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I'm programming the Pokémon TCG base set

  • 15
    • Seen today
    So hey, for the past two months I've been implementing the Base Set of the Pokémon TCG. Mostly to see if I could, but maybe to eventually make a proper fangame of the old gbc games.

    6/25/24 Here is the most recent build. ( You can play it in browser.

    10/8/23 Milestone 7 (
    8/20/23 Milestone 6 (
    7/13/23 Milestone 5 (
    4/30/23 Milestone 4 (
    3/23/23 Milestone 3. (
    3/19/23 Original build. (

    I've implemented all but two of the cards from Base, Jungle, and Fossil, including most of the Promos from around that time. In recent days I've been struggling with Base Electrode and Fossil Ditto, and it might be time to postpone them and move on. (They also weren't in the original gb game for what I assume are similar reasons.) It's ugly but it should be functional.

    I'm just about done with my milestone 3, which was implementing all the cards, the deck builder, plus a few fixes from milestone 2. From there I'll want to improve the ai a bit so that it can at least play all the cards and prioritize searching for cards properly. Milestone 4 may also be the UI overhaul.

    Somewhere between Milestone 4 and 5 comes the question of what other cards to add. I want to add as much as I can of the original sets before power creep began to be noticeable. By my calculation, that's somewhere in Gen 2. Even that has questions though, I'm debating whether to add the Gym Leader sets at all, I've thought about translating the japanese cards that were in gb2, I may or may not include pokemon tools, stadium cards, and baby pokemon, since they're not strictly base set mechanics... A lot of loaded and subjective questions there still. I'm also considering adding my own cards that match the balance, I'm not sure how into that other people would be...

    An online mode may happen but it's not something I'm focusing on in the near future. What I loved about the original gb game is the adventure of going around to clubs, facing ai opponents and building your collection, which is something the modern tcg games lack completely. That's what I wanted to focus on. (...The real reason is that I'm not a backend programmer, I don't know how hard that would be on my own. Probably doable but I don't want to focus on it.)

    So...Let me know if you find any bugs.
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    I love this! Played a game and had fun (even tho I lost lol). Here's the only bugs I noticed that aren't just aesthetic:
    1. Computer Search gave me the wrong card from my deck. I chose Professor Oak but it gave me Bill (pretty sure that's why I lost, too haha). I think it was because I may have looked at Bill first.
    2. Click your active pkmn, and the attacks you can use as well as the retreat cost are magnified, but then if you click another card on the board those magnified images from the old card remain, obscuring the new card. This is an issue since it unintentionally hides card information that may be critical in the player's decision-making.

    Mad respect for this development achievement, too. I have a really hard time building software even of this relatively-small scale, so this inspires me to keep trying.

    And I love the gbc tcg games, as well, and I've definitely tossed around the idea to make a fangame of them a little bit, myself...
    I love this! Played a game and had fun (even tho I lost lol). Here's the only bugs I noticed that aren't just aesthetic:
    1. Computer Search gave me the wrong card from my deck. I chose Professor Oak but it gave me Bill (pretty sure that's why I lost, too haha). I think it was because I may have looked at Bill first.
    2. Click your active pkmn, and the attacks you can use as well as the retreat cost are magnified, but then if you click another card on the board those magnified images from the old card remain, obscuring the new card. This is an issue since it unintentionally hides card information that may be critical in the player's decision-making.

    Mad respect for this development achievement, too. I have a really hard time building software even of this relatively-small scale, so this inspires me to keep trying.

    And I love the gbc tcg games, as well, and I've definitely tossed around the idea to make a fangame of them a little bit, myself...

    Hey thanks for letting me know.
    - I couldn't find the Computer Search bug from what info you gave. From what I've tested, I have noticed that the card searching state is slightly unintuitive in that highlighting a new card doesn't automatically select that card if you already have one selected. You have to click on the card again, either in the deck window or the selected cards window to remove it. My guess is that you highlighted the card thinking you were selecting it when that wasn't the case.
    - Thanks. Not sure how I missed that. Easy enough to fix. It will be fixed in milestone 3 (probably in the next few days) In the meantime you can get rid of the attack buttons by selecting your active pokemon and selecting it again to clear the card preview.
    Milestone 3 is complete. The main parts of it were complete in the unstable version, but since then I've added some animations and customization options. Milestone 4 will be about further improving the AI and getting a proper, non-Unity-default UI. Expect it in few weeks probably? That's more or less how long these milestones have been taking me. As usual, let me know if you find bugs.
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    Really excited to see where this goes, I feel like the main reason there are no TCG fangames is that nobody has really bothered to make an engine for it yet (like how essentials allowed for a flood of mainline Pokemon fangames). Maybe this will change that!

    Speaking of floods, brace yourself because I found a lot of bugs.


    And yes, I made an account here just to post this.
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    Yeah, I definitely didn't check each individual card so this amount of bugs isn't remotely surprising. I figured this would be a stage where people will test every card and get back to me about exactly these kinds of mostly data-entry error bugs. I've already found a couple of these in my own casual playtesting since then. There's a lot there which I'll address over the course of today, but most of them are minor fixable issues. Thanks a lot. This is exactly what I was hoping people would do.


    Update on milestone 4: The new UI is mostly done. I was debating whether or not to make another build. I figured I wouldn't because only the AI improvements are left to do for the milestone, which will be pretty unnoticeable and will make the release of the full milestone pretty anticlimactic. But if there's this many bugs to fix maybe I will make another halfway build soon.
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    Fire, water, and electric types:

    New Build. ( All them bug fixes have been bug-fixed (hopefully). But even more interesting you get an early look at the new UI. It is a world of better. From the player perspective this may as well be milestone 4, but I still have a lot of work to do on the AI behind the scenes. In the debug menu you can get a vague glimpse of my work so far on card priorities. A lot of that still has to be adjusted and implemented for specific cards still. Might take another week or two before Milestone 4 is officially complete.
    Awesome work so far. In playtesting this new build I noticed some bugs that I reported earlier, and you said you resolved, but are either still there or not exactly fixed in the way you intended. They are:


    And some new stuff and/or old stuff that I didn't find earlier:


    And this isn't really a bug, but in the deck builder the scroll wheel only works if your mouse isn't on a card or the card's quantity indicator. Doesn't feel very good or intuitive to avoid touching the cards I'm building my deck with while building my deck. It's like that when you choose a card from your deck or discard pile, too.
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    Just dropped a hot fix that hopefully fixed most of those. Except for:


    Either way, unless you find something especially game-crashing that will be the last hot fix before the next milestone. I'm excited for what comes after I do the hard part of "finalizing" the AI, so really just want to buckle down and get that done. I've started to fall into the trap of getting ahead of myself and thinking about the actual fan game I want to make, knowing that even prototyping the overworld movement doesn't come until at least milestone 6.
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    Well I'll still test the rest of the cards so you know what bugs I find to fix at some later point. The fighting and psychic types:

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    And finally the colorless Pokemon, as well as the last few trainer cards I hadn't already tested:

    Milestone 4 is finally done.. Compared to the main difference you may notice is that the ai will sometimes switch out. Trust me when I say the ai is much more robust now.

    Next milestone is more finishing touches towards completing the duel system. Mostly cosmetic ones that are a little more coding intensive than the general UI overhaul. Card animation, sounds, etc. There are more diverse goals but they're all individually less intimidating than the ai and ui were. It may be the last milestone before I start working on overworld movement.
    I went through my list and found some bugs that are still there or only partially fixed, as well as some new ones. I wanted to get to this earlier but was busy IRL.

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    I'm back. I was in a Zelda coma for a while there.

    The next milestone is done. The main additions are the card animations and the sound design. Looking back on milestone 4 the card animations are the one change I can't believe I lived without, it makes the whole game so much easier to follow. The sound design is...subject to change. But the addition of sound really does a lot to make it feel like a finished product. I probably need to mix it better and change up some of the sound effects. Feedback on that is appreciated.

    With that, the duel simulation is finally at a place where I'm satisfied moving on to the macro gameplay next milestone. Which isn't to say it's done, it just won't me the main focus for the first time in six months which is exciting.
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    Milestone 6 adds the overworld! There's actually some semblance of progression now, which is a massive step from turning it from just a tcg simulator to an actual fangame! Like there's actually goals and continuity and actual intrinsic reason to play duels now. I was tempted to make this 0.1, but I think the real indicator of it will be getting a splash screen, which may not happen for a few milestones.

    Up next is the tutorial milestone. I've had a bit of feedback that even from players who know the rules the controls take a second to figure out. And of course the game does nothing to introduce players who have never played the game before, which is a step that the original game always did so well. Even if it's not played by new players, I want to at least honor that goal.