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It's Evaluation Time!

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 27,894

    Okay, in all seriousness though... as of today, it's been exactly four months now since I've been a moderator here on PC. What I want to know is how I've done in these past few months of a moderator?

    I'm always looking for ways to improve on how I moderate the T&I section, but I'd like to hear from y'all first! Do you think I could improve on how I moderate in any way? Are you guys fine with how I moderate? I really want to know how I've been doing!

    Until next time,
    Servine out~!
    4 months? 4 months?! I thought you were here for ages with the way you carry about yourself, you slippery snake.
    I don't often go to the T&I section... Which I guess I can change... But, you seem to be a cool guy/doing fine!