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Question: Get-Together Archives


The Whole Constellation
  • 2,142
    Hello everyone, long time no see!

    Is there any way we can access the threads from this year's recently concluded Get-Together, as well as those of previous years? I really wanted to see the results of the art contests in particular, but the subforum has disappeared and so far no one has posted their pieces for everyone to see. Provided a majority is comfortable with such an idea, it really would be nice if we could make available a public archive of these events.

    That's about it. Thank you!
    Provides some links, as a temporary solution. Should be able to access them. May need to take the quiz for the more recent Get-Togethers, also.

    Played around with the numbers in the link until it paid off. Could also try a Google search. (Looks like 428 for 2018's subforum.)

    Edit: Broke with Xenforo. Supplied new links below.
    Last edited:
    Provides some links, as a temporary solution. Should be able to access them. May need to take the quiz for the more recent Get-Togethers, also.

    Played around with the numbers in the link until it paid off. Could also try a Google search. (Looks like 428 for 2018's subforum.)

    Thank you so much! Yes, I did need to take the quiz for the latest GT, but I'm able to access it now. Again, many thanks!