Welcome to Game Guy's Rebooted Mega Trade Shop!
I hope to offer the optimum trading experience for users who are interested in my Pokemon!
For Trade:
I have a complete living shiny dex so not all the shinies I own are listed but a majority are. If you're looking for something and you don't see it listed (I.e. a Steelix), make sure to check it's pre-evolution (Onix) since I will have both but only list the lowest form if they have the same nature, IVs, etc.. to save space.
I have Pokebank, so even if a 'mon you're looking for is in a 6th gen game and you want to trade on 7th gen games I can transfer it up.
I might eventually create separate spreadsheets for events and non-shiny competitive 'mons I have, but I consider this to be the biggest and favorite part of my collection.
GG's: Shinies:
Looking for:
- Female Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
- Female Rattata
- Female Pichu/Pikachu
- Male Zubat
- Female Oddish/Gloom
- Female Abra/Kadabra
- Female Doduo
- Female Drowzee/Hypno
- Female Rhyhorn
- Male Goldeen
- Male Scyther
- Male Magikarp
- Female Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium
- Male Ledyba
- Male Natu/Xatu
- Female Bonsly/Sudowoodo
- Male Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Politoed
- Female Aipom
- Female Wooper
- Male Murkrow
- Male Wynaut/Wobbuffet
- Male Girafarig
- Male Gligar
- Female Onix/Steelix
- Female Heracross
- Male Sneasel
- Male Teddiursa/Ursaring
- Female Swinub/Piloswine
- Female Remoraid/Octillery
- Female Houndour/Houndoom
- Female Phanpy/Donphan
- Female Torchic
- Female Silcoon/Beautifly
- Female Cascoon/Dustox
- Female Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo
- Female Seedot/Nuzleaf
- Female Meditite
- Male Budew/Roselia
- Female Gulpin
- Female Numel
- Male Cacnea/Cacturne
- Female Relicanth
- Female Starly
- Male Bidoof
- Female Kricketot
- Female Shinx
- Male Combee
- Male Pachirisu
- Male Buizel
- Female Gible
- Female Croagunk
- Female Finneon
- Female Snover
- Male Tangela/Tangrowth
- Zen Mode Darmanitan
- Blue Flabebe
- Orange Flabebe
- Yellow Fabebe
- Competitive nature/IV shiny pokemon
- Shiny pokes' that are from a more recent generation than the ones I have listed
- Nicknameable UB's with competitive natures
- Brave Stakataka 0 speed IVs
- Timid HP Ice Xurkitree
- Any legendary or mythical pokemon with a competitive nature
- Competitive Battle Bond Greninja
- Bottle Caps
- Enigma Berry
White List:
~RNC~ : She's cloned for me for a crazy long time and has helped me grow my collection immensely! :) There hasn't been a time she has rejected helping and she even gave me some pokes for free when I was early on in growing my collection!
Yveltal99 : He's traded me a bunch and is always very reasonable! Great guy to trade, a definitely check out his shop if you haven't yet :p His giveaways are always great and he's a skilled battler!
dedslnce : His trade shop has an amazing array of shinies, probably one of the best selections on this site! Every time I traded him before he would even clone from me! Be sure to check out his shop! :p
Volga : One of the friendliest users I've had the pleasure to work with and the host of perhaps the greatest giveaways :) (which is practically every trade he does) I'm glad I got to work with him and be sure to see his shop! :p
Katchelina: Helped us out so much with Competitive Pokemon breeding and Training, Giving advice and is just generally wonderful in every way :)
Black List:
Luckily, no users for now!
My typical trade availability is after 4 pm EST on Fridays, and one of the two weekend days!
Be aware that anything I trade will be cloned.
I'm continually working on updating and revitalizing this shop!
If you have a trade shop with a value/exchange/credit system, I will honor that in my trade shop, but for general trades, if the offer is for something I need/want I don't value anything in my shop more than or less than anything else!
If you need anymore info on something you're interested in, feel free to ask!
Let me know if anything you trade me is not for redistribution so that I don't list it!
Please post here first if you're interested in a trade!
Please don't trade me anything hacked!
Please leave a review and have fun!
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