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FireRed hack: Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)

  • 200
    • He or They
    • Seen Jun 19, 2022
    Pikachu follows you. Adventure ensues. That's pretty much it.
    Okay, okay, more srsly:

    Fire Yellow

    Name: Fire Yellow
    Hack of: Firered v1.0
    Status: Incomplete, but you can fight Elite Four right now. There are technically gym leaders in all the kanto gyms, but not many trainers/gym followers at the moment so they aren't 'full' gyms, a lot of houses are empty, etc. Also no legendaries, just teases. It's only 'properly' done up to Cerulean or so.


    This is a Yellow remake. Obviously. But I guess I'm required to offer a liiiittle bit more information than that. It also borrows storyline elements from Electric Tale of Pikachu.

    Pikachu was my first ever pokemon, in fact one of my very first video game characters, and as such Yellow holds a special place in my heart and is the original conception of what Pokemon /is/ to me. My original games are getting quite old and next to unplayable now. So I looked for a remake with all the charm of the original.

    But I couldn't find any where Pikachu actually follows you from the start (maybe I didn't look hard enough?). I've had this hack for over a year, feeling kind of dissatisfied with it, and waited to see if any better followme hacks would develop. Never happened, to my surprise, despite us having a followme for like 3 years now. Recently, a friend poked me, saying they'd love to play a true Yellow Remake, and I decided to post it, even though I'm kinda 'eh' about it. It's no work of art, but you can do a basic playthrough.

    You can do what you want: evolve Pikachu, it'll still follow (although it will keep a pikachu follower sprite atm, which may annoy some people), box or release it (it may still pop up here or there and be sad for not being in your party, but let's be honest, anyone playing this hack just to release pikachu is a goofball).

    It is a fairly open world, as I've rarely seen this done, meaning you can go where-ever the heck you want and take badges in almost any order you want, including from Johto, with option to set trainers to your highest pokemon's level to make different ordering actually feasible for the player. (Please note that, without setting this option, there's no way at the moment you'll level up enough on your own to take on the elite four, because there aren't enough trainers. :P)

    Basic storyline:




    Nothing too fancy.

    Bootup, title:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)

    Basic Gameplay;
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)


    I don't know if Surf/Fly Pikachu will really be a thing, but seems cool, also, to show off the shiny!:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)
    And Johto will probably be a thing:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Yellow (a simple Yellow remake)

    Note: This uses old followme, not any newer versions that may have been developed since like 2+ year ago I started hacking bits of this. I don't really /need/ an update for anything though: I've got my own modded surf script, and the follower periodically respawns even if you lose them so it's not a big deal.

    Spin Off Hacks, Helping out Rules

    You have my full permission to use this hack, kidnap my followme scripts, etc.

    The way I figure it, I don't own the original game, and I don't plan to 100% complete this (just add on the johto gyms and legendaries, a couple more rocket plots), so it would be selfish of me to declare ownership over this which has nothing that deeply original in it (Except maybe one rather funny one-off thing). It's just a dude/gal with a Pikachu.

    If you would like to, you can post modifications you make in this thread, especially if they are small and not worth considering a whole hack on their own.
    Example: Make a different pokemon besides Pikachu follow. This would be a small patch, but would make for a very interesting experience. Or you could, I dunno, add a whole bunch of trainers to the empty areas I didn't bother to touch...

    The Spin offs List:

    None yet, but I might make some myself. I'm a huge Meowth fan, so it might be nice to have one where Meowth follows instead. All you really need to do is change the 'start follow' script, the 'check pika's happiness' script, and 'start the battle/then give starter' script, and the sprite, and you're good to go.

    Seriously, feel free to hack it so something else follows and post the ips of that here. Or anything else you want to do. I'm sure someone somewhere would appreciate that Esperanto Pokemon translation you've just been dying to do.

    Known Bugs:


    Quickie Followme Tutorial / Aka, How did I do it?

    So I've noticed like a billion people at some point or another posted questions like 'How do I do followme???' (simple spamz) and 'Is a yellow remake with pikachu following possible?' (yes)

    This uses what I call the 'followspam' method. It requires no ASM skills whatsoever. I actually posted this several years ago in the Research thread but it got lost there in the 8 billion pages.

    First, get the Followme from Research in your hack. You can use python to compile it - or you could beg someone for a patch, I suppose.
    Then, put a pokemon, human, etc, on any map you want it to follow you on, with 'Copy Player' as its movement mode in Advanced Map.
    Then, put down some scripts at the map entrances to teleport the character behind you when you step on that tile and unhide it. Make sure it has an unset var like 4050 or something in A-map so the script won't freeze your game when you step on it.
    Put a despawn near map exits (not warps, but connections) so that you don't get multiple pikachu spawned when roaming many maps. Despawn should be closer to the entrance than the spawn. Or if you wizard you could have same script handle both with a toggled var.
    You /can/ have multiple followers with this method, so yes, you can have Brock, Misty, and Pikachu... but it gets crowded very quickly, so don't do too many at a time.

    You'll also probably want to open up the game's surf script and add a 'hidesprite' in there, to prevent pikachu walking on water.

    It's tedious, mildly buggy, but it's very simple, and it works. If you want you can open up my hack and look at how I did it / nick code if you're still confused. Just credit me for my scripts as well as the original Followme asm makers.

    For happiness and status checking, I used JPAN's engine as it has some convenient specials and functions. Also, though I never used it, you can have dynamic sprites which is good for evolving a follower.
    In hindsight, I kinda wish I hadn't overestimated my enthusiasm or underestimated how tedious adding trainers with 2 lines of random dialogue is, and not used JPAN's hack to remove all the scripts. It does have some nice functions though.

    This was more or less just a 'mess around a lot' hack. I might reboot it someday or do something different with follow, or, who knows, maybe I'll actually finish it...



    DOWNLOAD / 1 Version(s) available:

    See attachment to post to download! This is an ips patch - use LUNAR IPS and a Firered 1.0 Rom.
    If for some reason you can't patch, you can simply leave the patch in the same folder as a Firered Rom (renamed to the same as the patch!) and use any emulator that does automatic patching for you. I believe Visual Boy Advance (VBA) does this.
    Do not ask for Roms! Use google.



    • Fire Yellow - Kanto League.ips
      843.6 KB · Views: 615
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    Hiya just a question Is oak in the game or what?

    Hiya is prof oak in the hack or are you gonna put him in there???????
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    Even if it not completed, I can see impressive work here! Don't give up on the project, please, I really want to play Pokemon Yellow Remake/Electric tale of Pikachu adaptation!
    There are some flaws but I like the effort towards somewhat of a yellow remake. Good luck.
    Hiya just a question Is oak in the game or what?

    Hiya is prof oak in the hack or are you gonna put him in there?

    Yes, he's in the hack, but, spoilers,

    Even if it not completed, I can see impressive work here! Don't give up on the project, please, I really want to play Pokemon Yellow Remake/Electric tale of Pikachu adaptation!
    You can still play it and even kill the Elite Four / Kanto gym leaders, there's just a bunch of Kanto trainers not added yet to some areas (Such as S.S Anne being untouched), and the Johto part of the Pokemon league isn't finished but that's totes optional and was never in the original Yellow version anyway.

    I do plan to work on it more so there are more features / gameplay, so that Johto isn't a great empty blob, I just doubt I'm actually going to, say, put great dialogue into every single empty house in the game and low-priority stuff like that. Who knows though, maybe I will. Or maybe I will just make all the house people say something random, useless and inane.

    There are some flaws but I like the effort towards somewhat of a yellow remake. Good luck.
    Thank you. And yes, it's very buggy, such as having pikachu walk through walls sometimes, that's why I was reluctant about releasing it. I've also been enjoying hacking original Yellow quite a lot.

    A very interesting game.
    I miss Yellow as well as this was my first game.

    Ah, another with Pikachu as their first starter! Awesome. You know my feelz, then.
    Hi! I have always dreamed with a faithful Pokemon Yellow Remake (and by that I mean that it should include as less custom stuff as possible, just Fire Red with the Yellow storyline) on GBA since that was too my first introduction to Pokemon and to this day is my favorite version.

    I found a link for a patch that has a really good FOLLOW ME routine for Pikachu. I was waiting for that hack to be completed but the creator seemingly abandoned a year ago.

    So, check out this:


    The page is on spanish but if you need any help with the translation just let me know. And by the way, I know NOTHING about Rom hacking so providing you with the ROM patch is all I can do for now. Luckily, the patch is fully in English at least.

    And again, hopefully you can create the dream hack I have always wanted and that you can keep it as faithful to the original game as possible!
    hey, think of a lot of fun events with Pikachu...face reactions , maybe a thunderbolt...have Pikachu go down a slide, who knows , I always wished for a fan game to amp up the orginal yellow with Pikachu doing his own thing....emotions and all... your very creative, thanks for the effort!!!
    yeah bro, as many cut scenes, as many Pikachu reactions, Pikachu hats, Pikachu mini games, hidden easter eggs....just like that first episode of the pokemon shorts go through it all....even have Pikachu get a special whatever for every badge you get...choose his abaility, his nature, have his face react to a lot of things..... evolve into hat Pikachu, balloon Pikachu, surf Pikachu , Pikachu in a charizard suit being cute, kind of like eveelations.... if you want to hear anymore ideas let me know.....thanks again for making a inspireing hack
    the sprite change when running can likely be solved by adding running animations for pika--don't know if u've checked or not xD

    EDIT: and this doesn't solve it
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    But... but I want my very own Pikachu army!

    Weelllll, if you really want to. ^ _ ^

    Maybe I'll make a special event where a bajillion pikachu follow you just for lolz? Pikachu meetin' his family.

    the sprite change when running can likely be solved by adding running animations for pika--don't know if u've checked or not xD

    EDIT: and this doesn't solve it

    Yeah, the running thing is frustrating. I've actually considered just moving jigglypuff somewhere else and putting a pikachu there instead, lol.

    yeah bro, as many cut scenes, as many Pikachu reactions, Pikachu hats, Pikachu mini games, hidden easter eggs....just like that first episode of the pokemon shorts go through it all....even have Pikachu get a special whatever for every badge you get...choose his abaility, his nature, have his face react to a lot of things..... evolve into hat Pikachu, balloon Pikachu, surf Pikachu , Pikachu in a charizard suit being cute, kind of like eveelations.... if you want to hear anymore ideas let me know.....thanks again for making a inspireing hack

    Balloon pikachu and surf pikachu are planned, I suppose I could look into hat and charizard pikachu versions as well.
    Pikachu reactions are harder, but having a basic emotion like a surprise ! or a ' ^ __ ^' is doable for each badge.

    I have actually been working on an actual movielike 'cut scene' where all the sprites disappear and you see a giant image of pikachu chewing on a power cord, with gloves sneaking up behind it, and pikachu's eyes narrow, sparks fly, and meowth and pikachu face off, for pikachu's very first scene. Idk if it'll be any good, or even if I'll get it to work as I haven't completed it yet, but I thought if nothing else it would be fun and a great way to teach people who open up my rom to look at the code to do that sort of cutscene. So, a 'mini movie' is probably what's going to be in the next update peeps. Like reaallly short movie.

    Space is limited and I'm bad with tilesets, so I don't think, unfortunately, that I will be able to do one for each badge and elite four, but it is faintly possible I might, in which case that would be extremely awesome. If I have to, if nothing else, I'd remove some of the elite four tileset (they're all pretty generic and repetitive anyway, they just use almost same tiles with diff colors each time...) and replace with movie tiles because I think I'd love to do a special 5-second 'mini-movie' for the Elite Four. A quick shot of a crowd cheering with Pikachu fist-pumping in joy, standing victoriously over Umbreon or something, or maybe crowd cheering and then Pikachu leaping in joy at the screen, and the words 'END'.

    Does this sound good to everyone, or a giant waste of time, heh?
    If I even manage to muster enough enthusiasm to do all that, anyway. Right now I'm far more interested in Evo-Yellow.
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    Hmm... This looks interesting. If I'm not mistaken, that line about Pikachu chewing on the power chords is a reference to the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga, right? In general, I think it's kinda cool to see a Yellow remake that throws in more references to the Anime and Manga, and this looks pretty great!
    So some bugs here, on route 15 you change into some green guy. Also the houses in the stater jhoto region teleport you to a cave and the dragon town. The mall, gambling place and prize cornner are empty, so you can't buy any tms or gamble!
    I can't see how the game looks, thanks to Photobucket and their money grubbing BS (those default/error images are an eyesore).