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Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

@A_K123, if you haven't noticed, the Pokémon world doesn't exactly have much in the way of electronic gaming, if any sort of non-Pokémon-related activity. Why else would they force animals to beat the crap out of each other and participate in contests for entertainment? They have television, yeah, but that doesn't mean there are games. The NES, NGC and Wii consoles in the game character's bedroom are clearly just references to Nintendo's home consoles, as are the various people playing on their GameBoys scattered through the regions. You do not find them anywhere else in the game, and they're basically non-existent in the anime.

Also, you really need to explain his "ability" much better if he's going to have it at all. How did that happen in the first place, and why? Because he's a super-nerd for technology? Along with it, a seven year old typically wouldn't have the sense to not tell their parents about something that interested them, if anyone else. Obviously, that's something very interesting.

Where did he learn to code for technology of which he practically just got a prototype with no manual? He doesn't seem to have any prior knowledge or experience concerning computers or his dad's job, let alone any form of programming code, and this leaves a huge hole in his development.

What's the special Pokéball about, and what the hell's with the dead body? Then, "supposedly". Could they have possibly just found the ball on his desk when it's really a completely different worker's dev-model? They could've just screwed up some random dude's aspirations for having manufactured an awesome Pokéball, just because "supposedly" it was Roan's dad's work; not to mention they just committed theft. Great work, unnamed Sinnoh tech company.

Why did he have to hide anything from his mother, let alone a bike? I'm pretty sure a buttload of parents would be crying uber-proud tears of joy if their nerdy shut-in of a child sold their games and bought a machine that provides transportation and exercise. Along with it, he's SIXTEEN by the time he goes to get his first Pokémon. Why would his mother disapprove of him going out and getting a life and friends? xD

Video games has got to exist in the Pokemon world, right? I mean, they've invented a device to capture creatures in small portable capsules to make them tame, how hard would it be for them to invent a game console? Just because it is never mentioned nor shown in the anime doesn't mean it is non-existent. Mice, for example, do not appear and are not mentioned to have existed in the anime, but they needed to have existed for the Pokedex to have defined Pikachu as the "Mouse Pokemon" in the first place. The reason most kids choose to go adventuring rather than staying at home playing video games? Well, what would you rather do? Sit in front of a screen as you continuously press buttons, or go around the world with different kind of Pokemon and basically living the adventure you've always dreamed of. Your pick.

Okay, I admit that I left out a big part of his ability's history, but I had a reason for that. Roan, himself, wasn't so sure how he even got that ability. There's a big hole in that part of his history because it has something to do with his (um, spoiler) dad. I plan to have that part develop within the RP but If I need to explain more about that, I'll just PM it to you. And in case you forgot, Roan was a weird, introvert boy, in other words, not your average seven year old. Introverts like keeping stuff to themselves, especially the most interesting events that had happened to them. Heck, when I was seven, and something interesting happened to me, I'd keep it to myself and be happy about it because I knew something that they didn't.

I was probably caught up with everything else that I forgot to explain the most important stuff >.< I should've explained how he got so good in programming. Apologies~ I'll add that part right away.

The "special" Pokeball doesn't work. It can't and will never capture a Pokemon. The dead body, and, of course, "supposedly," was all part of my plan for the character. Why do you think his dad went missing? What did he need to run away from? Yeah. That.

Lastly, dude, his dad was presumed dead, and a mangled body was found at Sinnoh. Clearly this meant that the roads were dangerous, and if I was Roan's mom, I would've discouraged him from going on his Pokemon journey after learning about the serious happenings around other places. If Roan had not done those things in secret, his mom would've found out about his plan earlier, and would stop him beforehand. Roan was determined to find out what really happened to his dad, and he thinks that the best way to start is for him to get his own Pokemon. Now, if you were Roan's mother, and Roan tells you about his plan, wouldn't you stop him from doing so? Roan knew what would happen, so he decided to keep it a secret and sneaked out.

I don't mean to be rude, I just want to explain my side. Some of those stuff you mentioned there could be explained in my SU, if you dig deeper inside it. I don't really give out all the details in my character's history in the sign-up because I want them to develop. I'll just smooth out some parts of my SU.
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I think many of the RPers have left, like Baloth, Heretostay123. Perhaps they aren't coming back, in that case their starters would be available too.
I'll be posting today or tomorrow. I have a test in a little bit but I'll try to get home and do it as quickly as possible.
Hi! I'm sorry for disappearing, I really am. Life was so incredibly busy. It'll get better soon, I think, in a few weeks at least. But I'm officially retreating from this RP now. Again, I'm sorry, hope the RP will go well.
@Fuyu, can't wait to see what you come up with.

@Red, it's alright. However, please know that you're always welcome back (and we want you to come back!), and I hope your life straightens out a bit.

With that taken care of, the available Pokémon are:

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

@DeLaMuerte & Ash_K: You have to work out all this "I'll reveal it in-game" stuff with the GMs, and it's not just about being respectful (even though it does keep you from looking like a total asshat that doesn't care about the plot or what the GM thinks). If it doesn't work with the GM, you'll end up having to rewrite everything (which I've pretty much already told Ash_K); that's a way bigger pain in the neck than just being told you need to make a few edits.
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Well the person I was waiting on to interact with hasn't been on in forever, if anyone wants to interact with my character, she is napping in the woods.

If no interaction in two days I'll move on
Hi there ^^ Just wanted to say I'm sorry for how stupid I acted ._." I've been having a tough time these days, and I guess I must've carried it over to the forums. Again, I'm sorry~ I think I'll just stalk this RP for now. TornZero, I respect you as a GM. I hope we cross paths in an RP somewhere :> Ta~
I was never trying to be rude in any way... sorry if it seemed that way. But what do you think I should do? Personally, I like it the way it is, but what do you think I should change? Again, not trying to be rude if it sounds like it is....
It really only sounds rude when you decide to bring up all the secret stuff after waiting for the sign-up to be seen. The GM has to know about what you're planning, because it can very easily conflict with a plot or character, or it just may not make sense, and they can even help you make your character more involved behind the other players' backs. (We're here to help!)

I don't mind a companion Pokémon; that's something I've used for some of my characters, even. Your character just can't have obtained his own Pokémon, as it completely defeats the purpose of getting the letter and starter Pokémon. If you signed up some time ago, that probably would've been allowed. Sableye could've joined him as his "starter" Pokémon, so to speak, for his journey. However, with all the starters now, that's just not something that'll be done.
I apoligize for inactivity. I have been totally busy lately but don't want any excuses. If I'm still welcome here, I'd love to continue my adventure here. Mostly sorry to Khawill for single handedly holding them up. If I'm still welcome, THANK YOU!!! If not, I totally understand.
Name: Marcus Lyon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Marcus stands at about five foot nine, with long unruly black hair that at times almost seems unkempt. His green eyes, often lazily observing his surroundings, give him an approachable look, but at the same time hide an anger problem. (His eyes can be viewed as having different colors as occassionally someone would ask him if his eyes were gray, blue, etc.) Wearing a pair of black and red running shoes, which was given to him by his parents to match the black cargo pants and red shirt he wore.

Personality: Marcus is at the mercy of his impulses, drifting through life with no real goal and no opposition to oppose him or push him to better himself. He likes to help people, and can be even too trusting at times, but when his seemingly long fuse is reached he'll do anything to make those that anger him hurt. He can be talked out of his rage though, but the act is risky as being in a range close enough for him to hear your words puts you in the danger of his acts.

He loves Pokemon and wanted his first one so he could journey around and see the world, but upon reaching his first one, he realized he had already completed the hardest part of his goal, and thus decided to take his time with the rest of his quest. He is quick thinking, and in conversation perfers to just let the others get the lime light. A certain shyness being that cause, which often influences his thoughts to stray away from large groups of people in fear of embarrassing himself like he had before.

His short fuse is easily shortened when it comes to criminals, believing that no matter how lazy one is, they should never steal from someone who actually worked for what they wanted. Marcus respects powerful trainers and hopes to one day become one himself. His thoughts on hard work is to avoid it if possible, but if your going to do it anyway, might as well do it to the best of his ability. He has few motivations, but the main one is competition. His laziness almost completely vanishing upon the issue of any formal challenge. Marcus treats people kindly, but once they treat him badly he will adjust to treat them the same way -- which got him into fights in his youth.

Marcus does suffer from a lack of self esteem, and isn't afraid to let his feelings known when angry. The fact of his anger often giving people the idea of a one track mind, which wouldn't be an incorrect assumption.

History: Marcus grew up in Lilycove, living a sheltered life where everything was given to him when he wanted it. He was expected to grow up to be a lazy rich kid who looked down upon others with a complex that made him think he could beat any odds. Those who had said such were half right -- he was lazy. An incident involving the town bully early in his childhood stunting the growth of his conceited attitude, and developing his shyness towards the thoughts of others. Beaten and laughed at, Marcus developed rage at the bully, beating him twice as severly, but the damage had been done. Marcus learned that he was far from invincible, and that hard work was necessary to achieve success or to overcome obstacles -- even if he didn't like it.

Due to his sheltered (rich) lifestyle, he never really saw his parents much. So much so, that he actually considers the workers that often cared for him in his parents absence as his parents. Each of them instilling within him their own morals -- thus his feelings towards criminals -- and even felt more saddened by the loss of his oldest butler than that of his father. His mother whether in grief or otherwise had seen him even less than usual after that, so upon recieving Professor Birch's letter, Marcus welcomed the oppertunity to get away and make a life that he chose, whenever he did decide to chose one.

So upon setting off for Littleroot, he decided to return one day with strong Pokemon that would impress his mother and actually get her to spend time with him.

Starter: Spheal
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Alright, first off, if DeLaMuerte doesn't plan on changing his SU any further, I have nothing more to say (though I would like to see some of the personality section expanded on, please; give a few more details if you can, like how he treats other people and what he'd do if he gets frustrated or impatient ^_^)!

Starter get!
[PokeCommunity.com] Hoenn RéBURST [M] [OOC + SU]

Level 5
Swift Swim
- Splash
- Brine
- Haze

Now, for Travel, Eevee is actually taken; you can even see it taken in the first post in this thread. The only remaining starters now are Slugma and Spheal. On your SU, it's very short. While there isn't necessarily a length standard, it should definitely be bigger than this. Take a look at some of the other sign-ups to see what I mean; you can find a link to most of them in the first post. (It doesn't have to be Fuyu length, though, obviously.)
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Thanks for the spot! I'll expand the personality section and I'll try to get a post in tonight. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, and I'm sorry if I seemed like I had given up or something (I wasn't sure what you wanted me to do with the SU).
Okay I editted, if its still not long enough let me know and I'll try to add some more.