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2nd Gen Generation 2 Shiny Guide

with the shiny ditto when i get it back into my gold is it still 1/64 rate of breeding a shiny if i put it in with another pokmeon to breed?

or is every pokemon it breeds with shiny?
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cool and that ditto can breed with any of the 250?

and if a pokemon like a pidgey is shiny is the rest of the evolutions shiny too?
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omg this Ditto trick is first on my list. shiny hunting here i come!!!!!!!
Ditto trick! I've never actually done it, but hey, fresh start with VC releases. This kind of thing makes me glad I have that extra 3DS with older games on it. Time to farm Shinies with that sweet, sweet 1 in 64 percent chance.~
I should try this. I heard about it years ago, but never gave it a shot on my original games.

Breeding will unfortunately be slow in these games without the Dodrio Tower in Stadium 2, but I'd still like to do more of it than I did when I was younger. My tolerance for using the Bike Simulator has increased over the years, so I can probably put up with biking back and forth for much longer than I could when I first played Gold.
I was kind of looking forward to shiny hunting in this game and transferring them up since masuda is much easier in this game, but you can't transfer the Pokemon to gen 6 games so there's no point. I'm gonna have to breed with the 4,096 odds.... Ugh no sense to be honest.
I did the shiny Ditto glitch with the help of my boyfriend. I'm just waiting for him to clone it and trade it to me. Since shiny breeding in this game has the highest possible chance of getting shinies, I might as well get nearly all the Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon for my shiny living dex in this game.

On a related note, I found my first full odds shiny on Gold the other day. It was a Growlithe, but I failed to catch it because it used Roar. :(
You still need a second system to trade between both games right? Such a bummer. ;(