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Laguna grew to level 18!


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  • 11,037
    Today marks the 18th birthday of the man Zangoose with the machine gun, Laguna! He's a really cool guy to hang out with (seriously, go strike up a conversation with him if you haven't already!) and I'm glad to be able to call him a friend.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Laguna grew to level 18!
    Happy birthday, Strider Laguna! Have amazing day full of cake and (free) pizza! Stay awesome! :)
    I'm surprised he's only 18, but then again he has been here for a fair while now.

    Anyways, not much else I have since I already left wishes on your VM's but I hope you had an awesome birthday Laguna! Keep being awesome, dude.
    Aaaah! Happy Birthday! <3

    Seriously, you're a cool Zangoose. Stay frosty my friend, and enjoy your 18th, as I'm sure you're legal for something now! (But do it responsibly mmkay?) :3

    I hope you'll stick with us and celebrate many many more birthdays too~ :3
    While we've met before, I didn't really get to know the guy until a few days ago. All I can say is, you're awesome. And now it's your burthday ~~ Happy birthday Zangoose dude ~ Drink lots of things and stuff :3
    [PokeCommunity.com] Laguna grew to level 18!

    ^ Me right now.

    Nah, I'm just joking. X3 Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the kind words from everyone, and thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday outside of this thread as well. Love you all <3