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[Fire Red]: Class Based Trainer Battle Music


Glory To Arstotzka
  • 736
    • Seen Jan 28, 2018
    Hey there, Jambo51 here with another ASM/Hex editing combination tutorial.

    In Fire Red, you will surely have noticed, that apart from a few specific classes (Champion, Leader and Elite 4) there is absolutely no class based music for the trainer battles. Generally speaking, that is fine, since you don't want the average Youngsters etc to have special battle music, but what about Team Rocket? Shouldn't they have a special battle theme?


    You can't do that with Fire Red?!

    I beg to differ! Follow this tutorial, and we'll have class based music in no time!

    So, firstly, assemble and insert this routine, and note down the location of your insert.

    .align 2
    .global battlemusichack
    	ldr r0, there
    	ldr r1, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r0, #0x80
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x5
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne later
    	mov r0, #0x80
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x7
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne later2
    	mov r0, #0x2
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	beq one
    later2:	mov r0, #0x85
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x1
    	b return2
    later:	mov r0, #0x95
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x1
    	b return2
    one:	mov r0, #0x8
    	and r1, r0
    	cmp r1, #0x0
    	beq wild
    	ldr r2, table
    	ldr r2, [r2, #0x0]
    	ldr r0, ramoffset
    	ldrh r1, [r0, #0x0]
    	lsl r0, r1, #0x2
    	add r0, r0, r1
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x3
    	add r0, r0, r2
    	ldrb r0, [r0, #0x1]
    	cmp r0, #0x54
    	beq gym
            cmp r0, #0x57
            beq gym
            cmp r0, #0x5A
            beq champ
    normal:	push {r2,r3}
    	ldr r3, terminate
    	ldr r1, classtable
    loop:	ldrh r2, [r1, #0x0]
    	cmp r2, r0
    	beq loadmusic
    	cmp r2, r3
    	beq carryon
    	add r1, #0x4
    	b loop
    carryon:	mov r0, #0x2
    	pop {r2,r3}
    	b return
    loadmusic:	ldrh r0, [r1, #0x2]
    	pop {r2,r3}
    	b return2
    wild:	ldr r0, there
    	ldr r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0x1
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne alternate
    	mov r0, #0x0
    	b return
    alternate:	mov r0, #0x1
    	b return
    gym:	mov r0, #0x3
    	b return
    champ:	mov r0, #0x4
    return:	push {r2-r7}
    	mov r11, r0
    	ldr r0, variable
    	bl vardecrypt
    	ldrh r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0xA
    	mul r0, r1
    	ldr r1, normaltable
    	add r0, r0, r1
    	mov r1, r11
    	lsl r1, r1, #0x1
            add r0, r0, r1
    	ldrh r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0x0
    	mov r11, r1
    	pop {r2-r7}
    return2:	pop {r1}
    	bx r1
    vardecrypt:	ldr r1, vardec
    	bx r1
    table:		.word 0x08044028
    there:		.word 0x02022B4C
    ramoffset:	.word 0x020386AE
    terminate:	.word 0x0000FEFE
    classtable:	.word 0x08FDFDFD
    normaltable:	.word 0x08FEFEFE
    vardec:		.word 0x0806E455
    variable:	.word 0x000040F6

    Now, navigate to 0x43FF2 and change the code to 01 48 00 47 00 00 XX XX XX 08, where the XX's stand for your reversed pointer to the ASM you just inserted, plus 1 for THUMB mode, of course.

    Now, we're still not done, of course, so return to the location of the inserted ASM.

    Now, we must create a table which contains definitions for the class based music. This allows you to define as many EXTRA classes as you want, but you CANNOT change the music assigned to the Champion/Elite 4/Gym Leaders using this.

    So, in some aligned free space, create a table in this format:

    [Trainer Class - Byte][00 - Byte][Song to play - Half-Word]

    So, for example, I wanted the Team Rocket class to have track 0x130, I would put the following set of bytes into the table:

    55 00 30 01

    You must do this for every class you wish to have custom music.

    When you're done with this, place:

    FE FE 00 00 at the end of the table, so in my example, it would be:

    55 00 30 01 FE FE 00 00

    Easy, huh? Note down the location of this table and navigate to The ASM's insert location + 0xC0. Change the pointer here (should be FD FD FD 08) to point to the table you just created, NOT plus one.

    Now, for anyone who knows ASM, or is eagle eyed, you will have noticed it also contains a variable check. This variable check allows you to have regional music!

    Now, to create a set of regional music, navigate to some aligned free space, and start by putting the following set of values in:

    2A 01 54 01 29 01 28 01 2B 01

    You may recognise these as the existing battle theme track numbers. If you don't intend to use regional music, you can move on from here straight to the changing the pointer later on.

    However, if you want regional music, you should follow the existing values with this format:

    [Wild Battle Track - Half-Word][Double Wild Battle Track - Half-Word][Trainer Battle Track - Half-Word][Gym Battle Track - Half-Word][Champion Battle Track - Half-Word]

    If you want any tracks to use the same values as their "normal" versions, you must set them to the same value. Eg, I want tracks 0x10A (wild), 0x140 (double wild), 0x109 (trainer), 0x154 (gym) but want to keep the Champion battle as 0x12B, then I would add the following values:

    0A 01 40 01 09 01 54 01 2B 01

    When you're done adding new values, note down the start location of this table, and then navigate to the start of the ASM + 0xC4. The pointer here should be FE FE FE 08. Now you must change it to point to the new regional table you just created.

    Once you have done this, you are done!

    In terms of in game use, you don't have to do anything to get the class based music, it will immediately start working. For the regional music, you must set variable number 0x40F6 to the set of regional music you want to use.

    That is, for the "normal" set, set the variable to 0, and for any additional sets, set it to the correct number to pick that set. Everything else is handled in the background.
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    This is great Jambo it would be really cool to have a specific music for a trainer class... :3

    I'm gonna try this out for my hack thanks for sharing this :)
    Awesome thanks :) Great tutorial :)
    But somehow it causes the title screen to freeze and also the begin of every battle :(

    This is what i did:
    I assembled your routine and inserted it at offset 0x800000

    Then i replaced offset 0x043FF2 with 01 48 00 47 00 00 01 00 80 08

    And finally i added 55 00 0A 01 FE FE 00 00 at offset 0x8000D0 which should make the hoenn-trainer-battle music play when I'd fight rocket grunts :)

    Do you know what went wrong? :)
    You've not set up the regional part of the hack. Even of you don't intend to use the regional music, you must still set up the "normal" set of music. You also screwed up your pointer to the class music, it points to 0x800D0 instead of 0x8000D0, like it should.
    Oh thanks i didn't get i had to do that too even if i don't use it :< (the FEFEFE08 bytes still confused me :o ) but even with the pointers changed to D0 00 80 08 and 00 01 80 08 and
    0A 01 40 01 09 01 54 01 2B 01 inserted at 0x800100 the game still freezes right at the intro :< (not even the game-freak-logo anymore :o ) while it already plays the screen-fading before a battle and freezes afterwards and not before :) Oh and a-map can't open any maps in the rom anymore :O Sorry for bothering again :(
    Oh thanks i didn't get i had to do that too even if i don't use it :< (the FEFEFE08 bytes still confused me :o ) but even with the pointers changed to D0 00 80 08 and 00 01 80 08 and
    0A 01 40 01 09 01 54 01 2B 01 inserted at 0x800100 the game still freezes right at the intro :< (not even the game-freak-logo anymore :o ) while it already plays the screen-fading before a battle and freezes afterwards and not before :) Oh and a-map can't open any maps in the rom anymore :O Sorry for bothering again :(

    I don't know what the second half of that post actually means, as to the title screen freezing (or earlier) that could only happen if there's some sort of conflict with another existing hack, or if you screwed up somewhere, since this is the same code that runs in LC (and runs fine, I may add).
    Turns out I was just VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY bad at hex editing sorry :( But well as everything is fine now (and team rocket finally has their own battle theme) i noticed that trainer, gym and champ-battles are silent now (but wild battles still do and i can change their theme with the regional table). Is it possible that this happens due to me not having any wild double battles? :(

    EDIT.: fixed it.
    and the byte responsible for the wild double battle changes the rivals battle theme for me o.O
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    I tried it for a german Firred ROM, and found all the ROM Offsets i need, but somehow it doesnt work for me. All Trainerbattle are muted now and every time i walk in a wildbattle, game freezes isntantly. I guess its because of the RAM-Offsets, wich may be different in FRE and FRD.
    But how can i find those?
    Oh thanks i didn't get i had to do that too even if i don't use it :< (the FEFEFE08 bytes still confused me :o ) but even with the pointers changed to D0 00 80 08 and 00 01 80 08 and
    0A 01 40 01 09 01 54 01 2B 01 inserted at 0x800100 the game still freezes right at the intro :< (not even the game-freak-logo anymore :o ) while it already plays the screen-fading before a battle and freezes afterwards and not before :) Oh and a-map can't open any maps in the rom anymore :O Sorry for bothering again :(

    There thing freezes your TitleScreen/Intro is so simple that I am considuring that to "funny". Make sure you're on Overwrite mode on your Hex Editor, NEVER insert! (That's what jambo told me hihi). Second, while pasting the ASM code into the ROM, make sure you don't press CTRL+V to paste. NEVER! It is "Paste Insert". Use CTRL+B. It's Paste Overwrite. Well, I'd like to hear if it worked or not ^^
    Here's a YouTube tutorial for this: youtube.com/watch?v=EtlUiGeydHQ

    Yea, sure there is, because I created it :). Of course Jambo gave me permission for making that, if he wouldn't give me, I will never do a tutorial on this. It just follows the original tutorial (this) to help people that don't know how to ASM.
    Well to insert it you need a Hex Editor(HxD), and an ASM Compiler. I suggest you learn how to compile ASM codes first and get the basics in using a Hex Editor.

    Ahh. I see. Ok. Well, I just don't know about this "ASM" thing. :3

    Hey there, Jambo51 here with another ASM/Hex editing combination tutorial.

    In Fire Red, you will surely have noticed, that apart from a few specific classes (Champion, Leader and Elite 4) there is absolutely no class based music for the trainer battles. Generally speaking, that is fine, since you don't want the average Youngsters etc to have special battle music, but what about Team Rocket? Shouldn't they have a special battle theme?


    You can't do that with Fire Red?!

    I beg to differ! Follow this tutorial, and we'll have class based music in no time!

    So, firstly, assemble and insert this routine, and note down the location of your insert.

    .align 2
    .global battlemusichack
    	ldr r0, there
    	ldr r1, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r0, #0x80
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x5
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne later
    	mov r0, #0x80
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x7
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne later2
    	mov r0, #0x2
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	beq one
    later2:	mov r0, #0x85
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x1
    	b return2
    later:	mov r0, #0x95
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x1
    	b return2
    one:	mov r0, #0x8
    	and r1, r0
    	cmp r1, #0x0
    	beq wild
    	ldr r2, table
    	ldr r2, [r2, #0x0]
    	ldr r0, ramoffset
    	ldrh r1, [r0, #0x0]
    	lsl r0, r1, #0x2
    	add r0, r0, r1
    	lsl r0, r0, #0x3
    	add r0, r0, r2
    	ldrb r0, [r0, #0x1]
    	cmp r0, #0x54
    	beq gym
            cmp r0, #0x57
            beq gym
            cmp r0, #0x5A
            beq champ
    normal:	push {r2,r3}
    	ldr r3, terminate
    	ldr r1, classtable
    loop:	ldrh r2, [r1, #0x0]
    	cmp r2, r0
    	beq loadmusic
    	cmp r2, r3
    	beq carryon
    	add r1, #0x4
    	b loop
    carryon:	mov r0, #0x2
    	pop {r2,r3}
    	b return
    loadmusic:	ldrh r0, [r1, #0x2]
    	pop {r2,r3}
    	b return2
    wild:	ldr r0, there
    	ldr r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0x1
    	and r0, r1
    	cmp r0, #0x0
    	bne alternate
    	mov r0, #0x0
    	b return
    alternate:	mov r0, #0x1
    	b return
    gym:	mov r0, #0x3
    	b return
    champ:	mov r0, #0x4
    return:	push {r2-r7}
    	mov r11, r0
    	ldr r0, variable
    	bl vardecrypt
    	ldrh r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0xA
    	mul r0, r1
    	ldr r1, normaltable
    	add r0, r0, r1
    	mov r1, r11
    	lsl r1, r1, #0x1
            add r0, r0, r1
    	ldrh r0, [r0, #0x0]
    	mov r1, #0x0
    	mov r11, r1
    	pop {r2-r7}
    return2:	pop {r1}
    	bx r1
    vardecrypt:	ldr r1, vardec
    	bx r1
    table:		.word 0x08044028
    there:		.word 0x02022B4C
    ramoffset:	.word 0x020386AE
    terminate:	.word 0x0000FEFE
    classtable:	.word 0x08FDFDFD
    normaltable:	.word 0x08FEFEFE
    vardec:		.word 0x0806E455
    variable:	.word 0x000040F6

    Now, navigate to 0x43FF2 and change the code to 01 48 00 47 00 00 XX XX XX 08, where the XX's stand for your reversed pointer to the ASM you just inserted, plus 1 for THUMB mode, of course.

    Now, we're still not done, of course, so return to the location of the inserted ASM.

    Now, we must create a table which contains definitions for the class based music. This allows you to define as many EXTRA classes as you want, but you CANNOT change the music assigned to the Champion/Elite 4/Gym Leaders using this.

    So, in some aligned free space, create a table in this format:

    [Trainer Class - Byte][00 - Byte][Song to play - Half-Word]

    So, for example, I wanted the Team Rocket class to have track 0x130, I would put the following set of bytes into the table:

    55 00 30 01

    You must do this for every class you wish to have custom music.

    When you're done with this, place:

    FE FE 00 00 at the end of the table, so in my example, it would be:

    55 00 30 01 FE FE 00 00

    Easy, huh? Note down the location of this table and navigate to The ASM's insert location + 0xC0. Change the pointer here (should be FD FD FD 08) to point to the table you just created, NOT plus one.

    Now, for anyone who knows ASM, or is eagle eyed, you will have noticed it also contains a variable check. This variable check allows you to have regional music!

    Now, to create a set of regional music, navigate to some aligned free space, and start by putting the following set of values in:

    2A 01 54 01 29 01 28 01 2B 01

    You may recognise these as the existing battle theme track numbers. If you don't intend to use regional music, you can move on from here straight to the changing the pointer later on.

    However, if you want regional music, you should follow the existing values with this format:

    [Wild Battle Track - Half-Word][Double Wild Battle Track - Half-Word][Trainer Battle Track - Half-Word][Gym Battle Track - Half-Word][Champion Battle Track - Half-Word]

    If you want any tracks to use the same values as their "normal" versions, you must set them to the same value. Eg, I want tracks 0x10A (wild), 0x140 (double wild), 0x109 (trainer), 0x154 (gym) but want to keep the Champion battle as 0x12B, then I would add the following values:

    0A 01 40 01 09 01 54 01 2B 01

    When you're done adding new values, note down the start location of this table, and then navigate to the start of the ASM + 0xC4. The pointer here should be FE FE FE 08. Now you must change it to point to the new regional table you just created.

    Once you have done this, you are done!

    In terms of in game use, you don't have to do anything to get the class based music, it will immediately start working. For the regional music, you must set variable number 0x40F6 to the set of regional music you want to use.

    That is, for the "normal" set, set the variable to 0, and for any additional sets, set it to the correct number to pick that set. Everything else is handled in the background.

    Nice work! It worked by the way! :D Well, what about for victory themes?
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    Hi sir Jambo I am Alex and this is my first blog to pokecommunity.I was wondering if you could help me out with my hack on pokemon fire red as I also checked the video of youtube but still am having problem.I want to put the CHAMPION class battle music on PKMN TRAINER class music.I also donot have the trainer editor that you created that can tell you the number of the player classes.I need your help.I can give you my hacked file of fire red so can you do me this favour or if you cannot then can you give me the trainer class editor that you created please no mediafire link because it keeps on giving the captchas.Thanks.by Alex form Alexalphaworld.blogspot.com

    Actually, it has the trainer class numbers (in hex)... and look for the music ini from advance map to check songs in hex. good luck dude. Hope this helps you.