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[Event] Lavender Festival

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 5,731
    [PokeCommunity.com] Lavender Festival

    Background music:

    Welcome to PokeCommunity's Monthly-MiniChallenge Spooky Event!

    What's This?
    Every month, we will hold a mini-challenge that can be completed on an existing save, or in conjunction with a challenge you're working on. But this time, we decided to bring you old school Holiday Event. Well, not just that... Now, let's see what's this all about...

    Lavender Festival
    You finally made it. You left dark caves of Rock Tunnel behind you and finally see light. Well, not that much light. The sky's purple!

    'Ohhh, that's always like that, when the festival is near.' Says some behind you. You turn around and see old man, looking same direction as you did few moments earlier.

    'If you're here for the Lavender Festival, I have bad news for you. Ghost Pokemon kidnapped Mr. Fuji and they're keeping him at Lavender Tower.' He points to the tower that you didn't notice before.

    'Maybe you could go there and save him. Go!' Before you could say something, you find yourself inside the tower.

    Wild Haunter appears!

    Go... What? You don't have your Pokemon. The moment you realize that, the reality starts warping. You are back in Profesors' Lab and you're choosing your Starter Pokemon. You pick first Pokeball... and Ghastly appears. You pick second... and another Ghastly appears. You don't even bother with last and run out. And there, in tall grass, you see more Ghosts!

    General rules:
    - All main series games are allowed
    - Unlike regular Monthly-Mini Challenge, you have to start new game this time and beat it
    - You can trade/hack in one of your Pokemon as Starter Pokemon
    - Normal and Fairy-Types and cute Pokemon are banned from this challenge
    - This challenge will run October 1st to October 31st 2017

    Let's get to the funny part

    Team Building
    - Your whole team must be based on these famous horror villains

    Count Dracula - This Pokemon must know at least 1 HP-Draining move
    Jason Voorhees - This Pokemon must belong to the Monster or Human-Like Egg Group and can only use slashing-like moves
    Freddy Krueger - This Pokemon can't be Fire-Type. Also it must know at least 1 2-turns move
    Pennywise (IT) - This Pokemon must belong to the Amorphous Egg Group and can't have STAB move. Also, it must have 2 damaging moves and 2 status moves
    Pinhead - This Pokemon must have DEF as its hightest stat, and can only use Special moves
    Samara - Must be be Water-Type and can only be caught by any of the rods

    But that's not all! Now, pick your favourite horror movie/book/game/CreepyPastas (thanks [crystal]DyingWillFlareon[/crystal] for the idea) and create 1-3 rules for your run based on that movie.

    And finally, sign-up:
    Favourite Horror movie/book/game:
    Additional rules:



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    This looks awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to find some time to complete it

    Question: I'm not actually a fan of horror movies, I think the only scary/horror movie I've ever actually enjoyed was Pan's Labyrinth, which I think technically isn't a horror movie (or not a "traditional" horror movie anyway). Would you count that?
    This looks awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to find some time to complete it

    Question: I'm not actually a fan of horror movies, I think the only scary/horror movie I've ever actually enjoyed was Pan's Labyrinth, which I think technically isn't a horror movie (or not a "traditional" horror movie anyway). Would you count that?

    Yep :) I also change that to include books and games too, so there would be more to choose from.

    Also, my sign-up:

    Name: Janp
    Game: X
    Favourite Horror movie/book/game: Friday the 13th
    Additional rules:
    - When any of my Pokemon faints, they're consider as Zombie. Zombie can't evolve or learn any new moves. If it faints again, it's consider dead and I must permanently box it. If I box my Jason this way, it's game over. Also, I can revive one alive Zombie back to the Pokemon after I beat next Gym.
    - My Jason must be leading my team to every Gym/E4/Rival battle

    Vivillon - Dracula
    Pangoro - Jason Voorhees
    Noivern - Freddy Krueger
    Trevenant - Pennywise
    Steelix - Pinhead
    Clawitzer - Samara
    Ooh this sounds fun. considering i have frick all to do until a game comes out next friday i could give this a shot, i've beaten games in less than a week.

    Game: Ruby
    Favourite Horror movie/book/game: i'm really not a horror fan, at all. but i did admittedly enjoy Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow a lot
    Additional rules:
    The True Ending: "Dracula" must have not only his draining move but a move based upon flight, levitation or transofmration (or be flying type/have levitate) and a move based on Fire in refrence to the souls needed to unlock the game's True Ending
    Corruption: each gym leader you defeat makes you more and more corrupt, turning towards the side of darkness. ultimately resulting in you not caring about your pokemon when the final battle comes. Gym 1: no healing limit Gym 2 + 3 Limit of 3 per battle gym 4 + 5 limit of 2 per battle Gym 6+7 Limit of 1 per battle Gym 8 + beyond, no healing except at pokemon centers or healing houses.

    Team: Flygon (dracula)
    Sceptile (Jason)
    Cacturne (Freddie Krueger)
    Swalot (Pennywise)
    Weezing (Pinhead)

    Also i found more fitting music

    EDIT: Update 1

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    Why is nobody doing this challenge? it sounds awesome.

    Can you hack all of your mons or only 1?

    Not sure if all the mons I want are in my game.
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    Normal and Fairy-Types and cute Pokemon are banned from this challenge
    Can you define what Pokémon are considered cute? Otherwise it's bad rule because cuteness is like beauty, it can't be measured.
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    Before I complete my sign up I would just like to make sure of some things:

    I'm not really as big on scary movies, books, and games as I would like to be, but would it be possible to base my three rules off a or various Pokemon Creepypastas? Like all three based on Lost Silver or 1 based on Lost Silver, 2 on Strangled Red, etc.

    And probably somewhat less important, I agree with the person above about the cute thing, so I don't know if I'm allowed to use my team I picked out. Like Vileplume and Jolteon(who would be evolved immediately so that no Normal types are used).

    Sorry and thank you for the answers..
    Why is nobody doing this challenge? it sounds awesome.

    Can you hack all of your mons or only 1?

    Not sure if all the mons I want are in my game.

    Yeah, I only 1 Pokemon at the start of the game.

    Can you define what Pok?mon are considered cute? Otherwise it's bad rule because cuteness is like beauty, it can't be measured.

    Well, I can't define cute Pokemon. I count on the challengers to decide this for themself. Like someone can fear snakes, so don't consider Arbok cute. But then, someone, who loves snakes, comes and put it on the list, because they consider it cute. And they're both right.

    Before I complete my sign up I would just like to make sure of some things:

    I'm not really as big on scary movies, books, and games as I would like to be, but would it be possible to base my three rules off a or various Pokemon Creepypastas? Like all three based on Lost Silver or 1 based on Lost Silver, 2 on Strangled Red, etc.

    That's great idea :) I'll add this to the main post :) Thanks :)
    Cool :D Thanks and you're welcome too!

    Sign up:
    Name: DyingWillFlareon

    Game: Red, changed through the online Red Randomizer only to change trade evolutions into level up at 42. No randomization or other things were changed.

    Dracula- Vileplume
    Jason- Charizard
    Pennywise- Gengar
    Freddy- Jolteon
    Pinhead- Cloyster
    Samara- Seaking

    Because I can't think of many good scary things I watch/read/play myself, my movie/book/game will be PokePastas.

    Addditional rules:
    1- LOST SILVER: You're lost in the region that you know but don't recognize, you can't find stores to buy anything except the Stones from random "street guys" to evolve teammates.
    2- STRANGLED RED: You're a not-so-easily-forgiving/sore loser type of person. You cannot save between Elite Four members and must soft reset if you lose against them.
    3- EASTER EGG-SNOW ON MT SILVER: It's a snowy winter, and it's very cold outside. If your Pokemon faints more than 5 times, it's died from the frostburn and you must bury it in the PC.

    Spoiler: Current Update
    Badges: 2
    Charmander evolved right before Brock and managed to beat him easier than expected. We caught Oddish outside of Cerulean and leveled it up, evolving right after beating Misty with only minor difficulty. Oddish fainted while training and Charmeleon fainted to a crit. We need to be more careful now..

    Jason 1/5
    Charmeleon, Level 27

    Dracula 1/5
    Gloom, Level 21
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    So, I had a lot of time to play at my dorms, because internet wasn't working... and I completed the game :D

    Some thoughts about whole run:

    And with that, my run is complete. I'll edit this post soon with my team.
    Potential late submission, I hate Horror as a genre but enjoy a couple of Horror Spoofs (Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, etc). Can I use one of those to generate my 3 rules ?
    Macho's Log Chapter 2
    So I might've decided to procrastinate on studying for my mid-term by planning out my team...

    I'll be playing LeafGreen

    Additional Rules (Pan's Labyrinth):

    1. Don't wake the pale man: nothing may be eaten (includes berries, healing items, and held items like Leftovers)
    2. The Labyrinth: walkthroughs and maps may not be used to get through caves/mazes/etc.
    3. The Mandrake Root: one pokemon on the team must be based on a plant or have plant-like features; This pokemon keeps the others alive. If it faints, it is "dead", and Nuzloche rules apply to all remaining pokemon.

    Team (mostly decided via random.org):

    Count Dracula = Golbat (obviously)
    Jason Vorhees = Marowak
    Freddy Krueger = Parasect (also the Madrake Root)
    Pennywise = Weezing
    Pinhead = Graveler
    Samara = Poliwhirl

    Used random.org again to decide which pokemon will be my starter, and Paras is the winner! So I'll be hacking a Paras in as my starter pokemon

    editing: holy crap it's only just dawned on me how impossible it's going to be beating Brock with a Paras so I'm cheating a bit and saying that none of the additional rules come into effect until after the first gym

    Day one:
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    question: for stips like "only special moves" and "no STAB" does that count status moves? like could a gulpin still use toxic for pennywise, or a koffing use poison gas for pinhead?
    question: for stips like "only special moves" and "no STAB" does that count status moves? like could a gulpin still use toxic for pennywise, or a koffing use poison gas for pinhead?

    Well, "only Special moves" is pretty clear in my opinion. It's only them, no Status moves.

    But about STAB, it's not so clear. I would say that because Status moves don't inflict damage, they can't get STAB bonus, so they're usable.
    alright "goes to replace unused poison gas with random special TM on koffing"

    Macho's Log Day 3
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    Well, "only Special moves" is pretty clear in my opinion. It's only them, no Status moves.

    But about STAB, it's not so clear. I would say that because Status moves don't inflict damage, they can't get STAB bonus, so they're usable.

    Haha I totally mis-read "only special moves" as "no special moves" whoops
    Macho's Log Day 4
    The king of cutting it close strikes again!

    Team Screenshots (this is to show anything nessecary for the rules such as movesets, stats etc... i know you're all very trusting but i like to have evidence)

    Macho's Log:Final Chapter

    Actual Not in character thoughts
    intresting challenge. i like the idea of self imposed challenges though i do agree entire game playthroughs should be reserved for special events like halloween. the horror refrences were nice too.