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HackMew's Knowledge

Like I told you already, you can't edit the ROM as it's Read-Only Memory. Even if the ASM routine was correct, it would never work.

I must've partially misunderstood a part of the tutorial then. But to which offset in the RAM can/must I move the data to be able to change it then?

EDIT: I experimented some more, but it still doesn't work... Here's my ASM routine:


The offset used for the ASM routine is still 810008 (and the script is also still the same, but without the check-/setflag now, just "callasm 0x810009" and "end"). I really don't know how to get through this... Can somebody help me?
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I must've partially misunderstood a part of the tutorial then. But to which offset in the RAM can/must I move the data to be able to change it then?

EDIT: I experimented some more, but it still doesn't work... Here's my ASM routine:


The offset used for the ASM routine is still 810008 (and the script is also still the same, but without the check-/setflag now, just "callasm 0x810009" and "end"). I really don't know how to get through this... Can somebody help me?
I'm not sure I understand you.. But... Why do you need this:
	ldr r2, =0x00210000
	mov r2, #0x3
	add r2, #0x1
	mov r2, #0x6
	add r2, #0x2
	mov r2, #0x18
	add r2, #0x3

It's seems you're just emptying the third(2) register in the end, with:
	mov r2, #0x00
If you'd exsplaing me what you want to do, I might be able to help you.
I'm not sure I understand you.. But... Why do you need this:
	ldr r2, =0x00210000
	mov r2, #0x3
	add r2, #0x1
	mov r2, #0x6
	add r2, #0x2
	mov r2, #0x18
	add r2, #0x3

It's seems you're just emptying the third(2) register in the end, with:
	mov r2, #0x00
If you'd exsplaing me what you want to do, I might be able to help you.

Well, I tried various ways to temporarely change wild pokemon encounters on a certain map (route 1 in my case, just for testing purposes), but nothing seems to work. No matter what I try, I simply can't seem to get it right.
Well, I tried various ways to temporarely change wild pokemon encounters on a certain map (route 1 in my case, just for testing purposes), but nothing seems to work. No matter what I try, I simply can't seem to get it right.

Just like I told you, you can't change the wild data as it's stored in the ROM. Even if you save the wild data to the RAM, the game will still keep reading the data from the ROM. You would need to find the routine that loads the wild data from the ROM and hack it so it loads it from the RAM instead.
Also, please remember this is not an ASM help thread okay?
You would need to find the routine that loads the wild data from the ROM and hack it so it loads it from the RAM instead.

Which I can't do with my current ASM knowledge. I don't even know how and where to start for that. Oh well, pretty pointless to continue then.
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[A ID]ASM2[/A ID][TUT] Shinies Unleashed

Lesson 2 - Gettin' better v1.0

Requirements: VisualBoyAdvance v1.7.2 or later, VBA-SDL-H (special debugging version), ASM assembler, hex editor, some ROMs.

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[A ID]ASM2[/A ID][TUT] Shinies Unleashed

Lesson 2 - Gettin' better v1.0

Requirements: VisualBoyAdvance v1.7.2 or later, VBA-SDL-H (special debugging version), ASM assembler, hex editor, some ROMs.

So I'd have to agree with you Pokepal. HackMew is the only main reason why I will always hack GBA. He's very helpful to everyone :D
Just look at that thing!
I'm going to have to try and tackle this at another time when I can go through it slowly and thoroughly. I'll bet you put a hell of a lot of effort into that. Excellent work!
Thank you all for the nice comments. It's good to see at least some people do appreciate my efforts. BTW, thethethethe reported me a little error I made in the tut, basically the branch with link range being limited to 4 MB rather than 16 MB as I originally wrote. It was no way critical for the scope of the ASM lesson, but it was an error nonetheless.
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I read most of the tutorial... and my head is spinning.

I didn't follow through and insert the (script? non-script?) "code" into the rom, as I was just trying to understand how the code works, so I could learn how to apply it to what I need to use it for, but I can't seem to really grasp any of that. Which is disappointing, as I caught on to scripting very quickly.

It's a very thorough tutuorial, and it teaches you how to use ASM, but it seems like it only teaches a very specific application of it. Maybe I'm missing something?
Like Dimond and Pearl Eevee can evolbe in Ice and Grass by level up in a place of route. I want to ask you that if it is possible to evolbe Eevee into any type By thalkin to any person who will evolbe Eevee into any 7 type I want.
I read most of the tutorial... and my head is spinning.

I didn't follow through and insert the (script? non-script?) "code" into the rom, as I was just trying to understand how the code works, so I could learn how to apply it to what I need to use it for, but I can't seem to really grasp any of that. Which is disappointing, as I caught on to scripting very quickly.

It's a very thorough tutuorial, and it teaches you how to use ASM, but it seems like it only teaches a very specific application of it. Maybe I'm missing something?

It does teach a very specific application, but that's just a working example. You should focus on the ASM routine itself, and see how the things are done. Re-read the tut if needed. And don't forget to use the debugger.

Like Dimond and Pearl Eevee can evolbe in Ice and Grass by level up in a place of route. I want to ask you that if it is possible to evolbe Eevee into any type By thalkin to any person who will evolbe Eevee into any 7 type I want.

Yes, you could. But you should be quite ASM skilled to do something similar. Also, this whole thread is about the Advance generation, and there are only 5 Eevee evolutions.
Let's debug
The routine we used was (relatively) simple, but as soon as the routines grow and get more and more complicated, you can't just rely on simply using a callasm to see if they work or not. Especially in the latter case. That's when a debugger comes in handy. So if you didn't download it yet, this is the right moment to do it: VBA-SDL-H.zip.

There it is.

HackMew, can I suggest that you post the links to some of the more important resources for your tutorials (e.g., VBA-SDL-H, the assembler, and the "lesson1" .asm files) somewhere more easily accessible than in the midst of the tutorial? It's annoying to have to look through the entire document just to find one particular link and I'm sure that doing so will reduce the amount of posts asking where things are.
There it is.

HackMew, can I suggest that you post the links to some of the more important resources for your tutorials (e.g., VBA-SDL-H, the assembler, and the "lesson1" .asm files) somewhere more easily accessible than in the midst of the tutorial? It's annoying to have to look through the entire document just to find one particular link and I'm sure that doing so will reduce the amount of posts asking where things are.

Will sure do. Thanks for your suggestion.
Hackmew I worship you O.o
You are the best hacker ever!
Your A-ptch is better than LIPS from personal experience.