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Generation 5 - Drawoff!

I'm so glad Mijumaru found some love on this thread. <3 The realistic one I saw was awesome.
I so nervous, everyone did so well. D:
I'm so glad Mijumaru found some love on this thread. <3 The realistic one I saw was awesome.
I so nervous, everyone did so well. D:

Oh man don't I know it.
I have that pins and needles feeling.
Oh man don't I know it.
I have that pins and needles feeling.
I have a more butterflies-in-stomach feeling. xD Probably because I'm going to the movies (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) and I know when I get back we'll have the results.
I have a more butterflies-in-stomach feeling. xD Probably because I'm going to the movies (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) and I know when I get back we'll have the results.

Well the movie should Alleviate the stress a little right?
You're one of the entries that killed my hopes :P It's absolutely stunning ;)

And no, I don't feel bad. I have other competitions to hope for x)

As true as it is that my Wargle is STARING INTO YOUR SOUL...
I don't know if it's good enough.
Man, I know that I will never reach the next round. Aragornbird's entry is just amazing, as well as some of the other peoples here.

It's true. Aragornbird probably has this contest pegged.
Well one already sent in the results for sure.
We just need to hang tight... Just a little longer... We've waited this long after all.
I'm logging off to go eat a fast food dinner. It should help alleviate some of my anxiety. XD

Hopefully the results of round one will be posted by the time I'm back. XD
Okay guys, judges have voted and...

Dr. Octogonapus

All were favoured the most by the judges and are through to round two. Just draw another picture of a Generation 5 Pokemon and... you five have about 27 hours from now!

Also congrats to the rest of you, your results were REALLY close, but these ones were the top ones by the judges. (Most that got 9's/10's, etc) Some of you will probably be surprised by your results - so congrats guys. PM me if you want to know your individual scores.

Aaaaand. Finally, guys, thanks for taking such an interest, it means a lot to me and we might even have this again next year - with more of a range to draw from. If you didn't get through, don't give up hope, you're all still awesome.

To the five (who I'll vm to make sure they know), if you don't draw your image in time, you're disqualified, sorry. But I'm sure you guys can do that. Good luck!
Okay guys, judges have voted and...

Dr. Octogonapus

All were favoured the most by the judges and are through to round two. Just draw another picture of a Generation 5 Pokemon and... you five have about 27 hours from now!

Also congrats to the rest of you, your results were REALLY close, but these ones were the top ones by the judges. (Most that got 9's/10's, etc) Some of you will probably be surprised by your results - so congrats guys. PM me if you want to know your individual scores.

Aaaaand. Finally, guys, thanks for taking such an interest, it means a lot to me and we might even have this again next year - with more of a range to draw from. If you didn't get through, don't give up hope, you're all still awesome.

To the five (who I'll vm to make sure they know), if you don't draw your image in time, you're disqualified, sorry. But I'm sure you guys can do that. Good luck!

Just like I thought.
Awell. It was fun.
Good luck to everyone else!
Kirozane, please stick around, it's nice having someone to chat to in the thread!

Well done to all the winners- ah, um, I'm in there. D: Well thankyou all, nice to see my art is appreciated by someone! \o/
Kirozane, please stick around, it's nice having someone to chat to in the thread!

Well done to all the winners- ah, um, I'm in there. D: Well thankyou all, nice to see my art is appreciated by someone! \o/

Don't think I can, seeing as I've been DQ'ed and all...
I'm actually disappointed to the point of tears..
Haha it sounds like round 1 winners have thought they won already. Two more rounds to go, guys :)

And aww, it isn't something to cry over, it was all in fun D:
Haha it sounds like round 1 winners have thought they won already. Two more rounds to go, guys :)

And aww, it isn't something to cry over, it was all in fun D:

I know. It just kinda killed my opinion of my picture is all.
I used to like it, but now... I dunno. Mixed emotions.