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Kenji's Card Shop~

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  • 2,799
    Welcome to Kenji's Trainer Card Shop~

    This thread has been inactive for more than a month, and is therefore considered dead.
    It remains open for archival purposes only.
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    Well, since my shop is now closed, I want to replace the card in my sig, as linking to a closed thread is pointless, lol.

    Pokemon Shaped:
    Pokemon Theme: Butterfree
    Name: Myzou
    Info: FC on it if possible ;) 0516 3742 4123
    Specific Sprites?: Mystery Dungeon/MD2 if possible =D
    Other: Foresty Background?

    I'd also ask for Pachirisu and Buneary, but that would be a lot :o
    Yeah, I was being stupid again and left out part of the form again. XDD I always forget something. So I didn't have a trainer.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~


    Anyway, I just used the same one as your card. If you want something else, I can swap it out real quick. I saved the photoshop file, so it would only take like 10 seconds. XD

    Thanks for coming~
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    Wow, that's plain awesome =D Thankies =D Although, you mistyped my Friend Code :o it's 3742, not 3746 XD

    If you ever get bored and willing to do 2 more, just send me a PM and I'll request them :o lol

    Though, that would involve needing MD2 sprites for Pachi and Buneary, so I'll wait on that til a site releases them XD (Or until I recruit them in MD2 rom... lol)
    New card type. Micro cards~ You can get them in any color, with a trainer and pokemon, or a trainer OR pokemon with an egg, badge, ribbon, text... or another trainer or pokemon. XD
    oh my... you make wonderful banners here. :3
    may I make a request too? :3

    Pokemon Theme: Sandslash
    Name: destinedjagold or DJG
    Info: could you not add any trainers and just put there my 6 fav pokemon? thankies! :3
    Specific Sprites?: PMD Sandslash, Flareon, Girafarig, Flaaffy, Skarmory, Furret...
    Other: beach and sunset background if you may, please and thankies. :3
    Trainer Sprite: none please. :3

    Thanks in advance and keep up the awesome work! ;)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~


    Done. A little crowded, but I think I got it to work out. ^__^

    Thanks for requesting~
    Y/w. ^__^ I'm glad you like it~
    Those banners u made them r beautiful!
    Could u make me one, plz?

    Pokemon Theme:Eevee
    Info:No trainer Spites
    Specific Sprites?:PMD Eevee
    Other:grassland background
    Trainer Sprite:none
    Whoa, Kenji these are so awesome! :O

    I'd request one, but I'd most probably wouldn't use it, so then it'd be a waste of your time. ^___^;;
    Best of luck!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~


    Done. Yay. XD

    @Sanctuary: Aw, thanks ^__^
    Could I have a Pokémon-shaped card?
    Pokemon Theme: Chikorita
    Name: Herr Kanin
    Info: Could you please add the number 36162?
    Specific Sprites: Mystery Dungeon Dragonair, Chikorita, Latias, Bellossom and Jirachi, please.
    Other: Deep Sea background?
    Trainer Sprite: Home Made -
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~
    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~


    [PokeCommunity.com] Kenji's Card Shop~



    If you'd like any changes or anything, please ask. ^__^

    Thanks for requesting~
    Pokemon Shaped Card, thank you very much:

    Pokemon Theme: Lucario
    Name: Seraphinw1
    Info: .....
    Specific Sprites?: Riolu, Larvitar,Ralts,Charmander,Shinx,Umbreon,Lucario
    Other: .....
    Trainer Sprite: None, please
    A few problems.

    - I don't have 4th gen MD sprites.
    - I can't really fit that many pokemon on Lucario, due to it's tall, skinny body.

    I could use regular DP sprites and have Riolu & Lucario standing next to each other somewhere on the card, but I really can't fit that many pokemon. Could you narrow it down to... two?
    okay, i'm fine with that. Just Riolu and Lucario's battle sprites (one last thing, could you make my FC code all 7s?)
    Pokemon Theme: Dialga
    Name: ALAINA
    Info: ?
    Specific Sprites?: Eevee,Seel,Persian,Empoleon,Floatzel,Vaporeon
    Other: ?
    Trainer Sprite: Female DP Trainer Sprite

    If You Can,Put The Text " Team In Training " On It.
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