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Gen 8 move animation project [DISCONTINUED]


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    Gen 8 move animation project [DISCONTINUED]

    FOR THE FOLLOW-UP PROJECT, GO (broken link removed).

    Spoiler: The previous post.
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    Hi , there I am highly interested in this project and I would like to do MaxMoves and ZMoves too, Can I join you ?
    Hi , there I am highly interested in this project and I would like to do MaxMoves and ZMoves too, Can I join you ?

    First, I prefer that we focus our efforts on Gen 8 moves, because basically everyone needs them.
    When all the Gen 8 moves are ready, then we can make animations for Z-moves and Max-moves. Only then, beause not everyone uses the ZUD plugin. Z-moves and Max-moves do not have priority.

    If this is clear for you, then you're welcome to join. Just post whatever animation you made :)
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    um... are you gonna remake the old moves too when gen 8 is completed? i am asking this because moves like dig also need revamping.
    and i wanna join too
    So... here is the Pyro Ball Animation I have made:

    I've reworked it a bit:
    - I set the focus of the cels to User and Target (they were in "Screen")
    - I deleted the last five frames of both animations (there were 60 frames and the last 5 had nothing in them).
    - I renamed the animation sheet to GEN8- Pyroball
    Nice :)
    Please post your animations in this thread (attach them to your post by using the full editor). Include the ANM files + the new Graphics/Sound effects they require.

    Ok, but I need more time for completing dlc 2 pack..
    I'll post if the animations finished..

    Sorry for my bad english
    Ok, but I need more time for completing dlc 2 pack..
    I'll post if the animations finished..

    Sorry for my bad english

    Wait, you're making ALL the animations?
    Please post the animations progressively instead. When you are done with one animation, post it. This way, I can monitor what you are doing. Otherwise I won't have news from you, and if you take two months to make them all, I'll end up feeling you left the project.

    So... here is the Pyro Ball Animation I have made:

    Also, I forgot to tell you: please make a ZIP file with everything inside, do not post the files in separate places (you made two attached files + two external links).
    Hi everyone.

    I made sprites for Dreepy about Dragon Darts. Feel free to use them, just give me credits if so:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Gen 8 move animation project [DISCONTINUED]