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Help recruitment thread

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Need a mentor/teacher

Hack name: I'm not actually working towards a hack right now. From what I've seen people don't respond positively to people trying to make hacks that don't know any skills to help. My main goal is to learn these skills so that later on I may make a hack.

Hack of: (See above)

Finished percentage: (I'll just say out of how many skills I've learned.)

Your hacking skills:
None yet, really.

What help or skill you're looking for:
Mapping (Including world mapping)
Music editing
Spriting (Including OW)
Titlescreen editing
Trainer editing
I basically want to learn anything about ROM hacking you're willing to teach me.

Additional contact information: Either here on PC.
MSN/Yahoo at: [email protected]
or at my personal Myspace page: myspace.com/leviathanguardian

Additional information:
I'm looking for teachers and/or mentors to help me learn how to ROM hack so that I may ROM hack here in the community in the future. I'm aimed toward D/P/P, but am perfectly willing to look into older games as well.
I'm ok with more than one teacher. In fact I encourage it. (Otherwise I'll be bugging that one person all the time. This way I can learn faster and hopefully not take up the same peoples time constantly doing it.) So please, send me a PM, add me on MSN, or both, and there's always Myspace if for some reason you prefer that.
Hack name: Pokemon Granite

Hack of: Pokemon ruby

Finished percentage: 5%

Your hacking skills: plot designer

What help or skill you're looking for: Overworld,Pokemon and trainer spriter.
Hack name:
Pokemon Lightning Yellow
Hack of:
Additional information about the hack:
Remake of yellow
Finished percentage:
Your hacking skills:
Scripting, mapping, etc.
What help or skill you're looking for:
Inserting some stuff in Unzl.gba(a lot of stuff)
Additional contact information:
Additional information:
This is my 2nd hack.
Amethyst Version

I need help with my hack...

Hack name: Pokemon Amethyst version

Hack of: Ruby

Additional information about the hack: It is set in the Xantus region.

Finished percentage: About 1

Your hacking skills: Mapping, story, a little bit of spriting

What help or skill you're looking for: Spriting, scripting, tiling, banner making

Additional contact information: Email me at [email protected]. or PM me.


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Pokémon Shining Opal Recruitment

Hack name: Pokémon Shining Opal

Hack of: Pokémon Fire Red

Additional information about my hack: Pokémon Shining Opal

Finished percentage: 2% approx.

My hacking skills: I'm good at a lot of stuff except for:

What help or skill I'm looking for: Cry Making and editing the Town Map and Fly Map.
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Hack name: Pokemon Hydrogen Version

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: N/A

Finished percentage: 3%

Your hacking skills: mapping scripting sprite inserting.

What help or skill you're looking for: all the other ones

Additional contact information: none

Additional information: PM or Email.
Hack name:
Pokemon Sinnoh Legacy

Hack of:
Ruby Version

Additional information about the hack:
It is a hack that takes place in the sinnoh region that has same storyline at starting and becomes a new one form that point on.

Finished percentage:

Your hacking skills:
Map,spritetext edit, can overworld edit

What help or skill you're looking for:

Additional contact information:
[email protected]

Additional information:
Hack Name: Pokemon - Evil Edition

Hack of: Pokemon Ruby

Aditional Information about the Hack: Basically, new maps, some extra / new scripts, and all Shiny Pokemon have been replaced by...Evil Pokemon!

Finished Percentage: 0.01%

Current Hacking Skills of the Team: Spriting, Basic mapping

What help or skill we are looking for:
Hex Editors (URGENT), Mappers (FAIRLY URGENT), Scripters (FAIRLY URGENT), Beta Testers (NOT THAT URGENT), Spriters (KINDA URGENT)

Aditional Contact Information: PM either Me or Tyranitar2 (preferrably me), or post on Scrapbox thread. If possible, provide proof of work (except for beta testing)

Aditional Information: We don't mind forming a team, the main reason I posted here was because Tyranitar2's Team Discussions thread kept getting unapproved.

Also...Team Members will almost certainly get cameos as Elite Four or Gym Leaders, unless there are more than 11 people who join the team. More helpful team members will get the three remaining Elite Four places, and the higher Gym Leader positions.

Current Team: Tyranitar2 , Hoppyfred
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Hack name: Pokemon Luster [Might change]

Hack of: Pokemon Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: I am a dedicated hacker and very active, so I want you guys to be active too.

Finished percentage: 2%

Your hacking skills: Scripting, Mapping, unLZ a little, palette editing

What help or skill you're looking for:
Spriter [Urgent]: I need some examples of your work.
Beta Testers

Additional contact information: [email protected]

Additional information: I need active teammates [I understand if you have school, I don't mind]
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Name PKMN Adventures:Anthone Region
Hack ofokemon Fire Red
Skills im good at:Rough Spriting in Paint,Storyline
Help:Spriter,Scriptor,Overworld Editor

Percentage done:0.1% (mapping and only one town done)

i Support Shiny Gold
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Hack name:pokemon light platnium

Hack of:fire red

Addtional info:trust me this hack is very good

Fineshed progrest: 1%

Your hacking skills:none i stink

What help your looking for:really need help with mapping scripting spriting and beta testers

Additional information: I need active teammates [I understand if you have school, I don't mind]
Hack Name: Pokemon Island of clouds

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional Info: Storyline is based off a greek myth, only some fakemon, new towns

finished progress: 7%

Your Hacking Skills: Mapping, Some Spriting, Graphics (Banner Making) and i'm learning to script.

What help you're looking for: We really need someone who knows how to edit tiles, scripter, and some others.

Additional Contact Information: E-mail - [email protected]
Hack Name: Pokemon Ice Pearl (or Pokemon- South Park Edition)

Hack of: Ruby

Additional Info: Gym leaders (and possibly Elite Four) and other characters are South Park characters (Minus Gym Leader #8) however, the player has an original character, Player is able to catch all starter pokemon, Pokemon from Kanto to Hoenn can be caught.

Finished progress: 1% (Pokemon location editing, Starters changed, Trainer Name and Pokemon Changes (Un-Tested))

Your Hacking Skills: Minor spriting, Editing Pokemon stats and locations, music input (Maybe)

What help you're looking for: Scripters (URGENT!), Overworld and Regular Spriters (Semi-Urgent), Mapping (URGENT!), Music (URGENT!) and other stuff that comes up.

NOTE: If you decide to help with regular sprites, please don't do Butters as I have already designed him. However, an overworld sprite is needed for him.

Additional Contact Information: You can contact me through e-mail at [email protected] OR [email protected]. However, I HIGHLY recommend contacting me through my Hotmail e-mail since AOL has been known to delete my e-mails from time to time.

EDIT: Music has been added to the Needed section.
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Hack Name: Pokemon Cirrus

Hack of: Sapphire

Additional information: Takes place in a new region, Arpulso, which is a mostly mountainous terrain, but with forest and prarie towards the west. In so, I would perfer new gym leaders/ elite 4. There are not any fakemon. A wish that I would be willing to compermise if it isn't feasable, is putting in seasons. I do already have a region map if you would like to see it.

My Hacking Skills: I love mapping and already have about 20% done. I would be willing to make sprites, but would perfer not to.

Finished: Mapping=15-20%, Gym leader/villain sprites=0%, Scripting=0%

What I'm Looking For: A scripter. Also, much less importantly, a spriter. (I would be willing to map a region of yours if you will script mine.)

Contact Me: MSN: [email protected] Feel free to contact me if you have an idea or want to help.

Additional Info: I don't mind if you're slow (I am, too), but please be persistant.
Group Name: Sacred Flower Hacking Team

Current Hacks: Pokemon: Secrets of Glacidea

Hack of: Fire Red

Finished percentage: 34%

My Hacking Skills: Mapping, a bit of spriting, World Maps, u-bars

What We Need: 2 scripters, 2 mappers and an OW editor

Additional contact information: www.pokecommunity.com/members/71015

Additional information: Mappers jobs are to map Sinnoh, using Zeikku's Rom Base, scripters jobs are to re-script every script on the GS version for Johto and add new scripts for the Mahjo region, OW editor inserts a few new OW's
Hack name: Dark Hour

Hack of: Pokemon Ruby

Additional information about the hack:
Not much done really...

Finished percentage: 1-2%

Your hacking skills: Beginning Mapper

What help or skill you're looking for:
Anything really... but mostly another mapper and a scripter or two

Additional contact information:
PM me
Hack name: Pokémon Shining Opal

Hack of: Fire Red

Additional information about the hack: Pokémon Shining Opal Thread

Finished percentage: 6%

Your hacking skills: Mapper, Un-LZer, Scripter, Spriter (really bad), Tile Mapping

What help or skill you're looking for:
I need all the help I can get, but mostly in the Music Making/Inserting and Tile Making.

Additional contact information:
PM me or post in my thread.
Jobs wanted

hack name: Pokemon blue flames

hack of: fire red

Percent compliete:
0% I wont start until I have a good team.

My hacking skills: junior mapping,junior scripting
skills I'm looking for: pro mapper,title mapper,pro scripter,spriter,sprite maker and advertiser (Internet banner maker) and beta testers

contact info:
[email protected] and [email protected]
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Hack name: Pokémon : Ragnarok Adventure

Hack of: Ruby

Additional information about the hack: Click here

Finished percentage: none..i need a team before i start it..

Your hacking skills: beginner for mapper...i can make some graphic and banner as well

What help or skill you're looking for:
mostly a mapper, spriter and scripter

Additional contact information
PM me or add me in msn, [email protected]
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