*enter teacher's pet*
Here is the best I can do:
To improve that, you need to
blend your render more. You can do this by:
Selecting your Lasso Tool on the toolbar, and selecting around the render (picture).
Going: Select > feather > Around 10 - 15 px.
The selection will be smaller now.
While still selected, right click the selected area. Go Select Inverse.
Then go Edit > Clear.
You can also blend your text more, too. Text is hard, so I don't expect you to get it perfect in your first couple of tries.
You used an outer glow. The colour wasn't a very good choice; it didn't suit the render and background. Try going to Outer Glow and clicking the colour box to change it to something that suits the render.
Once you've dont that, you can lower the opacity a bit. Look at your layers window, click the text layer, and drop the Opacity. This makes it more transperant.
Your choice of font was good, too. And the placing of the text and render.
I like how you know about Pattern Overlays; the scanlines.
You have passed your first assignment. Well done.