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How to piss off your waiter!


fake your death.
  • 33,379
    I've been a waiter now for about...a month and a half, I guess. But I have already discovered the things you can do to piss off your waiter. Now, you can either take this as more of a how to thing, like the title suggests, or you can take this more as "okay I don't wanna be a bad customer so I'll do the opposite of what Sydian says." But I mean...come on. How many of you would choose the second option? I know you all wanna piss off your waiter. Here are the top five things that customers do that piss me off. Note: I only work on days where we have a brunch buffet, so the only orders I take are drink orders.

    5. The sitters
    Your favorite loud ass people that stay for a long time and just talk and have glasses ITCHING to be refilled. But when you go to refill them, they say they're fine. And then your overseers get onto you for not refilling drinks. BUT THEY DON'T WANT A REFILL. Truth be told, I don't mind people staying after they eat, but they're usually just SO rude when you offer a refill and they give you the worst glare. OOOO YOU TRIED TO REFILL MY GLASS OUT OF COURTESY **** YOU GO AWAY.

    4. The nit-pickers
    You know, the people that have hardly anything on their plate, and just sit there and nit pick at it, sometimes even leave it sitting in front of them, and you ask if they're done, and they're not. There's NOTHING left, why do you still want it? To be honest, I have done this a few times, usually just stirring leftover sauces around on the plate though. I really am done. But most of the time, like the good citizen I am, I push the plate out in front of me to signal "hey, I'm done, get this **** off my table!"

    3. The crickets
    The stuck up cold people with sticks in their asses are a pain. I'm a very nice giggly person and I like to make people smile and laugh. So if I'm waiting your table, you could at least do me a favor and laugh at my dumb joke(s) so I feel less lame. :( I have a hard time talking to people in person, especially if I don't know them. But this is my job, so I have to. But I'm still nervous, and when I'm nervous I tend to make silly jokes. JUST HELP ME OUT AND LAUGH EVEN THOUGH IT SUCKS. This in mind, I really enjoy the customers that will actually have a conversation with you, lol. Had that happen twice today.

    2. The thirsty: everyone orders completely different drinks/changes drinks/picks two drinks
    Yes, it's split into three things because beverages didn't need to be listed three times. But yeah. It's annoying when people order different things, because the way Classic is, you don't bring out drinks. The glass is on the table, so the drink goes to them. Coffee is my least favorite to bring out, because it requires getting a heavy ass tray I can't carry. Then you gotta ask abut sugar, cream, and caf/de-caf. Tea is a big pisser too, especially when you're walking around and people need tea refills and you dunno which kind of tea it is. Water people are my favorites. But the people that get water or Sprite and then change to the opposite are annoying too. I refilled someone's glass with water, because that's what they ordered when I got to them, but they told someone else to get them Sprite. Thanks, lady! And then the people that get two drinks...like water and orange juice. WHY DO YOU DO THIS. Just get one for now. I'll bring you another later!!

    1. Your food
    Yes. Your food pisses me off. Because somehow, people, and I'm not just talking about kids here because adults do this too, somehow get food/sauce on the outside of the plate that I have to pick up and take back to the kitchen. There's no where to wipe my hands in there...and now my hand is covered in chocolate or cocktail sauce or soup... :( And desserts...ugh. People don't eat the tall part and then I'm trying to stack plates BUT THAT PIE CRUST IS IN MY WAY and I'm gonna drop silverware and yeah. So do us a favor. If you're done with your dessert and the end part is left, smush that ****.

    And there you have it. The top 5 ways to piss off your waiter...or well, me, if you ever go to where I work. I can't say the same for other waiters.

    PS: Your drunk aunt at wedding parties pisses me off too. You know, the one running around with a blanket yelling about how she got it in a certain place that she cleverly changes the name to to make it sound like a racial slur? Your drunk 2nd cousin is annoying too. The one yelling "tits" for 10 minutes straight. And don't get me started about your new mother-in-law.
    Hilarious! I enjoyed it.

    Can I have 3 cups of orange juice along with 2 cups of coffee?
    Forgot to mention, I do have to take the glass to the back room if someone asks for orange juice or milk. Bleh. And sure. You can...but I'm not at work right now, so someone else has to get it for you. :) (We're not even open rn sorry.)
    I am a sitter. I can sit at a diner for hours after I finish, but to deny refills? That's just not in my character! Hit me up, bb! Round here, though, they just bring you another glass of whatever it is you had instead of refilling it.
    You sound like the customer that would strike up a conversation with me! And that would be dandy. :)
    Even if we didn't know each other already, we would probably end up talking. That often happens to me while I'm at the diner. Then again, I'm usually there with two of my friends and it's easier to just strike up a conversation with someone who had been serving me. Nevertheless, they're all wonderfully delightful, interesting people to talk to!
    Even if we didn't know each other already, we would probably end up talking. That often happens to me while I'm at the diner. Then again, I'm usually there with two of my friends and it's easier to just strike up a conversation with someone who had been serving me. Nevertheless, they're all wonderfully delightful, interesting people to talk to!

    Haha, I'm so shy. :( You'd have to talk first...<3

    Omg lol, this blog is awesome.

    "Yes. Your food pisses me off."


    The food is delicious though. Glad you enjoyed it!
    I have more sympathy then actually feeling bad for you. Probably cause I hate servers myself cause almost all the waitresses/waiters I dealt with where last ass about cleaning stuff up, *****ed as much as the people did when we didn't get something absolutely the way they wanted it, or screwed up the order so we had to redo it.

    The sitters during the day I don't mind out all. But when we are closing up I am just like "Hey ass hurry up eat your food get a to go box if need be and gtfo, cause I would like to get home before 10:30 or 11 p.m."

    I think everyone in the restaurant hates the nitpickers. This isn't BK you can't have it you way with every order you make. I mean really I was making a salad and they wanted the pale of pale lettuce. Or some guy wants a custom salad which I am like "Yeah that combination ain't on the menu..."

    I didn't really deal with the customers there since I was a dishwasher, but when I am at my new job and on the sales floor and I ask if somebody needs help or if they are finding everything okay today and they walk by like I am invisible that pisses me of for a second then I am like "Oh well still getting paid and I am doing this out of courtesy after all."

    Changing Orders in general pisses not me off but the cooks off. I am like really here I'm done and they tell me after the fact or I am about done and I am half way through and they server is all "Yeah they don't want it anymore or they changed their mind and they want something else" that pissed me off to no end.

    Well they expect you too clean their mess up so whats new their. At least the place I worked at they just threw it in a bus tub.

    All and all I am so glad I don't work at a restaurant any more. Retail is the way to go fo show.
    I'm a saint when dealing with waiters. I'm so polite and kind and generous and giving and caring. omg.
    @Kenshin: Restaurant was my only choice, because my mom knows the owner. It's not too bad. It's a fancy place, I only work one day a week (but that's because of my school and band schedule), and the day I do work is the day we get to eat afterward. But we didn't get to eat till like 3:30 today because there was a party there and sitters staying longer than necessary. >> I don't take food orders, but omg my hearing isn't really that good, so I'd screw up taking orders. I even mess up drinks sometimes and have to ask three times and I feel like such a loser. :(

    @Nick: Sweet heart, just come on down to Alabama and go to Classic!
    Aw, I'd laugh at your jokes! I know how much of a pain it is to deal with customers (customers suck no matter where you work), so I always try and be nice to people in the disrespected jobs. So your jokes would make me laugh and then I'd probably tip you nicely because you either did a good job or tried your best to make sure we got the best service.

    I will admit that my family is a group of sitters, so when we go out we're at the table for a long time. But we'd prefer the server to keep on top of our drinks instead of thinking "Oh, they're done eating so they don't need anymore water!" and I'm dying of thirst.