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3rd Gen Frustrating Things in FR/LG


Finishing up school, hacking
  • 60
    I just rembered how anoying the FR/LG Elite 4 was.

    I decided to replay Fire Red because I had nothing else to do until I got my new laptop, and I finaly got to the E4 and past it yesterday night.
    It was seriously frustrating... Well, mainly Loreli and the Champion.
    My team consisted of a Pikachu, Charizard, Vaporeon, Pidgeot, Nidoking and a Primeape.
    They were all between the levels 54-41, and I spent an hour getting past Loreli...
    Not to mention draining the Rival's Starter Pokemon of Hydro Pump and his Alakazham.

    I forgot how difficult it was getting past that Lapras. Really annoying.

    So, here's my question:
    What things really frustrated you in FR/LG and why?
    Yeah, the E4 is really difficult. Well, I had both FR and LG, so I had all 3 starters xD. But anyways, it was waaay too difficult for my, well, underleveled pokemon. I never had a wish to train. My pokemon were all at lvl 55 max. And that is only for the 3 starters. Others were weak like lvl 25 executor and eevee and lvl 9 pidgey.
    Rock Tunnel. It's not that the Pokemon there are tough, it's that there's so many of them (even if you use Repel, there's still a load of trainers) and that drains your PP of moves in a hurry. I had to leave to head back to the Pokemon Center at least twice because I ran out of my best moves.

    Also the shoving boulders puzzle in Victory Road. That's been a pain and a half since the RBY days.
    The battles were more slowest,in ru/sa the battles are more fastest than FR/LG.
    The same thing happen in diamond/pearl,and platinum battles are more fastest than diamond/pealr
    Rock Tunnel. It's not that the Pokemon there are tough, it's that there's so many of them (even if you use Repel, there's still a load of trainers) and that drains your PP of moves in a hurry. I had to leave to head back to the Pokemon Center at least twice because I ran out of my best moves.

    Also the shoving boulders puzzle in Victory Road. That's been a pain and a half since the RBY days.

    Stole the words from my mouth. :o

    Rock tunnel is the hardest most annoying cave a pokemon game has ever made me walk through. Its way to early in the game. I only have 2 or 3 of my main pokemon by that point.
    I still think that the Pokemon League was the hardest part of FireRed/LeafGreen. Well, the rematches are. I mean, did each Elite 4 member gave steroid to their Pokemons since the last time I've battled them?!

    Besides that, I thought catching Mewtwo was hard, especially when I chose not to use my Master Ball.

    Rock Tunnel.too confusing.hate caves,at least Sinnoh's simple

    Victory Road.too complicated. Although, Hoenn's is the worst.

    Mt Ember +Rock Smash and Waterfall.Do we need the flippin things?really?5 Hms is brilliant
    The E4... On all of my playthroughs I've never been able to beat it (I lose will over time). I actually got the farthest in it during a joke runthrough; I overtrained a Charizard to epic proportions (say, Lv. 70) while keeping everything underleveled at Lv. 30 (more or less); somehow I got up to the Champion, but died to his Blastoise. I was mildly surprised and not-so-mildly annoyed.
    The most fustrating thing in my firered (in real cartridge) I used a masterball for LAVITAR. I dunno why but I used it.
    The rematch of the league was easy though (since I got 5 Lv100s in my party :P)
    The different font colors drove me insane. Also, "GEODUDE used ROCK THROW!", and having to walk inside of the buildings. But those are in every game, so I guess that doesn't count.
    Once before I forgot to get the moon Stone in Mount. Moon :( (I had a Nidorino for quite a long time)
    I remember the originals being alot harder..and I did kinda beat the Elite 4 in one go (all pokemon lv 48-49)
    maybe it's just me..but I found the Sevii Islands to be alot more frusterating just because of the multitude of things to do in such a small area...

    the thing that bugged me most is that a trainer can see you all the way from the other side of the screen.

    YES!!!!! I mean the whole proportioning the game so it fit on the screen just bugged me..everything seemed very...very..small
    The E4... On all of my playthroughs I've never been able to beat it (I lose will over time). I actually got the farthest in it during a joke runthrough; I overtrained a Charizard to epic proportions (say, Lv. 70) while keeping everything underleveled at Lv. 30 (more or less); somehow I got up to the Champion, but died to his Blastoise. I was mildly surprised and not-so-mildly annoyed.

    Don't train six Pokemon. Stick to two/three and you will be fine.

    I beat the E4 with a level 54 Charizard, a level 53 Raichu and a level 53 Hitmonlee. No grinding necessary.
    I thought the Elite Four was gonna drive me insane, and I'm talking about the second time you fight them! I remember the first time I made all the way to the Champion, only to be pwned by Tyranitar.