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Holy crap, I've been neglecting this thing...

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    So yeah, first entry in forever lol

    Anyway, this is going to be a bunch of random rambling. Probably.

    1) I have come to the conclusion that I am entirely incapable of de-tangling a cosplay wig. I think my efforts to fix my long brown one made the situation worse. So I'm probably going to have to order another one and hope it gets here by the 17th, in time for my next anime convention (I've already scheduled a photoshoot with someone that requires me to have a long brown wig) but honestly, I'm thinking of using shorter length wigs for future cosplays. At this point, I'm thinking Sailor Mercury could be a viable option as long as I can save the money for the entire outfit.

    2) Most important life lesson learned recently: Thousands upon thousands of heads are not better than one, but they will eventually, through much heartache, frustration, and lulz moments, get the job done. Also, anarchy rules and more Pokemon should be all-terrain. (I'm currently watching the Emerald Twitch stream, and my God they can't seem to stay away from the PC despite the chaos that might result from it...)

    3) I'm thinking of starting a new game in X, and carefully take notes from that playthrough to write up a detailed review for X/Y like I did for B2/W2. Yeah, 5 months late but better late than never, right :P WARNING: I will probably go off on an angry rant regarding the "rivals." I do recall that by the time I finished Y back in November I wanted to strangle them and shove them in front of a bus. Not looking forward to putting up with them again, but...

    So yeah, possibly a review of X/Y forthcoming in this blog sometime...
    Thanks, I'll look into that. I don't use fabric softener regularly because it dries out and irritates my skin, but it might be fine to use on the long strands in back.

    Normally I wouldn't care as much but this time it *is* for a photoshoot so I don't want to look like a wreck lol