Dont Worry
oni flygon said:
Abigail: I wont! *uses Flux on Jordan*
Oni: ...I need to get myself trained... *sees an arena* *evil grin*
*dodges it*
Don't make have to hurt you! ......say....let's be friends! That should be fun!
Let's get those supports to work! Hehe.....
oni flygon said:
Abigial: What? Not fair! You have Luna!

Oni: Got love 'em arenas! *Oni grows from Level 1 to Level 5*
....hmm, well I'm already at a good level....
*hops into the arena*
Jordan: Hey! You! Guy! I'm joining!
Jordan:....err, sir?
Guy:....huh?.....oh....what do you want?
Jordan: I'm going to take part!
Guy:....*starts laughing and falls on the floor*
Yeah! Sure kid! Go ahead! My treat! It's not like you'll last very long!
Jordan: Oh yeah? We'll have to see about that!
*walks into the arena with people cheering everywhere*
Jordan:......hmm, there doesn't appear to be anyone here.....
*hears armor clanking behind him*
*a knight appears*
Diago: You! Boy! I will best you with my mighty spear! I will stab a whole through your stomach, roast you over a fire, and feed you to my dogs!
Jordan:........eww......hello to you too!
Diago: Gahh! Prepare to die!!
*Diago charges at him*
Jordan:.....how do I get myself into these situations?
*prepares to dodge the incoming attack*
Tyler:Sees The Arena Hm Oni I Suspect
Marilian:Well Go Kill Him
Tyler:I DONT KILL PEOPLE But If That Is A Arena I Could Get To Level 5 Maybe Well Im Going Are You Coming
Marilian:Sure Ill Fight Once And Get To Level 5
Tyler Well Hope Thier Axe Users *Gets Killing Edge* Been Saving This Critical Hit Time
Oni: I'll be here until I'll reach level 10... XD
Abigail: Where did everyone go? *sees Arena* Curse the evilness of Arena! Now our tactics ratings going down by one star!

Oswin: You are doing well. Pray continue your efforts.

*breaks the spear in half*
Jordan: Ha! Take that!
*Diago steps back a bit and throws the broken spear aside*
Diago: Bah! Well, take this!
*throws a javelin at Jordan, who catches it in his hands right before it reaches his face*
Jordan!: Ahh! Phew....
Diago: Now, time to end this!
*sees Diago charge at him*
Jordan:...hmm...I got it!
*uses the javelin to polevault over Diago, and slice the back of his armor in half*
Diago: Huh? Wha.....my armor! My-Dahh!....ohh.....
*falls to the ground unconscious*
Jordan: Yeah! I won!....lookie! I'm lvl 6 now!
*walks to the guy, who has his mouth hanging open*
Jordan: So? Have I proven myself?
Guy:.....yes.....Heh! You have more spunk in you than I could've guessed!
Here's your money!
Jordan: Thanks! I think I'll train her some more though..
Guy: Sure! No problem! Just don't get yourself killed!
Jordan: Right!
*walks back to the arena, and sees someone walk out of the door*
Jordan:.....hmm....I wonder who that is.....hmm, well it appears to be an axe wielder of some sort......
Oni: Hmmm...no more challengers? Where is everyone? *sees a swordmaster* Hey You!
Karel: ...
Oni: Yes you! how bout we duel?
Karel: To the death...
Oni: O.O
Karel: It will rain blood today...
Oni: *moves one step farther...*
Karel: I smell blood... *Pulls out Wo Dao*
Oni: EEEEEEEKKKKKK!!! *runs off*
Tyler:Its Unexpected Im At Level 8 That Knight Was Hard
Marilian:Yeah Im At 7 Darn Monk
???:You Killed My Knight Friend
Tyler:Who Are You.
???:I Wont Tell You Unless You Can Slay Me And Protect Your Friend
Tyler:You Devilish Fiend I Will Kill You
Tyler:I Need Help Its A General ONI JORDAN HELP
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