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Got a 3DS!


PSA: Blossom Shower theme is BACK ♥
  • 33,339

    Unfortunately, I was unable to get the Kingdom Hearts 3DS, although I really wanted it because it was gorgeous. ;_; Play-Asia never put it up for preorder, though, and whatever allocations they got were sold out by the time I checked the page again. That's annoying, but apparently it was going for like $500 so it's probably a good thing I didn't even have a chance to buy it. :x

    So instead I got a pink 3DS. Had to import it so I could play Kingdom Hearts 3D (the whole reason I wanted a 3DS at all) so it was more expensive than it needed to be and I can only ever play Japanese games on it but... I really want to play Tales of the Abyss in Japanese instead anyway for the voiced skits and those two games are worth the admission price to me so I am content. <3

    Haven't played much of KH3D at all yet though because I want to play it with the 3D turned on at least slightly but I'm high on painkillers right now so I'll play for 5-10 minutes and then feel dizzy and sick for half an hour so I'm considering just waiting until exams are done to properly start it after all. u_u

    Everyone list their friend codes so I can add you! Mine is 2578 4044 3705. :)
    I got so mad that a pink 3DS came out AFTER I bought a blue one. Nothing wrong with blue, I love it, but a PINK ****ing 3DS. That's kick ass. :(

    oh and cherrim
    I spied KH3D and immediately turned green with envy :(

    Sexy 3DS though. Perfect color from the box against the Cherrim petals 83