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Five Nights At Challenges

You mean I limited myself to just 5 revives and Lemonade for nothing?! I thought that was the exception for Fangle! I thought you couldn't use any kind of medicine otherwise! ; ;

Anyway I probably should beat the Elite Four again just to be sure. I think I might have used Lemonade while Fangle was out on the field, I'm not entirely sure.

EDIT: Because the first attempt didn't count due to possibly breaking a rule unknowningly I beat the Elite Four again. I will report shortly. I hope to God I don't have to do that a third time because the experience was quite... infuriating. =_=
To be perfectly honest, it doesn't bother me all that much. Things weren't as clear as they should have been, which is my fault. So don;t worry about it.
To be perfectly honest, it doesn't bother me all that much. Things weren't as clear as they should have been, which is my fault. So don;t worry about it.

Once I get the picture finished I'll post the night summary. Gotta have a victory picture right? :D
How much longer will this thread be open? I will probably face the E4 tomorrow. I don't have the time tonight. :<
Spoiler: Animodtronics
Jonnie Level 49
Diggersby Male
Bold/Somewhat Vain/Pickup
Dig/Superfang/Double Kick/Power-Up Punch

ElPolloLoco Level 49
Talonflame Female
Impish/Often Lost in Thought/Flame Body
Flame Charge/Roost/Me First/Acrobatics

Sly Level 47
Manetric Female
Impish/Impetuous and Silly/Static
Bite/Howl/Protect/Thunder Fang

Klippy Klapbear Level 49
Slowbro Male
Impish/Takes Plenty of Siestas/Oblivious
Echoed Voice/Zen Headbutt/Surf/Slack Off

Golden Momma Level 48
Heliolisk Male
Modest/Somewhat Vain/Dry Skin
Volt Switch/Hyper Beam/Thunderbolt(may turn back to Razor Wind)/Parabolic Charge

Fangle Level 40 @Lucky Egg
Sliggoo Male
Naughty/Likes to Relax/Hydration
Muddy Water/Dragon Breath/Rain Dance/Flail
With Fangle so far behind I'm becoming desperate to level him up as much as possible to evolve before tomorrow morning when I challenge the League. Why did I pick a Dragon Type again????
Got Jumpscared by [redacted], so I changed to SET mode, which isn't that big of a hardship but would have helped against Iris for sure. Anyway, I was able to complete this challenge, although Iris was extremely tough to beat even on Normal mode.


Team Animod:

Tasks Completed:
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-Night 7 Summary-

The party went surprisingly well. I was expecting some lobotomies or random attacks or even that... thing... but it all went off without a hitch. There were some tough customers there but it was nothing the band couldn't handle.

After the party was over there was much celebration and joy. Pollo ate all the cookies, Fangle somehow ate an entire chair and candy was passed all around. We even ended up in the newspaper! You really had to have been here.
[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges


In the spirit of celebration I even drew a picture. I tried to get them as accurately as I could. (That bushy head on the right is Sly, if anyone's wondering.

The senior night guard's still messing with people, it seems. This night's call was just weird. "It's me?" I dunno if this is more or less creepy than the static one. But eh, everybody's in a good mood right now. I'm not gonna let the boss's antics ruin it.

Come to think of it... when I came in here there was a slice of pizza on the table.... huh.

Fangle joined the team after finding someone to evolve her. Took her for a bit of training, along with the rest of the team, and now they're in their 70s.

Decorated the venue with lovely bouquets of roses (Roselia), and a hula girl (the sh. Oddish I evolve into a Bellosom the other day haha). A couple of fireflies here and there (Volbeat and Illusmise), and I also brought along a bunch of cotton candy (Swirlix) for the kids to enjoy. I had a hard time finding balloons (Drifloon) though, so I guess the party will start without any. Boo. :(

I'll throw out the party after I'm done with the party preparations.

EDIT: The party was a blast! Sly wasn't really useful in this case, he faints a lot. After party, Loco went out and stockpiled all the leftovers. Bad Loco! Jonnie and Golden Momma ruled the party along with Fangle. Clearly Jonnie and Fangle enjoyed playing with their customers, while Momma literally shock the place. And Klippy Klapbear was there on the front stage, singing his terrible Perish Song and causing everyone to faint.

Spoiler: The animodtronics
[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Jonnie Lv 74 - Lopunny (F)
Naive - Capable of taking hits
Drain Punch
Fire Punch
Power-Up Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

El Pollo Loco Lv 75 - Pelipper (F)
Careful - Somewhat stubborn

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Sly Lv 74 - Arcanine (M)
Relaxed - Good perseverance
Flare Blitz

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Klippy Klapbear Lv 76 - Lapras (M)
Quirky - Alert to sounds
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Perish Song

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Golden Mamma Lv 75 - Jolteon (F)
Rash - Quick to Flee
Volt Switch
Signal Beam
Hyper Beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Fangle Lv 77 - Slurpuff (F)
Adamant - Alert to sounds
Play Rough
Drain Punch​

Spoiler: Tasks completed
Catch 5 ghost types: 5/5
Clean up the bathroom: 11/11
Get berries: 11/10 (from NPCs); 100/10 (from planting)
Wash the animodtronics: 5/5
Decorate the venue: The lack of balloons is saddening
Host a party: You can't see any of the animodtronics :(

Spoiler: My seventh night defense(?)
Right Door(?)

Is this still necessary?
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Alli | X

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Jonnie lv. 67 @ Rocky Helmet
Adamant | Huge Power
[ Double Team, Aqua Jet, Superpower, Play Rough ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

ElPolloLoco lv. 66 @ Leftovers
Serious | Insomnia
[ Brave Bird, Sucker Punch, Roost, Night Slash ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Sly lv. 65 @ Amulet Coin
Bashful | Fur Coat
[ Sucker Punch, U-Turn, Surf, Wild Charge ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Klippy lv. 66 @ Eviolite
Naughty | Run Away
[ Return, Shadow Claw, Brick Break, Screech ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Momma lv. 62 @ Big Root
Naughty | Chlorophyll
[ Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Hyper Beam ]

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Fangle lv. 64 @ Lucky Egg
Modest | Levitate
[ Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Overheat, Thunder Wave ]

Training up Rotom really sucked since most of the team was already way ahead, but he still proved useful at the, er, "party." Everyone played a good part. I actually had more trouble with Drasna than with the Champion, but literally...easiest Champion in the series. lol Anyway, the party was great. Too bad those people don't get to leave. ;) Challenge complete, birds.

Jumpscares: None (seriously what even y'all)
Ghosts: 5/5
Berries: 12/10
Trash cleaned: 11/11
Clean animodtronics: 5/5
Party decorations: on page 5
Spoiler: Animodtronics
Jonnie Level 2-68 @Expert Belt
Diggersby Male
Bold/Somewhat Vain/Pickup
Earthquake/Super Fang/Rock Tomb/Power-Up Punch
He was a bit harder to train than the rest, but after a couple of Power-Up Punches he was killing Malva's team.

El Pollo Loco Level 2-70 @Sky Plate
Talonflame Female
Impish/Often Lost in Thought/Flame Body
Flare Blitz/Roost/Me First/Brave Bird
[/I]She was the easiest to level up, and was quite a killer. Me First helped defeat the Aegislash because of the Steel Resistance nerf this Gen. :P[/I]

Sly Level 21-68 @Magnet
Manetric Female
Impish/Impetuous and Silly/Static
Bite/Wild Charge/Protect/Thunder Fang
Even thought she felt impossible to train because of the Loner thing, she was actually quite a powehouse at times. And remember kids; Static and Flame Body are your best friends!

Klippy Klapbear Level 12-69 @Mind Plate
Slowbro Male
Impish/Takes Plently of Siestas/Oblivious
Echoed Voice/Zen Headbutt/Surf/Slack Off
Even though he was pretty strong, for the most part, he was backup. Very good backup though!

Golden Momma Level 30-71
Heliolisk Male @Big Root
Modest/Somewhat Vain/Dry Skin
Volt Switch/Hyper Beam/Thunderbolt/Parabolic Charge
Da real MVPokemon here. His Thunderbolt always struck and killed, and his Hyper Beam nearly won us the league.(instead Diantha's M Gardevoir was left with 1 hp and revenge killed him) I never expected this much from him!

Fangle Level 31-70 @Miracle Seed
Goodra Male
Naughty/Likes to Relax/Hydration
Power Whipe/Outrage/Rain Dance/Aqua Tail
This guy right here defied all laws laws of Pokemon to beat Diantha's M Gardevoir in the end. He wasn't very good at first and kept dying to stuff, but after more training he became really great. Also the first pure Dragon Type I ever trained fully~

Spoiler: Work Orders
Ghosts: 5/5
Trashies: 11/11
Berries: 50+/10
[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

I did limit myself to the 2 revives in my bag(although I only used one), 2 Moomoo milk, and the Oran Berries at the League. If I shouldn't have and need to redo it, please tell me so.
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Heyey! Looks like I finally decided slacking off all my daily duties was a bad thing and figured I should get my act together ;) only to get fired the next day... ah well.

The only work order that I found troublesome was fainting all my pokemon with a lvl 35 tentacruel. Everything else was cleaned out pretty seamlessly, and might I say the party box was very piplupy :3

The grinding aspect was relatively troublesome. I ended up getting impatient and caused myself to get obliterated on my first shot at the e4. The second time around I got through though. Well, only after forgetting to save between battles and losing to the core a couple of times haha.

Ending Team:
Jonnie the lopunny (lvl 65)
Loco the swellow (lvl 65)
Sly the arcanine (lvl 68)
Klippy the Exploud (lvl 64)
Golden the ampharos (lvl 73)
Fangle the Gardevoir (lvl 66)
Yeah, I don't know if i'm gonna be able to finish this by tomorrow. I still don't even have my last team member, only one of them is even above Level 50 (my Swanna), I don't think i'll be able to remember the Jumpscare clauses when doing the tasks, and i've been busy writing updates for two other challenges on another forum while training for one of them.

But I guess I can give it a try, haha. We'll see.
Finished the challenge! :)
5 Ghosts caught.
11 Garbage and filth Pokemon cleaned.
10 Berries collected.
Whole team defeated by wild Seadra.
Box Decorated:

and E4 + Champ defeated:
...And didn't get Jumpscared a single time ^^
I hope I'm not too late.
Notice of Termination
(you're fired)

Name: BlueRedemption, DyingWillFlareon, Alli, Illusione-Tempus, Mew_Nani, jdthebud, Kostucha
Reason: Participating in an unscheduled, unapproved party with dangerous equipment.

I hope you all had fun. I sadly wasn't able to do all the tasks myself, but I did battle the E4 because wynaut.
Spoiler: Animodtronics
[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Jonnie the Timid Nidoking +Life Orb
Level 63, Sheer Force
-Earth Power
-Sludge Wave
-Ice Beam
-Double Team

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Loco the Gentle Mandibuzz +Leftovers
Level 62, Overcoat
-Nasty Plot
-Air Slash
-Dark Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Sly the Bashful Granbull +Black Belt
Level 65, Rattled
-Power-up Punch
-Play Rough

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Klippy the Relaxed Ursaring +Flame Orb
Level 66, Guts
-Power-Up Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Golden Momma the Docile Ampharos +Ampharosite
Level 64, Static
-Hyper Beam
-Signal Beam
-Power Gem

[PokeCommunity.com] Five Nights At Challenges

Fangle the Quiet Banette +Banettite
Level 68, Cursed Body
-Knock Off
-Shadow Ball
-Shadow Sneak

Everyone who participated can pick their favorite Animodtronic and will receive an emblem based on that character's avatar. Winners will receive the The End emblem.
Oh, I didn't get fired? I was like, there is no way I can get all the tasks done, while following the specific requirements for each team member as i'm doing them, and still have time to train up over 170 levels in total. Maybe I could've just skipped the tasks and just battled the league... x_x
It seems bringing all those piplup with hydropump backfired on me eh? At least my team wasn't the only thing to be K.O'ed by water types ;)

I'd have to say my favorite animodtronic was Golden Mama. Since my ampharos rocketed me through the e4, I think it would be mean if I didn't give him the honor. As for being fired... it hurts to lose such a safe and well paying job on such short notice.

Thanks for the challenge :)
Boo. I got fired. And I was starting to like this job. :(

I have to say that I really like my Jonnie. Golden Mamma is also great, but Jonnie is the one who brought us all through the victories. So yeah, Jonnie.

It was fun, thanks for the challenge. :D