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Incorrect Pokemon Stats , And Abilities.

frostweaver said:
slaking and blissey no threat...? try skill swaping Xatu with Slaking, and using RegiIce against Blissey then... surprising results for you maybe...

i don't think Iveechan calls them ugly because they're disgusting, but rather very annoying. Like how we sometimes call our report card "disgusting" because the marks are low. Blissey and Slaking are 2 of the most commonly used Pokemon (and Snorlax is even worst), making normal types one of the most annoying and hardest type to beat ever.
I know what she means Frost, we all understand or else we wouldn't be here. And I said 'Blissey' was no threat, Slawking is powerful but lazy and whenever someone uses it in a match it sometimes says "Enemy Slaking is loafting around". But when it attacks it does good damage. Maybe we should all put Raticate on out team to drain them off by 1/2 and go in for then kill *evil laugh*.

And yes! We all have fought Snorlax and we know... *shivers*
well Slaking in 1vs1 isn't that bad at all. Nothing a brick break can't beat, especially with lazy to give you time to rest up those hyper beams. Not to mention any pokemon with protect will destroy Slaking terribly. 2vs2 on the other hand is much rather "insane" *coughskillswapcough*

Raticate is kind of too weak to last more than one round... but a better choice would be pseudohaze+spike...
I've heard of Raticate doing well in underused battles and fainting legends. I don't see what my liking Fighting types has to do with my dislike for Normals (I love Granbull though, I'm training one now). It's unfair... the really powerful hard to beat Pokemon are either legends or normal type. Might as well make a legendary Normal type :P

Dark and Grass have a pretty hard time imho. Many dark types have lackluster special attack or learn crappy moves. And Grass... well, Grass is grass. Many weaknesses and we STILL don't get a universal grass equivalent to thunderbolt/flamethrower. Yep, the game's biased.
dark type pokemon is one of the strongest... it's only weak to physical attacks- fighting and bug and that's all. Also a lot of dark types are very strong in base stats. Even if their physical attack stat is higher than their STAB special attack, their STAB crunch is still powerful. The only weak dark types i can think of is Glalie, Sneasel and Murkrow... all the others are powerful and completely usable.

grass type is still weak... leaf blade is good but still weak compare to the universal tbolt/ibeam/fthrower. It still needs improvement but it's getting there...

steel attacks (not steel types) need some buff perhaps... steel wing is close to useless right now as it's only good use is against rock and ice, but so much type is resistant to steel attacks... Steel wing is very high in potential but the type screws it up.

too many psychic legendaries... they should make a legendary belonging to other types by now..
Mightyena's pretty weak, and Sharpedo... well, he has good attacks and speed, but one hit and he's dead. You'd think something that looks like it's covered with armor wouldn't have the defenses of a wet cookie :D

The problem with crunch and leaf blade is that they are not tm's so they are very exclusive. The lizards should be able to pass the move onto other pokes through breeding atleast. We need a strong, accurate grass move with ambiguous name like "Plant Attack" or something... not leaf or petal related so it wouldn't be restrictive (can't see a Cacturne using a leaf or flower related attack).

I think it would be interesting if Girafarig was psychic/dark. Its stats aren't terribly high, so the type combo would not make it cheap. Double bug weakness :D
Tyranitar has a good ability, Dragon Dance, and high attack.
Umbreon is a tank, a Trap passer, Toxicer, Charmer whatever you want it to be...Absol has high attack and good passing potential. Sableye has poor stats, but one weakness and much of Umbreon's potential. Houndoom now has two excellent abilities in addition to an already impressive arsenal despite low defense.
crunch is pretty common, and it's on plenty of Pokemon. Sharpedo is usable with incredible attack power. Maybe all it needs is a friendly boost from Ninjask. I forgot about Mightyena... it is a pretty weak Pokemon...

dark attacks are only strong against psychic (the main use for dark types) and ghost. Except for the legendaries, most psychic types have a great weakness towards a physical attack because of its stats. So it won't matter too much if crunch isn't a tm. Through breeding crunch is pretty common imho.
How come Azumarill's Special Attack Stats is so poor. I am woundering why.
Well, before it made it pretty underused. Now it has Huge Power though, so that could make quite a bit of difference.
but now it would be a physical attacker with Huge Power... (or what i prefer "Super Inhuman Strength," from the time where we play subbed Ru/Sa). It won't be a good surf/ice beam user... but it's not like it can learn much physical attacks too. So i still doubt if it'll be used in the metagame.
Iveechan said:
Azurill is the baby, Azumarill is the big dude. They really should've made Azurill's name different.
Sorry blah...
But I think Jynx should have a higher HP or speed and Gengar should have a higer attack.
Jynx has Mean Look+Perish Song+Lovely Kiss

It can be very annoying at times...there are few non-00ber 100% ways of taking them down.
Kairi said:
Jynx has Mean Look+Perish Song+Lovely Kiss

It can be very annoying at times...there are few non-00ber 100% ways of taking them down.
I won't have spent 3 rounds using these 3 silly tripping enemy attack!
Jynx won't be able to stay to the end!
Besides, you cannot use Perish Song or Hypnotise more than2 opponents in Hong Kong Pokemon Alliance competitions!

What I want is SPEED!! The faster, the better. The higher the speed is, the faster the more opponents I can beat!
You can Lovely Kiss first, and perhaps catch them on the switch. Then, use Mean Look. Even if they switch again, it will start the process. You can use Perish Song and Protect and switch out at the end.
Kairi said:
You can Lovely Kiss first, and perhaps catch them on the switch. Then, use Mean Look. Even if they switch again, it will start the process. You can use Perish Song and Protect and switch out at the end.
The accuracy of Lovely Kiss is only 75%.

jynx said:
The accuracy of Lovely Kiss is only 75%.

Hong Kong Pokemon Alliance? Not able to use Perish Song? I wonder why?
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Well, it's a valid move though, and it is one of Jynx's strengths.

Is sleep clause and one-hit KO clause in effect there as well?