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Article: Five things you might have missed in Generation 2

Five things you might have missed in Generation 2

Five things you might have missed in Generation 2

There’s always something new to discover in the world of Pokémon — even after twenty years!


  • 53
    I honestly can't believe that I've been playing these games for just about twenty years at this point and there's still a bunch of small details like these that I've somehow never stumbled upon!
    There's something fun about how all these years later there's still still undiscovered stuff being found or stuff that was hardly know by anyone being brought back into the light, whether it's from datamining or someone just happening to bump into something. Hopefully this continues for a while, and for most of the games.
    This definitely makes you wonder if maybe juuuuust maybe there are small details like this in games like Generation 1, or even Generation 3 or 4. I've got to say that it is incredible that these things are being discovered still. It makes you wonder if people have discovered these before but thought nothing of them because it just seemed like a normal thing to discover.