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Help recruitment thread

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Well here i am. Since i can not manage to get in touch w/ my spriter much i am in the market for someone else to assist me with some sprites. well i guess i'l use the fancy form provided...

Hack name: Pokemon Alliance

Hack of: Fire red

Additional information about the hack: Intense Storyline, huge expanses to explore, some novel features not seen often in many hacks yet

Finished percentage: ehhhhh i would say 10% maybe...something like that..1st showing coming soon once i find time to finish scripting. it's going to be a large game so giving a percent out seems meh...

Your hacking skills: All over the place, i can script, map, do most things i need to do aside from make decent trainer sprites

What help or skill you're looking for: Well i'm looking for a spriter, plain and simple. Someone who can help me w/some trainer sprites really is all.

Additional contact information: AIM and MSN both r in my pc info if u need it

Additional information: Spriter will get an appearance in the game as per my policy with any member of the team or whoever helps me out.

I guess that's it... Alliance is linked in my sig. be on the lookout for the upcoming release.
Hack name: Pokemon Blizzard™

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: It's based entirely on Regice.

Finished percentage: Haven't started yet...(waiting for snow tiles)

Your hacking skills: Mapping, beta testing, basic scripting

What help or skill you're looking for: New spriter.

Additional contact information: PM or E-Mail

Additional information: Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! :)
name : Pokemon time mages
hack of : ruby
finished percentage 2 maps of abunch (not alot)
Mah skillz : mapping,texting (not scripting), and spriting for the most part (need help with the part where a trainer throws the pokeballs)
Needed : A spriter who can do the throwing pokeballs sprites, a scripter, maybe a music hacker, and someone who can edit pokemon cries or can tell me how to use poke-cry gui from elitemap 37, lastly i need someone able to change the world map to sinnoh.
my email is [email protected] or [email protected] the email.com gets checked more often.
this is a d/p remake scripters will probably have to wait to script until the mapping is done.
Hack name: Pokemon Shiny Ruby

Hack of: Ruby

Additional information about the hack: Based on Latios and Latias

Finished percentage: 0.5 %

Your hacking skills: Mapper

What help or skill you're looking for: Scripter

Additional contact information: PM or e-mail: [email protected]

Additional information: Any and EVERY kind of help is greatly appreciated.
Help with adding title

Hack name: Pokemon Jade Version

Hack of: Pokemon Leaf Green

Additional information about the hack: All that is done so far is most of the title scren and the begging with oak.

Finished percentage: About 1.

Your hacking skills: I am a begginer so my only strength is in unlz-gba.

What help or skill you're looking for: I need a scripter who can make events to put in advance map and someone to merge maps (like pallet town and route1) in advance map. I also need to know how to expand the pokedex for new pokemon and also their crys.

Additional contact information: PM me or e-mail me: [email protected]

Additional information: You will recieve credit when I release the hack
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Hack name:Flaming Passion

Hack of:emerald or ruby haven't decided yet

Additional information about the hack: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?p=3788119&posted=1#post3788119 also i need advise which one to do

Finished percentage:0%

Your hacking skills:mapping and trainer editor

What help or skill you're looking for: scripter spiriter pokemon adder(puts in new pokemon such as the dp ones i want to add) i also need someone to add the picture that appear in battle.

Additional contact information: pm me, email me at [email protected] or contact me on msn.
Hack name: Pokemon dark gold

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: Includes D/P Pokemon + primal Dialga, Johto region

Finished percentage: 3%

Your hacking skills: Mapping, Text, Sprite editing

What help or skill you're looking for: Overworlder, scripter

Additional contact information: [email protected]

Additional information: I am absolutley hopeless at overworlds and if some one could help me i would appreciate it.
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help me

hack name: Pokemon kingdom

hack of: fire red

information about hack: saving a princess and the region from a evil empire

Hack name:Pokemon kingdom

Hack of:fire red

Additional information about the hack:saving a princess and the region from a evil empire

Finished percentage: 2%

Your hacking skills: mapper and beta tester

What help or skill you're looking for: good doing script and a good spriter plus a mapper to help me out

Additional contact information: send me a privet messages or pm me.

Additional information: any help do fine
Hack name: Pokemon Avventura

Hack of:
Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: Will be in a new region with a few new Pokemon

Finished percentage: I havn't started =( I need some helpers first

Your hacking skills: Very little but I'm learning.

What help or skill you're looking for: Anything at all mainly right now I need some spriters and someone to hook me up with all WORKING programs that I need for the rom hacking.

Additional contact information: [email protected]
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I don't have enough team members to have a team in the main forum so here it is...

Hack name: Pokemon Moonshine

Hack of: Fire Red

Information about the hack: Visit the thread: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=142175

Finished percentage: The Alpha - 30% Total - 5%

Your hacking skills: Mapping, scripting, text editing, tile inserting, sprite recolouring, slight OW editing

What help or skill you're looking for: Good spriters.

Contact information: PM and Visitor Messages. I'll give you my email if you want to help.
Hack name: Pokemon Blizzard™

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: It's based on Regice.

Finished percentage: 12%

Your hacking skills: Beta Testing, Mapping, Basic Scripting

What help or skill you're looking for: OW Editor

Additional contact information: PM, E-Mail([email protected]), MSN([email protected])

Additional information: Any help is greatly appreciated! :D
Hack name: Pokemon Citrine Version

Hack of: Emerald

Additional information about the hack: It is about Attila and Hun trying to capture Raikou

Finished percentage: 21%

Your hacking skills: MApping and Scripting

What help or skill you're looking for: I need and OW spriter/maker

Additional contact information: PM, [email protected]

Additional information: I really need an OW maker/spriter. I am unfimiliar with making them and the additional movement screens that go with them so much help would be apprieciated.

Thank you, Khaos
Hack name: Pokemon Sodium

Hack of: FireRed

Additional information about the hack:Team Magma and Aqua Join forces! TR are the good guys now? R/S/E and maybe D/P Pokemon included? New maps,New gym leaders Much Much More!

Finished percentage: 3%

Your hacking skills: Mapping(I can map but the maps suck)
Titlescreen Editor
Scriptor(I can script but not very good)
Spriter(Female sprite needed include with backsprite)
beta/alpha testing

Additional contact information: Either Pm Me or Email me at [email protected]
Hack name: Pokemon Revelation, Pokemon 1st Movie Remake, Pokemon Temple of The Sea

Hack of: All of FireRed

Additional information about the hack: Nothing special, all the cities are based on types, check the thread in the scrapbox (probably page 2), and the other 2 are remakes of movies.

Finished percentage: About 2% in all games.

Your hacking skills: Spriting, Mapping, Scripting

What help or skill you're looking for: Mapping, Scripting, Spriting, Beta Testing!

Additional contact information: E-mail at [email protected]

Additional information: None
Hack name: Pokemon: Oak's Murder

Hack of: FireRed

Additional information about the hack:
New Region

I was gonna try and do it myself but it's taking too long...

Finished percentage: Around 2-3% prolly...

Your hacking skills: Mapping, some scripting, some other stuff such as sprite editing, etc.

What help or skill you're looking for: Scripter, Mapper, tile inserter, someone who can add pokemon using UZla, someone who can also help with the STORY (ideas for events, etc)

Additional contact information: PM me on this forum with what your skills are.
Mapping- images of maps you have done.
Scripting- How good are you at scripting?
others- tell your skills/what you can do.

Additional information: MUST have MSN... it's easy to download. PM me on this forum to talk.
Hack name: Pokemon Opal (Yes, I know several of them already exist. I also don't really care.)

Hack of:

Additional information about the hack: Just a basic Pokemon hack... 8 gyms, traveling from town to town, storyline along the way. I'm not posting my entire storyline here, once I make a thread for it I'll put it there.

Finished percentage: Like, 5%. And that might be a stretch.

Your hacking skills: Just above the bare minimum. I can map, and do a bit of scripting.

What help or skill you're looking for: Someone to make sprites for specific characters (including overworld sprites) and somebody who can help me edit the world map or edit the world map for me (based on guidelines), because those tutorials might as well be written in Chinese for the amount I understand.

Additional contact information: My email address is in my profile. But really, I'd rather youjust message me.

Additional information: Nothing, really.
Help Wanted

Hack Name: Pokemon Supernova

Hack Of: Pokemon Ruby

Additional Information About The Hack: It's sort of like RSE and FRLG, only it
takes place in a region me and my brother named Trelux.

Finished Percentage: 45%
My Hacking Skills: I can sprite pretty well, and edit Marts, Text, and

What Help Or Skill I'm Looking For: I just need a mapper, a tileset editor,
a title editor,someone who knows how to make scripts for rival battles,
like the Blitz battles in Reign of Legends, and someone who knows how to
insert them.

Additional Contact Information: You can contact me on MSN. PM me for it.

Additional Information: I need responses ASAP.
Need Someone Experienced

Hack name: Pokemon Bismuth/Fusion/Medival (unsure of the name)

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: A Hack that Starts you out in the olden days of pokemon where technology was just being discovered and Pokemon were more of a workforce than Battlers. will have a few mechanics like a fusion system (On paper it seems fully possible but it won't have those lame "lol look I made a jigglypuff + Rhyperior" fusions I'm talking about something that could work in the realm of pokemon) and maybe time travel (I know it's been done but we want to expand on it)

Finished percentage: Just started

Your hacking skills: needs work :/

What help or skill you're looking for: We just need someone Experienced with using the Hacking Tools to help us through things. If you have other skills we can put to use then that is Great but the main thing we need is someone to hold our hand through the hacking process. Thanks a ton in advance

Additional contact information: Email me at [email protected] Or if you Have an IRC program (which you should get) join #/v/snesrpg (server is Rizon)

Additional information: Get back to us when you can, and by "us" I mean "Me and another Guy"
Name: Pokemon Chaos Emerald Edition
Hack of: Pokemon Firered or Leafgreen
Additional Information: This is one of my reasons for coming here and hope it will can be done.
Finished %: Zero, as this is just an idea.
My Skills: I have creative juices flowing through me, but I am unable to turn those ideas into reality because I'm new to hacking.
Needed: Just about everything short of story ideas, though an extra person helping in that department would be great.

Contact me by: captainblue49 on yahoo IM or skype. You can also email me at [email protected]
Hack name: Pokemon - Dragon Elements

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: To much to say here. Check here.

Finished percentage: Hack is in major BETA. I am noit going to start the thrid town until I get my positions filled up or close to being filled.

Your hacking skills: Mapper, scriptor, spriter, plot designer. I have a pretty good knowledge of hacks. Somethings I suck at though.

What help or skill you're looking for: Pretty much everything. I am looking for anyone with skills in Hacking. Checkl the open positions thread in the link below.

Additional contact information: PM me for email address or AIM if you would, like to talk more or are not comfortable chating here because you do not come a lot or whatever. I try to be on here every day so I check PM's regularly and respond almost immediately.

Additional information:

Official Group for Team

Official Group for supporters

Team Thread and Needs

Detailed Information and Official Thread

Contact me

Any help from anyone would be helpful. Thanks.
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