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Incorrect Pokemon Stats , And Abilities.

I get that...Maybe they don't allowed us to use One-Hit KO and Sleeping thingy...but I never use that move...I prefer crush them directly...
Sturm said:
I get that...Maybe they don't allowed us to use One-Hit KO and Sleeping thingy...but I never use that move...I prefer crush them directly...
You are right! All one move KO attacks are banned.
Trainers are not allowed to hypnotise more than2 Pokemon.
"Doku doku" is not permitted in RS. (Because of its serious poison damage)
jynx said:
You are right! All one move KO attacks are banned.
Trainers are not allowed to hypnotise more than2 Pokemon.
"Doku doku" is not permitted in RS. (Because of its serious poison damage)
That mean they love attack directly...maybe they will ban confuse and paralyse or any status problem too...I love crush them with strong blow..."Doku Doku" is now "Toxic" in US...
That league has too many strict rules, they remove some of the key elements in taking down standards. =/
Sturm said:
That mean they love attack directly...maybe they will ban confuse and paralyse or any status problem too...I love crush them with strong blow..."Doku Doku" is now "Toxic" in US...
No they won't.
They only ban attacks that makes it unfair to opponents.
Besides, we don't just attack.
Defense is a popular strategy in our Alliance.
let's see how...

*imagines Skarmory, Dusclops, Sableye, Curselax, Blissey and many other Pokemon being booted out of a Hong Kong skyscrapper*

well i don't see why these attacks are banned. The only thing that should be banned is the Fishtauros since it's the only pokemon that requires no thinking and no skill too. But how Fishtauros is no longer legal, no pokemon should be banned.

Counter to "Dokudoku" (toxic)
-rest (the most common counter)
-lum berry
-synchronize (eye for eye, tooth for tooth kind of thing)

Counter to sleep
-sleep talk
-Early Bird ability
-lum berry
-chesto berry

with all these legal counters for toxic, i don't see why it's cheap... it's a lot more "fair" than the evil curselax or blissey i say. Plus isn't rest such a common move than almost 50% of the time the opponent will have rest (or heal from poison?)

As for sleep it's a bit harder to counter than toxic. But how many sleep moves are there?
-spore (only from Parasect and Breloom, both grass)
-sleep powder( bugs and grass, sharing weakness to fire)
-lovely kiss (only jynx so far as there's no Pokecenter special pokemon with lovely kiss yet for RS)
-hypnosis (psychic, ghost mostly, both weak to shadowball, crunch and etc)

The only high accuracy sleep move is spore but both spore user is slow so you can get a first strike if you got the right Pokemon. Plus a good majority of hypnotizers are grass/bug types so fire attacks are effective (it's kind of good against jynx too). The other half of the hypnotizers will be weak to shadowball... so i don't see what's the threat. Poliwag family and a few others are the only exception, but they have better things to do than using hypnosis.

Just because a strategy is hard to deal with, that doesn't mean it should be banned from gameplay. A good player should try to come up with new strategies, and also think of ways to defeat common strategies as well. Avoiding the problem won't make you a better player. You have to try and figure out a solution in order to get better.
I think one-hit KOs should be freely used. They would be very useful sometimes for taking down tanks, and hey; if you linked two Gameboy Advances together, you can't "turn on sleep/one-hit KO clause".
i don't really mind one hit KO... but i don't like
-sleep talk
-horn drill...

the fact that it can use a one hit KO move so often is rather freaky. Plus it's all luck based... if you used trap+accuracy100% or something then i won't mind at all. If you're just going to use a OHKO right on then i won't mind either. But the ability to either use a OHKO with 66% chance or completely healing is too scary...
I don't see why. Using Blissey/Skarmory/Kyogre all pretty much are just as daunting, this would be a great way to tackle them. Sure, I've been annoyed by fishTauros before, but still...

We see almost impossible Pok?mon to take down, and with the addition of Sheer Cold it seems obvious they should be a part of the metagame. They are no more cheap than Hidden Power Jolteon or Zapdos with Rest, or Curselax. There are ways around them.

Smeargle will be fun...

Sheer Cold
Lock On
Mean Look
We make it more professional and loyal to Tajiri Satoshi.

Toxic is banned in RuSa competition is because the damage system of it.
Other poison, comfuse, hypnotise, freeze, burnt can be frequently used in the competition. All tools can be used, except of fruit number 30 onwards.
Competitors are allowed to bring a note book and a pencil to calculate damages, probability and accuracy.
No calculators are permited.

That's why we are super in Maths!

That must be hard...

Is Curselax a pokemon or something on a pokemon. I am really confused now.
It's an abbreviation for a Snorlax that knows Curse, and usually Rest. The professional battlers use a lot of these kind of things. Such as pyroshuffler, pseudo-hazer,fishTauros etc.
Oh... That... I remember now... I am really confused with these abbrevations..
It wouldnt really be an abbrevation , it would be more of a ...... um Descriptive Word....
I think it is. It's an abbreviation for "Cursing Snorlax." An abbreviation is merely a more condensed form of a word, and that's what Curselax is. ^^;
Curselax is evil... any common archtypes for a Pokemon usually got an abbreviation. Parashuffler is another example (but very similar to pyroshuffler), but this is rather an abbreviation for any Pokemon with pseudohaze+paralyzing moves. There are abreviation for a certain Pokemon with certain moves, and there are also ones for a certain common Pokemon strategies/combos.
And also makes things more confusing..

Maybe I should learn some strategies and makes some move sets. My move sets are so crappy.
Haruka said:
And also makes things more confusing..

Maybe I should learn some strategies and makes some move sets. My move sets are so crappy.
It is better to learn strategy than "combined damage+one hit KO"
like this

Mind Reader + Horn Drill..


BOO ya!
Haruka said:
like this

Mind Reader + Horn Drill..


BOO ya!
Sunny Day+Solar beam
Rain Dance+Thunder

Stratedgy example:
Snorlax----Defense Curl-->Defense Curl--> Defense Curl--> Rest--> Snore-->Snore-->Snore-->Snore-->Snore-->Thrash!!