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Guitar Hero DS

It looks like you have to hold your hands really awkward to play this game or either get a bad strain from playing it. Well I get a strain from playing Guitar Hero anyway. I don't think it will prove that big a hit but it's kinda intriguing.
I have never played Guitar Hero so it is new to me. It does look quite hard. Not sure if it will work on DS. I think it should remain a console game. I will probably take a look at it though.
That looks like it would be impossible to play, but I'm a Guitar Hero fanboy so I'll be getting it anyway.
i am not too sure about this, i think it will be very awkward to play on :\ i would like to see it played first, before i decide if i want it or not.
Too bad it only has 4 fret buttons.
It's kinda cool looking... I guess. I'm a little let down though, I wanted DDR to be on the DS and we got Guitar Hero.

Well... I think it's gonna sell mostly to little kinds. That attachment looks awesome, and might make them want it just to HAVE it :/

Dude...what the hell? This is going be absolutely impossible to play on xD;

My friend showed me a video of this a while ago, actually..I just didn't know it was real ._.

Despite the fact that right now I think the concept of a GH game for the DS is retarded, and the controls much be complete hell..I'll probably end up buying it at some point xD;
Ugh, that's not going to go so well, I think.

It looks impossible to hold and even harder to strum. I expect failure on the horizon.

It could possibly be playable if put against some sort of barrier, but overall i agree with Klippy, it will fail misserably.

But it looks so fun to play =]
I'm actually interested in this, and it may be the game to push me to finally get a DS. (Along with Diamond.. cough.) As for me, I like using Four Frets on the console versions more, though I wish Medium came at higher speed, so this isn't really a let down for me.

If they can pull it off, and it's not just a cheap way to get money for Neversoft, I will buy it.
The fact that there are only four fret notes makes this more like DDR with a strum bar...almost. The only thing I can smell here is a lame milk money game that is either going to be mediocre to above average, if not, then horrendous. I'm having low expectations, but if this game is actually very good, then that'll be a first in those types of gaming.
I saw this awhile back. It looked cool, so I plan on getting it (no matter how impossible it looks to play)
This looks interesting. I don't know how great the interface will be, but then again I didn't think Guitar Hero on a cell phone would be any fun either and I have a blast with that. I just hope they put some (good) new tracks on, as long as they do that I'll at least give it a try. Oh, and of course I would like them to not jack the price up like $30 just for a piece of plastic that goes along. Hopefully they keep it cost-effective.
I know the Wii and the DS are the interactive type of games but DS+GH=X(
the portable games shouldn't have Guitar Hero seriously..maybe the PSP but look at the Wii version.
It barely even uses the Remote..But anyways it doesn't look all bad.
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the thing is i think if you flip the DS for lefty you also flip the frets therefore insted of (correct me if im worng) Green-Red-Yellow-Blue it would be reverse. if there is a solution to this i will definitely get this game.