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Inner Animal [T] - OOC/SU

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  • 116
    Name- Enya Foley

    Age- 18

    Gender- Female




    Short RP Sample- Taken from Kanto Rewinded:


    Species- ARCEUS Togekiss

    Name- Lucy

    Gender- Female

    Age- ~17

    Appearance- Lucy is slightly larger than the average Togekiss, with a height of roughly five feet two inches and a weight of 87 pounds. Her feathers are rather fluffy and thus she makes a good pillow.



    OK DONE. I THINK. I tried to keep it as short as possible, and if there's anything you need me to change lemme know :3 I'm hoping nothing got mixed around because this computer's trackpad likes to do that.
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    Grif of Hearts

    Que sera sera~
  • 311
    Be sure to let me know if anything was wrong or out of place. There's bound to be something. ;)


    Name: Morgana Weaver-Smith
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female




    Short Role-play Sample: From a Role-play called "Scavengers" hosted on a separate website.


    Species: Gligar
    Name: Ozymandias "Oz"
    Gender: Male
    Age: A little over eleven years old.

    Appearance: As a Gligar, Oz's naturally a shade of powder-pink. His "wings" however seem to be a little closer to violet than the wings of a normal Gligar, although this is barely noticeable. Apart from a slightly different colour-scheme, and being just a little smaller and more agile than normal gligar, there is little else to say physically.

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    Dark/Ground Gym Leader
  • 317
    If any room happens to open up I'd like to join this, but seeing as it's full, I will just enjoy reading it. :D

    Aura Rift

    Mantle of flame
  • 552
    Xavier Starex Swift / Glaceon

    Name: Xavier Starex Swift




    History: Xavier had a troubled youth, for fifteen years he was bullied in school, at home things weren't much better, his parents abused drugs and alchohol and would beat him whenever they found the slightest reason when high or drunk. When this happened Xavier would hide in his closet hugging his knees, tears running down his face wishing it would all just end however he would always fall asleep before that happened, only to have to go to school the following morning with no homework done, bullies waiting for their chance and overall hatred from everyone around him. The thing is, if it weren't for the bullies and the lack of homework, Xavier probably would've loved school he was a smart boy and very good with science and maths. Unfortunately however, his horrible personal life dragged him down below the depths. He became distant, not that anyone cared, he began to resent his teachers, his community and eventually the entire Sinnoh region. When he became sixteen he had had enough, he decided to leave to become a pokemon trainer and got his first pokemon an eevee on his sixteenth birthday but he hated being a trainer. He hated having to talk and communicate with the people of Sinnoh and began to resent them more and more, when he heard about the plan to destroy the Sinnoh region using the super virus, him and Eevee, now a Glaceon, were first in line to join up.

    Personality: Violent and malicious Xavier isn't afraid to step on people to get what he wants, he believes the only person in the entire world you can count on is yourself and as such he believes "friends" are stupid, idealitic distractions that are only in his way. But deep, deep inside of him he secretly wishes he had someone, anyone who cared about him, because for the sixteen years hes been alive no one has. He's really just a troubled soul waiting for the one person who cares about him enough t realise that and sympathise him for it. He only loves one thing other than himself and thats his glaceon, however he was never taught how to show love or affection and so doesnt know how to treat his Glaceon right. He believes the solidarity is his chance to fight back against the people who mistreated him and show them that he will never be messed with again, that its his life and he's not going to be tortured anymore. When around others Xavier is cold and distant, whenever conversation is attempted to be made with him, he will reply with a bitter mixture of insults and a dry sense humor until the person talking gives up and leaves. When alone Xavier is extremely sad he thinks about the childhood he never had and the fear he felt towards his own parents and he cries, he cries or short or long ammounts of time depending on how long he had worked himself up for beforehand. Xavier isn't evil because he wants to be, he's evil because he believes he has to be. He wants to merge with Glaceon to increase his own strength and become more powerful and use her to destroy Sinnoh.

    Short RP sample:


    Species: Glaceon

    Name: none


    Appearence: Glaceon has a small darkblue birthmark around her eye.

    Bio: Glaceon was given to Xavier as an eevee when he started his journey mere months ago, she evolved into Glaceon when she was trekking up to snowpoint city with Xavier. The pretty much polar opposite of Xavier Glaceon has a heart of Gold, she loves the world and all who dwell in it and doesnt like to fight. She loves her master, she really does, but he doesnt know what love is and Glaceon has grown slightly cold to her master because of this, she is completely against the methods her master is using in order to get his justice, but in the end he is the master and she is the pokemon and she must obey his wishes. Around people and pokemon alike Glaceon is extremely friendly and trys her best to make up for her master rudeness toards them. When alone she worries for her masters well being. What if he is hurt when working with solidarity, what if he becomes truly evil and is lost to her. She wants to merge with Xavier to try to stop him from becoming pure evil and to use him to save Sinnoh.
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  • 476
    @Grif of hearts, Sewaddle, Xilfer

    You both are accepted :) very decent SUs over there, and I'll have difficulty choosing the best SU writer! :D The RP samples are good and the history section is well explained and really descriptive! Which reminds me....RHCP, do you mind if I take my SU from your Kanto Rewinded RP and do a little Revamp for my own? Since I'm not accepted I don't want to waste it.

    @XxSweetDreamsxX well we still have to wait for Vegeta. he's coming back on sunday. I see you're eager but we better sort and talk about things before actually starting. Now we got the first 4 posts stable, which will probably take hm...1-2 weeks, since I'll give you guys 1-3 days to prepare your chapter post. After that, we still can't let the RP go awfully out of order, so everybody can only post twice every day, in order to stay a similar speed, and stop cramping from happening.

    Blayze has left the RP :( she's really stressed with her life. I guess the last bad spot goes to Kerjo :)
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    Just won't die.
  • 1,880
    Thanks Noct. Much Appreciated. I usually don't get my post ready beforehand, I just come up with it as I go, I'm that good. :P


  • 476
    since Blayze has left the RP, the spot goes to Kerjo. :) if Kerjo does reply in this post in 2 days the spot will the be open once again


    Dark/Ground Gym Leader
  • 317
    Name: Jackson Frost

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Jackson looks like the average everyday teenager. He stands 5' 10", has a slight tan and a nice athletic build while weighting in at 160 pounds. Partially hidden by his semi-spiky black hair is a pair of golden-brown eyes, which sometimes appear to actually look gold, that usually reflects his boredom, though are sometimes filled with sadistic excitement and on rare occasions, concern. A dislike of facial hair causes him to shave to prevent the little hairs from showing up and his sideburns are extremely short. His facial features such as his nose and chin are a bit pointed and people tend to comment on his 'cute' jaw line, which bugs him.

    Clothing wise Jackson dresses in a white doctor/professor's coat over a purple long sleeve with a zipper. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up halfway to his elbows and the collar is popped up. Mostly, he is seen wearing black pants with white cuffs on the bottom. The base of his shoes is black while the toe cap, bottom and back side of the shoe is white.

    History: Jackson was born and raised in Ecruteak City. His is the second oldest son of Daniel Frost, a lawyer who was once a Pokémon trainer, and Leylah Russo, a former dancer of Ecruteak's Theater. Before he was born his parents became Pokémon breeders and soon opened a business, storing eggs and giving them to people who wanted them. They did this for free so his father maintained a job as a lawyer to pay the bills.

    Because of this, Jackson grew up with Pokémon. He loved helping out his parents with them, as did his brothers and sisters. He attended a public school and had a normal life. He wasn't very popular, nor did he want to be, happily settling for the small group of friends that he made. He kept the same friends and made a few new ones as he got older, but once he turned 10 things started to change. His friends started to leave to go on journeys, like most kids their age. However, Jackson's parents didn't allow him to go, stating that he was too young to go off and wander around the world by himself. He started to protest, but the decision was final, so he eventually gave up.

    When he was 13 he went to stay with his grandpa, a Pokémon researcher, in Sinnoh. With Jackson came a Kirlia, who Jackson had raised since it hatched when he was a little kid. Despite that fact, Jackson and the Kirlia, named Hal butted heads quite often. It was his parents' last attempt to make sure that their son had given up on wanting to become a Pokémon trainer and to get involved in something more serious that would help him later in his life.

    For the next four years, Jackson stayed with his grandpa, training Hal and eventually evolving him into a Gallade, and helping his grandpa with his research, which he found odd at first. At first he figured that he was helping with some kind of Pokemon Research. However, every now and then when he took peeks at what his grandfather was doing he found information about a virus and human genes. Jackson's first realization was that his grandfather was trying to apply the effects of Pokerus to humans. It was only later that he found out that his grandfather was actually part of the Solidarity group recently rose in the Sinnoh region.

    Originally the boy was shocked and immediately confronted his grandfather. The old man explained the 'purpose' behind Solidarity's actions and convinced Jackson that they were doing the world a service, at the cost of a few sacrifices, and that all would end well. Wanting to believe in his grandfather, Jackson gave in and became a part of Solidarity. After sometime, with more side encouraging from his grandfather, Jackson stopped doubting the actions of Solidarity and saw those that opposed them as selfish enemies whose only desire was power.

    Personality: Jackson is rather laid-back and carefree and at times, comical. His personality seems to have come from his mother as she was carefree, unlike his father. He tends to respect others and talks in a polite, yet sometimes sarcastic, manner. He's naturally curious, but usually he'll never into situations head-first without making some sort of plan. His is quite patient, but if things take a really long time to happen he isn't afraid to stand up and make something happen.

    When he has his mind set on something he's determined to see it through. Mentally, he has a strong will and coupled with his determination on something it may be close to impossible to deter him from whatever he wants to do, call him stubborn if you will. It's at times like these when he may go head-first into something without previously thinking about it. He's perceptive enough to notice changes that may be overlooked and he uses that skill to help when in battle. He's still trying to figure out the whole 'strategy' thing. He can control his emotions pretty well, to the point where he doesn't react based on them...much. In fact, his reactions can sometimes be predicted to those who have gotten to know him. He can still have outbursts of anger sometimes, but it usually doesn't happen.

    While polite and respectful, Jackson can be cold to those he doesn't like. People who gain his hate aren't easily forgiven and find themselves looking at a totally different person. His actions towards these people can be seen as cruel and merciless. Whenever he talks to them it usually has something to do with what they did and how he despises them and their actions.

    Even though he seems to possess many leader-like qualities, he never takes up the position preferring more to let others lead. In a way some think he's just being modest, but it's probably just he finds being the leader too much trouble or he's just plain lazy when it comes to things like that.

    Short RP Sample


    Species: Gallade

    Name: Hal

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Apperance: Hal looks like a normal Gallade, the only difference would be that his elbow blades are longer than usual and he wears a long white scarf.

    Biography: Hal was born and raised by Jackson back in Johto. As a Ralts, Hal got along with Jackson in the beginning and the two would have loads of fun running around the town and exploring the Burnt Tower. At the Breeding Center, Hal was left alone to play with the other Pokémon. He spent most of his time with a Pawniard and Scraggy as they all hatched around the same time and was mostly taken care of by Jackson. After sometime, the two eventually joined Jackson and Hal in their Burnt Tower explorations. Time passed and Hal evolved, around that same time Jackson had become involved in his school work and human friends and the two grew apart. Hal eventually began to despise Jackson's human friends for taking him away and soon became to dislike Jackson himself. Thus whenever Jackson tried to play with Hal they would frequently butt heads. Things didn't get better when he left with Jackson to travel to Sinnoh and, once he evolved into a Gallade, the two got a bit physical with each other at times.

    In terms of personality, Hal is a prideful pokemon. He tends to not visibly care about things and never backs down from a challenge. Whenever he helps someone, he blows it off as though helping them wasn't his objective, but rather that helping gave him an advantage of some kind.


  • 476

    uh oh we're using the same pokemon O.o We're both gonna use Gallade and our Gallade's blades happen to be longer too? xD Well I guess that can actually work. Two Gallade isn't like against the rules :) just stating that we're gonna use the same pokemon

    GALLADE TWINS! *dances* if you see some traits that are a little similar to yours though, note that I did not copy :) It's all ready just haven't posted it yet.


    Here's my SU:


    Name: Horatio Lance

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Horatio's appearance resembles a magician's, probably because he grew up in a family of magicians and 'wizards'. Even when going out, Horatio has a black fedora with a white band that's similar to a magician's top hat. He often appears with black shoes, and his white buttoned shirt isn't tucked into his black trousers, the corners of the clothes sticking out, the very lowest button left untouched, leaving a teeny gap between two sides of the shirt. His top button is never buttoned up either, which gives people a messy impression.

    Wearing a black suit-like jacket on top, the white shirt can only be seen when you're facing him, but a little part can also be seen from behind and from the sides as the shirt is a little over-sized, and the black jacket isn't large enough to cover all of it. He never zips his jacket, and he has a black tie, always loosened and never tight. When looking at him, you either think that he's influenced by a magician or a pop dancer, or that he dresses like an untidy, drunk hitman with a classy fedora hat that also resembles a good looking, fit, messy, modern version of Al Capone. And yes, he's everything stated above. He has brown spiky hair, but it's mostly covered since he has his hat on most of the time. His eyes are brownish as well, and his skin is a little tan, somewhere between a white American and a black African.


    Personality: I do not think he'll fit in the 'good' or the 'bad' category very well. It changes with his mood, and mind you, he is an awfully moody person as he's a Cancerian, and people born in the Cancer period happens to be rather...unstable. He is rather mature compared to other sixteen year olds, but he has his childish and silly moments. Note that he never shows it in front of others. He likes acting cool with his outfit, like leaning against a wall, pulling his hat downwards to cover most of his eyes, flipping a gold coin and stuff, but people will only place him in the 'weird' category, which, he doesn't know about. He has some tricks up his sleeves, magic tricks he have learned from his parents, but he doesn't show them too often. Those tricks and stuff are proof that he has a childish, happy-go-lucky side, but he doesn't show it often. Not everybody knows about this side of his personality.

    When he's in a good mood, he helps people in need, but he often stays quiet and talk as less as possible, as talking too much would give people an 'uncool' and a 'chatterbox' impression. He's often in a rather neutral mood, and if he's not in neutral, he's probably in the bad side, so being in a good mood can be awfully rare. However, it's easy for him to be in a bad mood, and when he's in a bad mood, he gets angry very easily and often sabotages others' ideas and plans. He can be a devil when he's angry, and he doesn't listen to anybody when he is in 'berserk mode'. He thrashes around like a kid when that happens, and people find it hard to approach him when he's in a bad mood. So you see, his personality differs with his mood, and he can be good for the first five minutes, and suddenly turn bad in the next five. Mind you, he's 70% bad and 30% good so don't risk it.

    As for Likes and Dislikes, he likes pie. Wait what? Ohh. He likes to deceive and attack from behind, not to mention his Virus gun is a modified version of a Revolver. The revolver virus gun suits his personality in battle, Pokemon and non-Pokemon, as he doesn't like to fight like a sniper, attacking with long ranged attacks. He likes to fight with his fists when it comes to human combat, and he likes tornado kicks a lot, which hurts. A lot. Seriously. Fortunately his Gallade likes the same battling tactic as well - fighting close-ranged instead of fighting meters away from your opponent, which is awfully boring in Horatio's opinion. He doesn't want to fight if he doesn't have to do, but in some circumstances, he has to, as his 'victims' don't really yield when they see someone with a revolver. But now, with their Pokemon dying, they don't normally stand a chance against a powerful Gallade with years of training. He prefers speed over power, and agility over force, knowing that fighting would be much more accurate and effective that way.


    History: Horatio was born in a family of magicians. His father and mother travels around the region, performing 24/7, and they don't have much time to take care of their children. Horatio had a twin sister, Celeste, but she has gone missing for two years, and Horatio hadn't heard of her ever since. His parents taught him about magic when he was younger, and Horatio's interest in it isn't fading anytime soon. When he was a little younger, about ten, he enjoyed playing with his twin sister, running in the forests and playing strange magician games. She didn't have the same taste when it came to clothes though, but that wasn't the point. When Horatio was twelve, she went missing, and Horatio is still trying to find her this till very day. Unlike other brother and sisters out there, they got along fine, and they didn't have many arguments, which was a good thing. But now with her gone, Horatio has to play, alone.

    His life had been boring since her sister's disappearance. And as for his parents, they were too busy with their performances, they didn't bother searching for her again. After all, missing for two years? She's probably dead by now. And in his parents' view, they had to spend a lot of cash to take care of her, so with her gone, they can save a lot of money. Horatio has a pic of his sister in his wallet, a pic of her sister wearing a witch's hat when they were ten. His parents were very caring and loving when Horatio was younger, but now, they were cold-blooded. When Horatio was still a young kid, they spent every second of their free time and taught him everything they could. They bought him everything he wanted, and fulfilled his sister's dreams. But when they received a contract when he was seven, their lives have changed forever. A large entertainment company wanted his parents, and the company was paying a high salary for full-day performances around the region. Soon they're cruising around the whole Pokemon world, leaving Horatio alone. They return once every few months to give Horatio some cash, but they leave again in a matter of days. Lonely as ever, Horatio lives on his own with only a small number of friends.

    But when the Solidarity found him at fourteen, Horatio's life changed forever. He wasn't one of the top Solidaritians at first though. He was a little Rookie, and he had to overcome a large number of problems and tasks, and some included killing. At first killing was a large problem for young Horatio, but after a while of...training, he has successfully overcame his fear of death. Rising up the ranks, he's a member of the elite team, and his duty is to attack every human or Pokemon he sees out there, infecting them with the deadly virus. With this mission, he has permission to leave the base, and he can roam around the Region freely, hoping to find his sister once again. After he had joined the Solidarity, his personality changed. Before joining he was a normal, ordinary but lonely kid. Now he's a cold-hearted, quiet Solidarity member that doesn't mind killing on first sight.

    RP Sample:



    Species (no legendaries) - Gallade

    Name - Hermes

    Gender - Male

    Age (10-18) - 15

    Apperance (anything special?) - His blade-like arms extend further at the back. His red eyes are slightly larger than normal Gallade, so when they glow they might look slightly scarier. Not much really. Gallade looks perfect already.

    Biography - It's rather weird as his name is also the name of the Greek God Hermes (the messenger of Gods), but Horatio didn't name him that without a reason. When they met, Horatio was thirteen, and Hermes was still a Kirlia. Miraculously and strangely, the Kirlia, Hermes, was wearing a crescent moon necklace on his neck, which belonged to Horatio's long lost sister, Celeste. Horatio was furious and attacked the Kirlia, thinking that he had killed her, but Hermes dodged his attack and pinned the angered boy onto the ground, then took the necklace off and placed it onto Horatio's hand.

    Hermes didn't know about his sister, and the necklace was found on the ground a few weeks ago, but since Horatio's aura or 'smell' is similar to his sister's, Hermes messed up with the two, and thought that Horatio's the owner of the necklace. All that detail was sent into Horatio's eyes in a flash, and the boy understood without even communicating. A bond was created, and Horatio took Hermes wherever he went - his first Pokemon ever. Then after a while, the Kirlia was named Hermes, as he was like the messenger of his sister, delivering the necklace to Horatio from far away, wherever he got it.

    Joining the Solidarity didn't break the duo apart, and after some training, Hermes evolved into a Gallade, and their bond have been stronger than ever since then. Normally Hermes listens to his trainer's orders and advice, but when he's in battles, he's a different perso- I mean Pokemon. In a battle he likes to make his own decisions, so Horatio finds it rather hard to boss him around, and when they're morphed, he'll find it even harder to control the Gallade when the Pokemon takes over.

    Although Hermes and Horatio's been a duo for two to three years only, their bond is as strong as any other duos out there. Now with Hermes with him, Horatio's hopes of finding his long lost sister are up once again...
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  • 3,411
    • Seen May 28, 2024
    Lol I now realised how short my SU was.. but I don't believe in SUs :/ My personality (even my history) will show itself during the RP ^^ you get the general idea of my char right?


  • 476

    it doesn't matter :) the SU isn't really important compared to the posts in the RP, and you make good posts :D

    remember your location and who to attack. remember the morphers cannot evade this one and must be infected. The attack list? Check page two, and if you have no idea what to write in your chapter posts at first, check the list. If you're still confused, feel free to ask me. When I start this RP, and when I post my first Chapter post, i'll tell you what to do once again to make sure nothing goes wrong. This IS a Platinum Quarterdeck Production :)

    Now Kerjo's done, so when Supervegeta returns, and Fearless Love finishes her SU (and a few others), I think we're ready! Supervegeta the best RPer of July would be here in like..a day or two.
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    Just won't die.
  • 1,880
    LOLOL, I'll be attacked by veg. YOU TRAITOR! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!

    Anyway. I was thinking, I'll be starting my post saying that Dorian's sister is in Floaroma with him. I don't want her to get infected, or she'll die which isn't what I want for Dorian's storyline. No, if I could ask a small favor from veg, it's that he captures her. If that's allowed.
  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    Hm... Nocturnal... I know this isn't what you want but... Since I'll be gone for a while starting 6th of August, it feels a bit stupid to begin an RP just a few days prior. I'll get way far behind and all. Maybe I can join (if there are spots open then) when things get more calm? I think August 29th, I'm gonna be back enough to be able to play ^^ Or at least in September.
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