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Guess the next user to post v4!

Probably, she came flying past to overtake me a while ago!

Lapis, did you see Setsuna race past?
I had only slept for two hours, and I am back in the race, because my gaze is fixed at winning the race; and taking back my baton from Starlight !! Hence I didn't noticed Setsuna in the due course.

Zacian ran with the full speed; eventually catching up Starlight, and snatching back the baton.
Now with baton in possession; Zacian threw the baton to his team ally Lapis who was gliding very fastly forward via sea to win the race for team....

Can Lapis the catch the baton and go ahead ?
Nope, the Zacian is still charged up, hence the baton which you intended to pass was caught in between the air thanks to Tailwind from support of Rayquaza !!

Now since baton is back to our team, hence I am passing this baton to Lavender to distract the others while going ahead, so that other team members go ahead and reach till commanding position; maybe ReKoil can interswitch ?
It''s the arrival of Fairy-King Sword......
Inspiring awe in both friends and foes....

We are playing tactically, hence ReKoil and others are rushing from the other ways, and this time I had got the turn to distract you, so that our team can go ahead !!

Lapis; use Aqua Jet to quickly come here and take the possession of baton and rush ahead, so that I can sneak further !!