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Intro / Placenta Masks

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 4,756
    • Seen today
    So occasionally, there are things I want to share here but just don't know where, and this was one of those things - but then I suddenly remembered, I have a blog!! This is actually perfect for all the random musings and thoughts I have that don't belong in any thread, weird anecdotes that no one ever asked for, etc. S/O to Austin, who's been asking me to make a blog since he bought me supportership over a year ago. and sorry about the AMA I never made but you've been A-ing-MA anyway

    First thing I notice as I look at my blog for the first time is WOAH THERE ARE SO MANY OPTIONS. I'm going to have fun customizing my blog tomorrow / at some later date but for now I'll just copy my profile options and hope it looks fine in blog form, although I'm aware that Undyne's spear is making some text difficult to read

    Anyway, onto the reason you're here

    A few days ago, I was at the mall and this Korean makeup store was having a sale on sheet masks, so I decided to grab a few. Among your average "aloe moisturizing" and "avocado nutrition" masks, I spotted:

    ??? And I instantly had so many questions - whose placenta is it? How did they acquire so much placenta(e?) to make all these masks? Do new mothers these days have the option to give the hospital consent to sell your placenta to cosmetic companies? Why is this only $2?

    Naturally, I bought 2 right away, and calming down a bit I'm fairly certain this is not human placenta, but it's still a pretty weird thing to put on your face. Looking into the ingredients, the main source of placenta seems to be this "phytoplacenta extract", which comes from plants, apparently:

    Some seeds and buds of plant have placenta like properties similar to those found in mammals. A perfect example of that is the European beech tree. Its plant embryo contains peptides, flavonoids, hormones and several highly active elements. These important plant chemicals increase plant metabolism which in turn helps the seed to bloom from a dormant state.

    Which makes a lot more sense but also makes this a lot less exciting. And I suppose it also answered another question I previously had:


    In looking for more info about this strange mask and why placenta is so good though, I did find several other products that do make use of mammalian placentas (ie. sheep, cow, pig) like this Hask Super Strength Placenta No-Rinse Instant Hair Repair Treatment. This does not appear to be uncommon, putting placenta on your face and hair, and Jennifer Lopez allegedly does facials/uses products with actual human placenta extracts.

    I don't know the validity of this last factoid and I'm not going to double-check, but if you know about J-Lo's skincare routine and/or human placenta products I'd love to hear about it. That's all I got on placenta products for today - I've never typed the word 'placenta' so many times in one day, this has been an experience. Placenta placenta placenta.
    "Which makes a lot more sense but also makes this a lot less exciting."

    ...wait. You were actually thinking about putting a human placenta on your face? o.O
    Lycanthropy;bt105621 said:
    "Which makes a lot more sense but also makes this a lot less exciting."

    ...wait. You were actually thinking about putting a human placenta on your face? o.O
    I mean yeah, how often do you get to tell people "I put placenta on my face" :D