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Contest: Hack-off II: Team One

It's story time! Which do you like?

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  • 3,830
    • Age 27
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    • Seen Jul 31, 2024

    Team One - Requiem for a Lost Heart (name pending)

    This is the official thread for Team One!

    The Hack (So Far)

    General Info.

    Hack name: Pokémon Silver Linings (tentative name)
    Hack of: Pokémon FireRed
    Storyline: Not yet! Check back on the 31st!
    • No more trade evolutions!
    • Day/Night (and morning) wild Pokémon changes!
    • A berry system (of some kind)!
    • Headbutt trees!
    • No more HMs! They're now TMs.
    • Custom music!
    • All the usual battling updates.
    • The PokéGear!


    Name: Johto
    Description: It's the Johto region that we all know and love, with a few twists of our own. ;)
    Graphical style: Still in the works. Expect new tilesets at the very least.
    Towns/cities to be included in the release: New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, Azalea Town, Goldenrod City and Ecruteak City. Or as much of that as we can get.
    Landmarks to be included in the release: Dark Cave, Ilex Forest, National Park, Burned Tower, Sprout Tower, Union Cave, etc. There's a lot. We'll see.​


    Description of starting events + starter pokémon: You'll have a sad meeting with Giovanni and then get to steal one of three Pokémon, which are the traditional Johto starters.
    Other events to be included in the release: Don't want to spoil anything. :P​

    Team Members

    Lost Heart

    What We Need to Do

    By August 10th, we need the following:

    Checkpoint 2

    Intro: post a screenshot of the titlescreen and the game's intro
    Maps: post two screenshots or the whole map for the starting town and the first route
    Scripts: post three screenshots or a video of the script where you get your first Pokémon
    (optional) Other information and features: more details on the story, town setting, some screenshots showcasing new features

    Okay DarkPsychic, WobbuffetWynaut, and eps112 you're up! Mapping starts now. :)

    Here's the team IRC: https://chat.linkandzelda.com:9090/?channels=Team_One. I'll try to be on as often as I can.
    Most of the team lives around the EST (-5) timezone, so that is the timezone I'll be organizing things for (sorry gio7sm). As requested by Dizzy we'll be meeting around 1:00 PM EST, but I'll be on for a few hours each day. Come when you can.

    And just so everyone knows, if there is not enough participation, I will start making executive decisions. And nobody wants that, because my stories are BAD. ;)
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    What a crazy soul would hack Ruby or Leaf Green over Fire Red and Emerald? I hope we don't have such maniacs in our team.
    On a more serious note, I think we should choose Fire Red. Why? Because there are far more resources on this game than on Emerald. Fire Red has DollSteak's patch, evolution methods, ASM routine thread, IDA and is generally better documented.

    Also, I think IRC > Skype but let's see what others prefer.
    I'm not a writer! I'm the artist!
    Also, I think we should have a Skype group.
    Sorry Wobbuffet! Wrong user. The actual writers are HavocGaming, PKMDFan, and gio7sm.

    As far as communication goes I too prefer IRC to Skype, but either could work. With the IRC method we wouldn't need an account or anything, after all.
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    Hi! I have a little more experience hacking Emerald, so I'd prefer that naturally, but I don't have a problem using the others either (and by others, I mean FireRed). Oh, I should also mention; I know I signed up as a hacker, but I can do just about anything to some extent except create music and work with ASM.
    I'd like you all to really think up some amazing storylines, and share them here for the team to critique. Of course, any other member can too, so feel free!
    I'm a member! Does that mean I can write a storyline too?

    Arceus shaped the world, and shards of it became 17 plates.
    But, there is one more plate, a plate that created Arceus. The Creation Plate. It had the power to create anything, everything. A long time ago, humans discovered it and kept it in an underground room because they thought that it could be dangerous. They created a secret way to get into the room, but no one has ever figured it out.
    A Team Origin Grunt finds a shard of the Creation Plate. Team Origin tries to make scientists tell where it came from. Arceus can feel Team Origin coming, so it talks to you and tells you to come help. Arceus chooses you, and gives you a choice of three Pokemon, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, all at Level 5. Then, the professor calls you to come to his/her lab. The professor says he/she will let you have a Pokedex and Pokeballs, but they need to be delivered to you, so she gives you a paper with questions like: "What is your gender?" and "What is your name?"
    Arceus then makes you teleport outside the town and lets you go by yourself. Arceus needs 8 Plate Shards, which 8 special people have, but those people are all over the region. Once you have all 8 Plate Shards, you must go to the room with the Creation Plate and open it using the Plate Shards. There are 6 floors, and four of them have strong trainers you have to battle before finding the Creation Plate. On the lowest floor is a statue which guards the Creation Plate, however, the Creation Plate cannot move unless you awaken the statue.
    There are words on the statue that say that you need a body of rock, steel, and ice to do it. If you get them, you battle Regigigas holding a Creation Plate (You have to catch it) and after you catch it, you can give the Creation plate to Arceus. Team Origin finds you and battles you. After the battle, they steal the Creation Plate. You have to get it back. Once you have it, Arceus takes the Creation Plate. Then Arceus vanishes and goes to the Hall of Origin in the region.
    I'm a member! Does that mean I can write a storyline too?

    Arceus shaped the world, and shards of it became 17 plates.
    But, there is one more plate, a plate that created Arceus. The Creation Plate. It had the power to create anything, everything. A long time ago, humans discovered it and kept it in an underground room because they thought that it could be dangerous. They created a secret way to get into the room, but no one has ever figured it out.
    A Team Origin Grunt finds a shard of the Creation Plate. Team Origin tries to make scientists tell where it came from. Arceus can feel Team Origin coming, so it talks to you and tells you to come help. Arceus chooses you, and gives you a choice of three Pokemon, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, all at Level 5. Then, the professor calls you to come to his/her lab. The professor says he/she will let you have a Pokedex and Pokeballs, but they need to be delivered to you, so she gives you a paper with questions like: "What is your gender?" and "What is your name?"
    Arceus then makes you teleport outside the town and lets you go by yourself. Arceus needs 8 Plate Shards, which 8 special people have, but those people are all over the region. Once you have all 8 Plate Shards, you must go to the room with the Creation Plate and open it using the Plate Shards. There are 6 floors, and four of them have strong trainers you have to battle before finding the Creation Plate. On the lowest floor is a statue which guards the Creation Plate, however, the Creation Plate cannot move unless you awaken the statue.
    There are words on the statue that say that you need a body of rock, steel, and ice to do it. If you get them, you battle Regigigas holding a Creation Plate (You have to catch it) and after you catch it, you can give the Creation plate to Arceus. Team Origin finds you and battles you. After the battle, they steal the Creation Plate. You have to get it back. Once you have it, Arceus takes the Creation Plate. Then Arceus vanishes and goes to the Hall of Origin in the region.

    Of course you can provide a story! A word of advice, though. Stories that revolve around a legendary as a starter tend to unravel rather quickly. Now, the idea about collecting plates to help Arceus is not a bad one, but perhaps easing the player into the role would be better. Like starting out generically, then receiving messages from Arceus or something. Kind of like the dreams you get in PMD games. It helps the player become more easily immersed in the world.
    Of course you can provide a story! A word of advice, though. Stories that revolve around a legendary as a starter tend to unravel rather quickly. Now, the idea about collecting plates to help Arceus is not a bad one, but perhaps easing the player into the role would be better. Like starting out generically, then receiving messages from Arceus or something. Kind of like the dreams you get in PMD games. It helps the player become more easily immersed in the world.
    I could change the starters to... um... Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup...?
    Also, would it be a good idea to have the Creation Plate fall into the Distortion World?
    I could change the starters to... um... Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup...?
    Also, would it be a good idea to have the Creation Plate fall into the Distortion World?

    Sinnoh's starters? A classic choice. Also, I mean it would be better to have them be given out by the Professor or the like, not Arceus. What makes the player so perfect that Arceus would just give them a special Pokémon? There are lots of other potential heroes out there. See what I mean?

    And as for the Distortion World, how would it get there? "Falling" isn't exactly how things get there. Does Giratina come and take it?
    Sinnoh's starters? A classic choice. Also, I mean it would be better to have them be given out by the Professor or the like, not Arceus. What makes the player so perfect that Arceus would just give them a special Pokémon? There are lots of other potential heroes out there. See what I mean?

    And as for the Distortion World, how would it get there? "Falling" isn't exactly how things get there. Does Giratina come and take it?
    Someone can open a portal to the Distortion World and it can fall in.
    I think the professor giving starters would be better too.

    You're making everything in this better! ^.^
    You should make a story!
    Someone can open a portal to the Distortion World and it can fall in.
    I think the professor giving starters would be better too.

    You're making everything in this better! ^.^
    You should make a story!

    Haha, nah. I'm here to guide the story writing, not do it all. :P

    Also, I'd say that for now the simpler the story the better. We do have a limited time frame.
    Oh nice, good luck for us. Obviously, we should hack FireRed or Emerald, and just forget about Ruby. It is a waste of time to hack Ruby if we have Emerald. Now, music-ways, Emerald is better than FireRed but nowdays FireRed is easier to hack thanks to the amount of resources available and I can also port the voicegroups including drum parts from Emerald to FireRed so as the music hacker, I prefer to hack Emerald. I guess I will start composing random midis for towns, caves, battles and shit that I can do less work in the future :). I don't want to suggest a storyline because I just suck, so yeh. Good luck to us!
    Hm...I've got nothing against "chosen" ones stories except...there's just too many of them. Almost every hack that I've played had a plot revolving around some legendary pokemon and our hero. But I'm not there for storytelling, so I won't suggest an alternative. I'll wait what other writers have to say about the subject.
    Other ideas I had were:
    Time traveling with Celebi
    and Playing as Silver from Gold/Silver

    So... Why hasn't anyone else written stories yet...?
    I think we should hae all 721 Pokemon. There's probably something for that somewhere.
    I finally showed up lol and instead of the chosen one storyline we should come up with something involving a commotion with a legendary pokemon, maybe the protagonist main boss could be the the legendary it self
    So the game is going to be about the travel through the distortion world and Sinnoh Pokemon for the starters and Arceus the pokemon god are all we have right now.
    also the gen 6 pokemon should make an apperance. so good of an idea.