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I'm tired (COVID rant)


Silence is Purple
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 8,215
    I'm tired of people in quarantine thinking it's okay to go outside without a mask on. I'm tired of people giving essential workers a hard time during this pandemic. I'm tired of people (the government) acting like this pandemic is "over". Nothing is improving. Some places in the world have cases surging, yet places are still opening the areas up again to return to normal. I'm sick of people breaking social distancing rules.

    I tried to not bring up my feelings much about the pandemic on here because I don't want to make anyone angry with my opinion, but.

    I don't know, this pandemic (in America and Europe especially) has spiraled completely out of control and I just wish people would listen to the social distancing and mask rules so this situation slowly gets better instead of continuously worse. People are dying, and yet the economy is just eager to try and open everything up again.

    I live in New York, and while I think cases are slowing here, I know it's not the same for some other states, but I still fear for everyone else who's dealing with a second wave. And the more I hear about this pandemic either never being over or lasting "years" just makes me feel more and more scared for the future.

    I've been inside since my work program closed, so I'm fine, but eventually, my program will open again. Right now, I think that's an incredibly stupid idea. There's over 80 people that go to mine. I have no idea how social distancing would be possible in that situation. I heard from my friend in Germany that schools are opening there again, and tbh, that's a dangerous move. I really wish that places that allow big crowds would continue to wait before reopening. Ie: restaurants. But, I guess that can't happen anymore.

    Everything in the world is a mess, and I will continue to be afraid until cases are decreasing rapidly to barely any around worldwide...but who knows when that'll even be anymore?

    Sorry for this long rant I'm just... tired.