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League of Legends


    • Seen Jul 15, 2011
    Hmm.. I'd love to add all of you, but I use the Southeast Asia version of the game by Garena.

    So far i've only been using Ashe, bought her skin too. But I sometimes play as Fiddlesticks. I already have those two champions bought.

    Anyone else having troubles beating the Intermediate Level bots? They're pretty tough. My summoner level is only 8 too.


    content creator on twitch
  • I was just playing a game against the Intermediate bots too as Vayne and I got like 8 / 12 / 3. I admit they are actually hard and do pose a threat, which is fun.


    Moogle King
  • I just found my pet peave in this game its being matched with a bunch of trolls and people who take the game way to seriously


    Get on my choppa!
  • Intermediate bots are admittedly a pain, but if you know what you're doing they're perfectly manageable. The toplane carry is far more aggressive, I've noticed.

    The Co-Op vs. AI team builds really show you that a balance of a strong solo mid, a good physical carry, and support, tanks, and tank hybrids with a healthy mix of CC help make a great team.


    Week 44 (last week's rotation) was coming to a close and I still had yet to try out Jax, so I took him to a couple Co-Op vs. AI games. He wrecks, btw; his Q does insane damage, his E has great cooldown and all-around he's just amazing. Definitely buying him on the smurf after I purchase a jungler.

    My buddy, who was in my party, felt kinda bored of the lack of IP coming from fighting bots, so he urged us to go into PvP queues. The three of us in the party all agreed it'd be a good idea, and I told them, "I'mma still be Jax, screw it." It wasn't all that important to me that I exactly win every PvP game I play.

    Anyway, so we start out the game by having my lane get First Blood (I didn't get it, though, if memory serves), and (I forget who it was, exactly...) and I were just destroying our lane. I end up killing them again and again, using my Q and W to poke enemies for massive damage. If they attempted to fight back, E stunned them and I'd pick up kills.

    I eventually end up getting 11 straight kills without dying, which is by far the best I've done in PvP. Unfortunately, their Miss Fortune and Warwick are good, and our Garen is absolutely awful. In addition, my two friends (Vlad and Annie) were fighting over mid, and our Vlad was doing subpar, while our Annie, despite doing good, probably would've been better mid. So our Annie is constantly telling Garen that he needs to stop feeding, but he keeps just sitting there with his thumb up his ass.

    Eventually, once I feel I have enough control over bottom lane, I start heading top to gank. By this point, top lane doesn't even exist anymore and they're pushing the towers. I leave my partner in bot to handle the pushed lane while I head top and manage to kill both MF and Warwick with no problem, contributing to the 11-kill streak I was on.

    Eventually, they broke off from laning phase and began the team fights.

    Every single fight, Vlad did NOTHING due to me consistently outdamaging him and building Mejai's while ending the game 1/6/3, our Garen was, again, just extremely stupid, and our Annie was constantly focused. I'm eventually killed once they figure out "Hey, he's worth a lot of gold, let's get him!", and while Annie and I are carrying our team, it's hard to push back when your inhibitor's been destroyed. Eventually, once our Nexus turrets go down, Vlad holds the fort while we push mid. The 4v5 proves too much for us, and we're defeated. They barrel down mid and crush Vlad, easily destroying the Nexus soon afterward.

    I hated how the game ended, because I was literally paired with a vegetable and my buddy should not have been Vlad, but I had the best performance in a PvP game so far in that game, as a style of character I'm not even used to playing (I tried Kat and she isn't NEARLY as fun as this AP/melee hybrid), so I'm happy and I thought I'd share.

    Umm, I would like an opinion, though; I'm trying to save IP to purchase a <3150 jungler. Warwick and Fiddlesticks are out of the question, because my friends are constantly playing as them, and I don't know what other junglers are strong enough. I was bouncing Udyr and Shaco around, but unless I'm told otherwise I'm going for Udyr. Can anyone advise me on a strong jungler to buy?
    • Seen Mar 16, 2013
    This thread needs more attention. This game is amazing.

    I've been playing for around 9 months now, I think? I have around 300 wins and 30 or so less losses. Level 30, of course. I play pretty much everything, but mostly casters. Tanks less than other roles.

    By the way, Orianna, the new champion, is so much fun it is unbelievable.

    My summoner name is Dobbert, if you wish to add me.


    Get on my choppa!
  • My buddy got me the one good champion bundle. (Anyone notice that the two bad ones both have the same champions?) I'm really loving Kassadin and Anivia so far, and having Corki, Blitzcrank and Heimerdinger is always a great bonus.

    I'm also having a hilarious time playing a fun sport in custom called 20stacks.match. The concept is you pick characters that can build all three stack items (Sword of the Occult, Mejai's Soulstealer, and the Leviathan), and make a sport out of getting to 20 stacks through kills and assists. You fight the vegetable bots in custom games and have fun destroying them.

    I just played a 5-man as Jax and trailed in kills only to our Twitch, who is a killstealing idiot, btw. He stole at least 8 kills from the rest of the team. :3


    ◕ ‿‿ ◕ double rainbow.
  • Have you tried bravery? Random in a champion, build only stacking items in a normal game.


    Get on my choppa!
  • Am I the only person who's experiencing horrible server problems lately? I've had lag, connectivity issues, and a whole slew of other problems.

    I hope Riot gives us more RP for this. I can purchase Bird of Prey Anivia on my main if that's the case! <3


    LetMeHearYourPokemon's___ Voice
  • Just turned lvl 30 a few days ago and started playing ranked games. Won about 5 in a row then lost about 4 in row XD.

    I love Riot's showing at E3, the new champs look interesting. I'm still waiting on monkey king but scarn looks cool, my Taric needs a gem pet.
  • "You know, I never really stopped to appreciate the interior decorating of base before. It's nice." - Idle thoughts during the last minute of The Worst Game


    Biggest Scyther Fan
    • Seen Jun 5, 2016
    this game wont work for me which sux cause it looks awesome. Question, how do you activate your acoount


    Get on my choppa!
  • this game wont work for me which sux cause it looks awesome. Question, how do you activate your acoount

    Check your email?

    LoL just passed WoW on xfire in terms of hours played. I guess a lot of people like this game.



    So, not one, but TWO epic games in the past 24 hours. Both in the Twisted Treeline. (I seem to function a lot better in 3's than 5's lol)

    I was Maokai. My buddy wanted to be Warwick, as he wanted to see how good with him he was. We were paired with an Ashe. Our opponents were an enemy Warwick, I believe a Master Yi, and a LeBlanc.

    Our Ashe was notably absent from all team fights, and would constantly miss her arrow. It was frustrating to see that I had more kills than her.

    So we committed to one last team fight. We caught LeBlanc out of position and began to focus her. As we did, the enemy Warwick (who by the way, got quite fed because we kept focusing their really bad LB) comes out of the bush to attack. I immediately switch to him, while my teammates continue chasing LB through the jungle. LB eventually does die, but by that time, Yi's gotten them very low before he dies, too. I die quickly because I can't fight a fed WW 1v1, and my team falls shortly after. He barrels into our base, destroying our base turret, our inhibitor, and our nexus turret, and our Nexus is looking like it's going to be destroyed. He's gotten it very low, but Ashe spawns just before it's destroyed. She fires her arrow, but it hits him JUST as the Nexus blows up. If the arrow had hit, he was surely dead, seeing as he was at less than 20% health. It was surely the most epic loss I've ever had.

    Now, for the most epic win.

    My buddy's little brother decided to invite me to a TT game, and brought his friend along. I decided I wanted to be Rammus, because despite maining him I never really play him that often.

    My buddy's brother picks Urgot and his friend picks Yi. I take Fortify/Flash and we start.

    Our enemies: Tryndamere, Garen and Malphite.

    My first thought while the teams were loading was "Damn, they're so hard to kill whereas Urgot is squishy without tank items and Yi's just overall not that durable. However, I figured they were all very melee-oriented, so I had a definite advantage.

    We lost first blood to their Garen, because it became very apparent that our Yi was awful. Our Urgot was also 12 years old, so I wasn't expecting much from him.

    We lost our top turret VERY quickly, due to how aggressive the Garen was being, and how much he was fed by our Yi. I stayed resolute, knowing I was extremely favored against them late game, so I stacked four Doran's Shields (trust me, it worked) to counter their AD-heavy team. +400 health, +40 armor, and insane HP regeneration really did help, because I was attracting their attention so hard that my team was able to kill them by the time I was dead. We were about even by the time I went 2/5/2.

    Then I managed to finish Thornmail, and all hell broke loose.

    Urgot and I decided to push bottom lane. Tryndamere and Malphite were there, and I played extremely aggressive, knowing full well neither of them could kill me and we easily had Malphite and could pop Tryndamere's ultimate. I Powerballed in, taunted Tryndamere (apparently he still got his ultimate off though), and Earthquaked. We ended up getting Malphite very easily, and I think Garen came in, too, and we got him as well.

    It snowballed hard from there. I was denying them map control so hard due to how constantly I was ganking them while they tried to push. I ended up building Sunfire Cape and Guardian Angel quite fast after that.

    I 2v1'd Malphite and Tryndamere twice. The first time, I'd decided to ping the dragon for my team, heading along there myself. I found them already there, both at full health, and knew my team would back me up if I committed. I blew all my cooldowns, destroying both of them while the dragon was attacking me. We got the dragon soon after.

    In between the first and second 2v1, I'd decided to push the bottom lane while my team distracted them. My team got two of them very low, and Malphite was already dead. I managed to get their inhibitor turret and the inhibitor itself, then went right for the nexus turret. I'd started to take fire from it, and seeing Tryndamere and Garen come for me, I knew I was fine because my team was already on their way around to get the turret with me. I got it extremely low, but by the time I was at 40% I forgot I lost my GA proc and didn't want to be free gold. At this point, the entire enemy team was blowing all their cooldowns (including Malphite's stun ult, just on me) to kill me, but I managed to Powerball behind the Nexus and Flash over the base wall. My other two teammates died, but I knew I was in no danger.

    The second 2v1 happened when I had already been on a 10-kill streak by that point and decided I was tired of hearing them complain about their inability to kill me (it didn't help at all that my 250+ armor score was being countered by ATTACK SPEED, of all things), so I barreled past our minions pushing bottom and went straight for their Nexus. I met Malphite on the way, getting him extremely low, but unable to kill him as I went right back to poking the Nexus. Malphite came back on me when I was at about 65% health, and Tryndamere joined soon after. I ulted, W'd, taunted Tryndamere, and once they got low enough, Q'd them both. I "died", but my GA proc kept me alive as I poked their 30% Nexus to death, by myself, while my team was doing God knows what.

    After the game, I checked their build. Not a Last Whisper in sight. Just a bunch of Phantom Dancers and Infinity Edges. Cute.

    So yeah, going 14/5/9 with 100 CS is pretty good, I heard.


    dreaming a transient dream.
  • Nyoro~n.

    Look it's a LoL thread. : O

    I play the following champions to fill out team roles!


    Hurdur I just played a pretty good game on SR.

    Our team comp went as follows: Katarina, Tryndamere, Sona, Twitch, Shen. I was forced to pick tank because the rest of the team did not; thankfully I actually like playing Shen.

    The opposing team comp: Blitzcrank, Jarvan, Shaco, Twitch, Veigar.

    So I was like "hoooo, 3 AD, time to stack armor".

    I bought a Doran's Shield as a starting item, due to Vorpal Blade removing the need for health pots. Twitch went mid momentarily to help Kat with first blood, and they got that within a few seconds of the creeps reaching us. Shaco was apparently in the jungle killing blue buff (I was like "wtf" after he came out with the crest) and my lane (Sona and I) proceeded to avoid the bushes like the plague (JitBs are not fun : <). Jarvan and Shaco coordinated well, and even though they dealt negligible damage to me (Doran's Shield armor plus flat armor yellows) they managed to take down Sona and were left with about TWENTY HEALTH EACH. I was like "WTF?!" and chased them to their tower but they were under its protection already, and there were no creeps nearby to take the hits. So I was deprived of my heroic doublekill. / sigh

    Sona proceeded to get killed another two or three times in lane, but starting at around level 7 she managed to survive long enough for me to first ULT TO SAVE HER, then hit both of the enemies (Jarvan and Shaco) with my taunt, and therefore Sona usually lived to port back to base. Kat came down bottom to pick up a double kill with my assistance (taunt taunt taunt) and that happened rather well.

    I picked up a Heart of Gold on my first port back and an Aegis of the Legion on my second. No boots until much later, out of the laning phase. : <

    So as teamfights were beginning to break out, our Twitch got smart and got an Oracle's Elixir (as he died very little). The enemy team was not so intelligent. We gradually gained an advantage in kills and we fed enemies to Trynd long enough that he became a force to be reckoned with (Infinity Edge + Phantom Dancer, building a Last Whisper). A couple chaotic teamfights broke out top and mid, but thankfully they had no idea how to coordinate or how to focus and we managed to pick up usually 3-4 kills, only losing one member of our team (due to my ult and taunt, trololo).

    At around 22-23 minutes, we began pushing mid really hard after we got dragon with Twitch's help (pink ward got removed, &c). The first mid tower went down after I taunted their solo defender (Blitzcrank) and the other 2-3 members of my team destroyed him under the tower (which obviously went down with 3/4 champions hitting it). Sona started to be useful since she was no longer focused down and positioned in the back of the team, and I did my tank thing (take turret hits while allowing others to towerdive, &c). We pushed down both their mid turrets, leaving their mid inhibitor turret, managing to ace them in the meantime. After the ace they ... surrendered. >_>;

    I ended as 1/2/15; items:

    Doran's Shield, Heart of Gold, Aegis of the Legion, Mercury's Treads, Chain Vest, Giant's Belt

    And 500~ish gold I believe. ...Unfortunately I also had the highest CS on my team (I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHY >_>, do they not know how to lasthit or something...). Though, our team was awesome in that we bought wards and they didn't.


    Trying out Yorick at the moment; he is incredibly fun but has mana issues. Need to test him out in a non-bot game (even Intermediates are too exploitable ... /sigh). I need to pick up Rumble for sure (new playstyles have developed, and he's a tanky melee mage), and I am considering picking up Nidalee again (I had no idea how to play her before, even though I bought her and a skin : <).

    Waiting on Leona (WTB FEMALE TANK) and possibly Skarner.
    Last edited:


    Get on my choppa!
  • kso, ever since my buddy bought me the good bundle of champions, I've seen myself playing most every champion in that bundle except for Gangplank. After Riot removed the deny mechanic from Raise Morale, I was really not up to trying him. I wasn't a fan of a character whose only real selling points were a single burst nuke, split pushing and being "in every team fight".

    Then they changed his passive from reduced healing to slowing, and then I felt I may try him.

    A lot of my friends told me "OMG GP IS SO GOOD NOW", but it took until seeing Jungle GP in a YouTube video channel I subscribe to, and seeing Elementz put him on tier 1 of his champion tier list, that I decided I'd give it a spin. So I took him into a custom with friends, and ohhhhh boy.

    His passive, for those who don't know, applies a damage-over-time poison and slow to enemies he hits with his basic attacks. While it may not seem impressive, both stack and Parrley, his Q ability, procs the slow, meaning he's basically got a DoT Frozen Mallet as his passive, which is...kinda insane. The poison and the removal of the deny from Raise Morale also really help him jungle fast. (I was clearing wraiths at one point when the Vladmir who was mid was pushing back the enemy Ryze. When I used Raise Morale, he got the buff despite being in the lane while I was behind the wraith camp. The buff has pretty good range, I'd say.)

    I used to take Cloth Armor and 5 Health Potions as my stating item, but I've gravitated towards Vampiric Scepter due to its ability to build into the ultra-flexible Wriggle's Lantern.

    The build, for anyone curious:

    Mark of Alacrity x9
    Seal of Resillience x9
    Glyph of Focus x9
    Quintessence of Desolation x3

    (This is what I want the build to be. For now, I'm stuck using Marks of Desolation, Glyphs of Shielding and Quints of Fortitude >.<)

    Take improved Smite, attack speed, and all the damage increases in offense. Ignore the magic penetration stat, but take 1 point in cooldowns. I'm currently testing to see if 4 points in CDR in offense is better than 6 armor penetration. It probably is, in all fairness, but if it helps him jungle faster the 6 ArP will be kept.
    In Utility, take death timer reduction, one point in regeneration, 4 points in improved experience, and 1 point in neutral buff duration.

    I may flirt with seperate mastery trees, like maybe a 1/7/22 build or something. For now, I'm not really sure. Reduced CD on summoners and improved Smite are attractive, and having full neutral buff duration increase is also tempting.

    Your summoner spells are Flash and Smite. Flash is the bread and butter summoner spell for practically every character except like Kassadin, and Smite because herpderp jungling.

    Your skill path is such that you take a point in E at level 1, Q at level 2, E at level 3, W at level 4, and alternate maxing Q and E. Level R whenever possible, of course.

    Your starting item is, as has been said, a Vampiric Scepter. The lifesteal is really necessary, and while Doran's Blade is overall a better item, being a jungler you're stretched for gold, and you need to rush Wriggle's ASAP.

    Start at the Golem camp. Work your way to Wraiths, using Smite to kill Papa Wraith. After you kill the wolves, pill and grab Cloth Armor and as many Health Potions as you can. After that, grab blue buff and then red buff and gank.

    For items, you typically want to take Wriggle's first, making sure you have level 1 Boots by the time you've completed it. Your boots honestly depend on the enemy team and who's doing well, but if you're not sure just grab Berserker's Greaves. Grab the proper defensive shoe if you see a particular enemy doing well. Your core items are Wriggle's Lantern and Trinity Force; be sure to grab Sheen first out of the three, then probably Zeal. (But that could just be me; being able to catch up to and slow enemies with your passive makes me want to buy Zeal before Phage, but if you're bogged down in concentrated fights or if you're able to get into melee range fast enough, Phage might be better.)

    If the enemy team has good AD carries, defensive offense such as Atma's Impaler is a good choice, as well as pure defense in Ranudin's Omen and a Sunfire Cape. Xin Zhao will think twice about attacking you.

    For a team with good AP, your best defensive offense option is probably Wit's End, but that's due to Wit's End being a pet item of mine (dat MR <3). For pure defense, build Banshee's Veil and Spirit Visage.

    If you're the one doing well on your team, your offensive kit can be Madred's Bloodrazor, Infinity Edge and Last Whisper; or you could alternatively do Atmog's and Infinity Edge. Last Whisper is a good option if they're stacking armor.

    Keep in mind that with red buff, your ult will slow like nobody's business, since it procs off the buff.

    Hope I've given you all some insight into JungPlank! :3