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[Essentials Tutorial] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)


Orange Dev
  • 943
    This tutorial is for Pokémon Essentials. I use Version 7, but this should work on the most recent version as well.

    Hello, everyone. Today I will be teaching you how to set up a one-time buy in RPG Maker XP using Pokémon Essentials. An example of a one-time buy or a scam is the Magikarp Salesman in the Mt. Moon Pokémon Center. He offers you a "great" Pokémon called Magikarp for 500 Poké, and then swindles you saying "no refunds!"
    Anyway, these types of sales are different from PokéMarts and for some reason a little more complex to set up. Without further ado, I shall allow the tutorial begin.

    [PokeCommunity.com] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)

    Step 1 Commands you need to know

    Before we actually get started, you need to know some nifty commands that Poccil and Maruno added to the kit. Poccil made it so that the "Change Gold" command works effectively and is directly linked to your money. Therefore, it is extremely easy to add or subtract from the Player's wallet.

    Change Gold...
    An Image might help:

    Also added, the \G command in a text message will make a box pop up in the top-left corner displaying the Player's money.
    [PokeCommunity.com] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)

    The example picture at the beginning of the tutorial shows a direct example of how it looks in-game.

    Step 2 Event Page 1

    The entire process is set up into 2 pages, with only the first being somewhat cumbersome. I have the whole event page ready to be copied, and the buttons shouldn't be too hard to find.

    [PokeCommunity.com] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)

    Make sure you use a conditional branch and double check to make sure your Item ID is correct. "TMNAME" would not work and would result in error, but "TM07" would work just fine. Make sure you also include "Self Switch A = On"

    [PokeCommunity.com] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)

    Step 3 Event Page 2

    Not much to say about this one. It's very easy, and should only include a single box of text, unless you plan on doing something fancy.

    [PokeCommunity.com] How to set-up sellers (e.g. scammers/one-time sales)

    Alternate Method (provided by Maruno)

    @>Text: \GHi!  Would you like a SlowpokeTail for only $200?
    @>Show Choices: Yes, No
     : When [Yes]
      @>[COLOR=Green]Comment: SellItem(SLOWPOKETAIL,200)[/COLOR]
     : When [No]
      @>Text: \GOh, that's too bad.
     : Branch End


    Simple, ja? It's pretty simple if you have some experience with the GUI of RMXP, so try it out for yourself! Feel free to comment if you have any questions. Sorry if this is the wrong section, feel free to move it. Thanks to Poccil and Maruno for command reference and Pokémon Essentials.
    Last edited:
    I lol'd because yesterday I was getting so annoyed because I couldn't find or even make a script like this.

    I'm glad you did because I have something like the Magikarp Salesmen, except this guy says he owns a rare Pokemon, then sells you the complete opposite (Says he has a Gyarados, gives you a Feebas)

    Thanks a lot and I'll be sure to give you credit as well.
    There exists an event comment which is turned into the basic scripts necessary for selling an item. The wiki has further details, but the basic usage is like this:

    @>Text: \GHi!  Would you like a SlowpokeTail for only $200?
    @>Show Choices: Yes, No
     : When [Yes]
      @>[COLOR=Green]Comment: SellItem(SLOWPOKETAIL,200)[/COLOR]
     : When [No]
      @>Text: \GOh, that's too bad.
     : Branch End
    That comment will be turned into the appropriate scripts when you compile the game. It only works for selling items, but you can change the Conditional Branch afterwards to make it give a Pokémon instead.

    It's useful for vending machines and NPCs like this, and saves you a bit of hassle getting them set up. To make a selling one-time-only, change the event's Self Switch when the item is obtained, as described above.
    I lol'd because yesterday I was getting so annoyed because I couldn't find or even make a script like this.

    I'm glad you did because I have something like the Magikarp Salesmen, except this guy says he owns a rare Pokemon, then sells you the complete opposite (Says he has a Gyarados, gives you a Feebas)

    Thanks a lot and I'll be sure to give you credit as well.

    Glad it helped you; you don't need to worry about credits, dear.

    There exists an event comment which is turned into the basic scripts necessary for selling an item. The wiki has further details, but the basic usage is like this:

    @>Text: \GHi!  Would you like a SlowpokeTail for only $200?
    @>Show Choices: Yes, No
     : When [Yes]
      @>[COLOR=Green]Comment: SellItem(SLOWPOKETAIL,200)[/COLOR]
     : When [No]
      @>Text: \GOh, that's too bad.
     : Branch End
    That comment will be turned into the appropriate scripts when you compile the game. It only works for selling items, but you can change the Conditional Branch afterwards to make it give a Pokémon instead.

    It's useful for vending machines and NPCs like this, and saves you a bit of hassle getting them set up. To make a selling one-time-only, change the event's Self Switch when the item is obtained, as described above.

    I'm surprised I missed this on the Wiki. I'll add it as an alternative method to this tutorial.
    Mm there is a problem with the method, if I do this method then even if I do not have enough money it will still buy it, solution?
    Mm there is a problem with the method, if I do this method then even if I do not have enough money it will still buy it, solution?

    I found it.
    I did conditional branch and set the gold, And it worked :) ty
    Hey, I was wondering what changes I would have to make to have the npc sell a pokemon instead of an item, any ideas?