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Lisa's 21st birthday! (Ask Lisa Anything!)

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165

    That's right! My OC trainer Lisa is now of legal drinking age! Hard to believe she was only 15 when she first appeared and set out to train Pokemon. Now she's a Ph.D. graduate, not to mention a multimillionaire and a secret agent who's skilled with firearms and extreme driving.

    Anyway, to celebrate, I'm doing a variation of the "Ask Me Anything" meme where "Lisa" will answer your questions (It'll be me answering, but stepping into the role of Lisa and answering as she would). So, if there's anything you'd like to know about her, ask away!

    In the meantime, some eye candy! The following are all works of art of Lisa that I had commissioned from various deviantArt members. Now you know where the bulk of my money has been going lately xD

    Lisa. On a mission. In her car.

    A more "causal" outfit that also reflects her South Carolina heritage.

    Lisa and the character whose looks inspired her design. Looking totally badass.

    Beware sudden gusts of wind. Especially when wearing a "formal" outfit.

    Another Lisa and Leaf BFF pic.

    Lisa and her friend Sadie (actually an OC belonging to my pair and sometimes fan fiction collaborator Haruka of Hoenn).

    Formal wear. An '89 Buick wagon. Together they are epic.

    Lisa, somewhere she really doesn't want to be.

    Lisa, somewhere she totally wants to be.

    Hope you enjoyed the Lisa eye candy, and ask away with your questions :)
    I'll start things off with my bunch:

    - How did you accrue all of this wealth on your person?
    - What was your motivation for becoming a trainer?
    - Why did you become a secret agent for?
    - Did you have a tough time with handling those weapons?
    - Has anyone ever seen you as a man inside a woman's body at all?
    - Do you have any plans of traveling to Unova sometime in the future?
    - Do you plan on getting married?
    - Now that you've turned 21, are you going to get yourself all sorts of drunk? (please say no...)

    That'll be it for me.

    *dry cough* I need some lube after that...
    How did you accrue all of this wealth on your person?
    My parents are business executives, and I have a couple very profitable online business ventures, including an online tutoring service, and a web hosting and design company.
    What was your motivation for becoming a trainer?
    My dad made me do it :P I didn't give training a second thought till my folks kicked me out of the house and made me train. I did end up enjoying it, though.
    Why did you become a secret agent for?
    I've always been interested in crime investigations. And once I finished journeying, I decided that traveling to another region and doing that again wasn't something I'd have the time for. Being a secret agent would allow me to work and attend college whenever I wasn't called on a mission, so it was quite flexible. Plus I'd be able to drive cars for my missions, which is something I sorely missed while journeying.
    Did you have a tough time with handling those weapons?
    Honestly, it wasn't any harder than battling with Pokemon. In fact, I actually found that the extreme driving part of the job came to me almost like second nature. As far as the guns, as soon as I got used to the recoil from firing them, and after a bit of target practice, I didn't find them hard to use at all.
    Has anyone ever seen you as a man inside a woman's body at all?
    No, never. I think my frilly dresses and bubbly personality kinda put that theory to rest, lol
    Do you have any plans of traveling to Unova sometime in the future?
    I've already been there once to shut down a gun-running operation. Whether I go there again is going to depend on whether I'm called to handle another criminal enterprise there. I don't think I'd head there for vacation, though. I already have my preferred vacation spots in my home country.
    Do you plan on getting married?
    Maybe if the right guy comes along. Isn't going to be one of those trainer types though... I'm looking for more the business executive type. Haven't found the right person yet, though, and I'm still a bit young to be considering marriage anytime soon anyway.
    Now that you've turned 21, are you going to get yourself all sorts of drunk? (please say no...)
    Nothing more than a glass or two of wine at a nice upscale restaurant. Excessive drinking and those dark smoky bars aren't my cup of tea. And believe me, I've been to enough of those bars trying to track down criminals.
    Thank god... I've already heard enough about those people who literally drink themselves to death the instant that they can drink, & sometimes they don't even wait until then.

    But enough about that, I've a couple more things to ask of you:

    - Whenever you're in your formal wardrobe, do you often pray to the weather gods that there's no wind in that day?
    - Have you ever dreamed of handling one of these things?!

    Yeah, I had to ask you both of those.
    Whenever you're in your formal wardrobe, do you often pray to the weather gods that there's no wind in that day?
    Well, I'm pretty much in my formal wear every day, so wind's just something I've had to learn to deal with xD

    Have you ever dreamed of handling one of these things?!
    Nah, the weapons I use, I like because they're compact and easy to use with one hand. Plus, my goal is to try to bring suspects in alive. I'm trained to only use deadly force when lives are in danger.
    Elite Overlord LeSabre™;bt77037 said:
    Nah, the weapons I use, I like because they're compact and easy to use with one hand. Plus, my goal is to try to bring suspects in alive. I'm trained to only use deadly force when lives are in danger.

    Dawww, I knew this was asking you a bit too much. I'm the kind of person that believes that any & all criminals should be put to death, one way or another.

    Still, I've got a few more for you:

    - Seeing that you're always in your formal garb, how do you manage those windy days without having it blow your dress up, thus revealing your... undergarments?
    - Has at least one criminal suspect responded to your presence with deadly force in your past service as an agent?
    - Do you have more than one formal set in your wardrobe?
    Hi, Lisa! :3

    You like flowers, right? What's your favorite, uh, specie?
    What's your favorite Pokemon? Why?
    How long do you think you'd continue with the agent stuff?
    Umm... what do you do with all your money? :o
    Seeing that you're always in your formal garb, how do you manage those windy days without having it blow your dress up, thus revealing your... undergarments?
    I wear pantyhose. Well, actually I wear pantyhose all the time, but... On those days there's not really much I can do about it, besides hold the fort down and hope for the best :P
    Has at least one criminal suspect responded to your presence with deadly force in your past service as an agent?
    Yes. Usually I try to aim for the arms or legs, or sometimes their weapon itself to eliminate the threat, but... I have fatally wounded suspects before. You try not to, and you really can't dwell on it for too long, since it comes with the job.
    Do you have more than one formal set in your wardrobe?
    You bet! I have multiples of my blue floral dress, as well as my while Sunday dress (complete with Kevlar underneath), a green dress, a lavender one, and a business suit and purple evening gown for those really fancy dinner parties.

    Hi, Lisa! :3
    Hi there! :D

    You like flowers, right? What's your favorite, uh, specie?
    Dasies and roses. Odd thing is, I'm fond of flowers, but not so much of Grass Pokemon... you'll notice I have none on my team.
    What's your favorite Pokemon? Why?
    Persian, for the simple reason that Meowth was my first Pokemon and she was so excited when she evolved. Plus, I think Persian's formal, elegant appearance is perfectly suited to my own formal style :)
    How long do you think you'd continue with the agent stuff?
    Probably a few more years. I told myself that once I found Mr. Right, I'd get out of the business and just fall back on my online business ventures. Oh, and probably become a math or computer science professor at a local college.
    Umm... what do you do with all your money? :o
    Well, I bought my own three bedroom house in an upscale housing development. I've also got a collection of... I think I'm up to six now... cars, many of them classics that I only show off at auto shows. Other than that, I eat out almost every night, take weekend trips down to the coast quite often, and make sure I get my favorite anime series whenever they come out on DVD... and then there's the anime conventions I go to and the merchandise that I order direct from Japan. The rest of the money is in the capable hands of my financial advisor.
    Hi there! :D

    Dasies and roses. Odd thing is, I'm fond of flowers, but not so much of Grass Pokemon... you'll notice I have none on my team.
    Oooh, they're pretty~ ... though all flowers are. :3 I feel you; my liked Grass-types can be counted with one hand.

    Persian, for the simple reason that Meowth was my first Pokemon and she was so excited when she evolved. Plus, I think Persian's formal, elegant appearance is perfectly suited to my own formal style :)
    I see, I see. You kinda made me think of Giovanni with the formality stuff, though, but don't think that as a bad thing or anything. ^^' Anyway, it's nice to have a Pokemon to fit your lifestyle; and with it being your starter must have been double the joy. :3

    Probably a few more years. I told myself that once I found Mr. Right, I'd get out of the business and just fall back on my online business ventures. Oh, and probably become a math or computer science professor at a local college.
    Good luck finding your Mr. Right. :) And maybe I can ask you when I'm having a really hard time with math stuff, especially with geometry as well as trigonometry (I prefer algebra), if ever. xD

    Well, I bought my own three bedroom house in an upscale housing development. I've also got a collection of... I think I'm up to six now... cars, many of them classics that I only show off at auto shows. Other than that, I eat out almost every night, take weekend trips down to the coast quite often, and make sure I get my favorite anime series whenever they come out on DVD... and then there's the anime conventions I go to and the merchandise that I order direct from Japan. The rest of the money is in the capable hands of my financial advisor.
    How big is it? Oh, wow, you sure like cars. Do you win a lot? Quite the life you have. Ehehe.
    Oooh, they're pretty~ ... though all flowers are. :3 I feel you; my liked Grass-types can be counted with one hand.
    Yep, I think every dress I own has a floral print on it... though some of my skirts don't :P I don't know, I just think that Grass types just have too many weakness, and they don't really fit well with how I battle.

    I see, I see. You kinda made me think of Giovanni with the formality stuff, though, but don't think that as a bad thing or anything. ^^' Anyway, it's nice to have a Pokemon to fit your lifestyle; and with it being your starter must have been double the joy. :3
    No problem, besides, he's reformed now :) But I do like it that my main Pokemon is a good reflection of the type of person that I am, and I'm quite happy that she's been with me from the very start.

    Good luck finding your Mr. Right. :) And maybe I can ask you when I'm having a really hard time with math stuff, especially with geometry as well as trigonometry (I prefer algebra), if ever. xD
    Thanks! Though it might take awhile... I'm not the type of girl to be satisfied with your typical jeans-and-ball-cap-wearing trainer type. Oh, and if you ever need help, one of my internet business ventures is running an online tutoring service that's proven very popular.

    How big is it? Oh, wow, you sure like cars. Do you win a lot? Quite the life you have. Ehehe.
    3 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 stories. It's plenty big enough for me since I live alone, and I don't want one of those really huge mansions... I'd probably get lost in there, not to mention running myself ragged trying to keep the place clean. As for the cars, it's weird. Most girls aren't interested in them (and even less like the big older ones) but I've always thought that they (at least the ones my parents had when I was growing up) were quite beautiful. Plus, I hate getting around by foot and I was too terrified to learn to ride a bike.

    I usually don't enter car shows to compete, just to show off my babies:) And the only really "classic" one I own is my 1953 Buick. The rest are cars from the 1970's and 1980's that I just find to be attractive. Yup, I've been told I lead an interesting life... most girls with as much money as me wouldn't dream of being investigative agents, but I think my time as a trainer gave me an appreciation for the need to crack down on crime. Fortunately it doesn't take up a huge amount of my time (I usually have less than ten missions a year), so I can manage my online companies and have a bit of anime-related fun as well xD
    Yep, I think every dress I own has a floral print on it... though some of my skirts don't :P I don't know, I just think that Grass types just have too many weakness, and they don't really fit well with how I battle.
    Wow, that's... dedication. xD Well, that's true. All right.

    No problem, besides, he's reformed now :) But I do like it that my main Pokemon is a good reflection of the type of person that I am, and I'm quite happy that she's been with me from the very start.
    Yeah, and that is good. Hehe. It must have been fate that brought you guys together, since she was the only one who wasn't Poke-napped when the professor's lab was attacked.

    Thanks! Though it might take awhile... I'm not the type of girl to be satisfied with your typical jeans-and-ball-cap-wearing trainer type. Oh, and if you ever need help, one of my internet business ventures is running an online tutoring service that's proven very popular.
    Well, there are some boys who like the girly-girl type, so don't worry. :) All right, thanks! :D

    3 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 stories. It's plenty big enough for me since I live alone, and I don't want one of those really huge mansions... I'd probably get lost in there, not to mention running myself ragged trying to keep the place clean. As for the cars, it's weird. Most girls aren't interested in them (and even less like the big older ones) but I've always thought that they (at least the ones my parents had when I was growing up) were quite beautiful. Plus, I hate getting around by foot and I was too terrified to learn to ride a bike.
    Lots of threes. What does your house look like? Don't you want to hire a maid? Do you have a garden? :D Ah, I'm not surprised to hear (err, read) that. But the bike is fun. xD

    I usually don't enter car shows to compete, just to show off my babies:) And the only really "classic" one I own is my 1953 Buick. The rest are cars from the 1970's and 1980's that I just find to be attractive. Yup, I've been told I lead an interesting life... most girls with as much money as me wouldn't dream of being investigative agents, but I think my time as a trainer gave me an appreciation for the need to crack down on crime. Fortunately it doesn't take up a huge amount of my time (I usually have less than ten missions a year), so I can manage my online companies and have a bit of anime-related fun as well xD
    Oh, I see. The way you speak, I can you really have a fondness for le cars~ I can imagine them buying all sorts of bags and clothes and stuffs if they had as much as money as you. ^^' And to think you weren't even interested in being a Trainer. I guess your experiences changed everything...? What's your favorite anime?
    Wow, that's... dedication. xD Well, that's true. All right.
    Well, I've always got to look my best :) And real dedication is wearing white pantyhose/tights with almost every one of those outfits... I go through a whole bunch of pairs of them in a given month.

    Yeah, and that is good. Hehe. It must have been fate that brought you guys together, since she was the only one who wasn't Poke-napped when the professor's lab was attacked.
    I still can't believe how well that worked out... if I wanted to start out with any Pokemon, I'd want it to be a nice cat Pokemon.

    Well, there are some boys who like the girly-girl type, so don't worry. :) All right, thanks! :D
    Well I'm also looking for someone who's in a management position within a business. Someone's who's a professional. And sure, ask me anytime you have a question... I might have to refer you to one of my employees if I'm out doing something, though...

    Lots of threes. What does your house look like? Don't you want to hire a maid? Do you have a garden? :D Ah, I'm not surprised to hear (err, read) that. But the bike is fun. xD
    Well, it's kind of like a Southern plantation home with white siding and a front porch with columns. It's designed to fit in with this upscale planned community I live in a few miles south of the big city. I probably should hire a maid... as long as she wears a traditional maid outfit like in animes xD I really don't think I could keep a garden without forgetting it, and I don't like getting myself dirty... maybe the maid can handle it lol. Bikes aren't my thing, really. They aren't self-powered, they fall over far too easily, and it'd be pretty hard to ride one while wearing one of my dresses xD

    Oh, I see. The way you speak, I can you really have a fondness for le cars~ I can imagine them buying all sorts of bags and clothes and stuffs if they had as much as money as you. ^^' And to think you weren't even interested in being a Trainer. I guess your experiences changed everything...? What's your favorite anime?
    My cars are my babies... my first car, I've had longer than I've had any of my Pokemon. But it's only the big old ones I like... these newer, smaller ones that look llike bubbles... definitely not my cup of tea...er... motor oil xD Well, admittedly, I do buy my fair share of clothes, but as for bags, I just need something practical that can carry my gear. I certainly don't need some name brand bag. I may be rich but that doesn't mean I like to waste money on things I don't need.

    Yeah, my long journey definitely got me appreciating Pokemon a lot more. Crime, forensic investigations, and evidence examination have always been interesting to me, though. As for my favorite anime, it's a tough choice but I'd have to say the Pretty Cure magical girl series.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA! Sorry I'm late.

    Here are my questions:

    - What's your opinion on PokeDexes, and the 'gotta catch 'em all' mentality? If a professor gave you one to fill, would you want to do it?
    - If you could be a Gym leader for a week, what would your type be?
    - What is it about those 'trainer types' that annoys you the most?
    - If you had another home, which region would it be in?
    - Would you ever want to visit the Pastoria Great Marsh?
    - What do you think of the official trainer outfits for Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh? Which is your favorite?
    - If you had to design a trainer outfit, what would it look like?

    There may be more on the way later. For now, enjoy being 21! :P
    What's your opinion on PokeDexes, and the 'gotta catch 'em all' mentality? If a professor gave you one to fill, would you want to do it?
    I wouldn't do it personally, since it would (a) require far too much effort, and (b) require me to get my hands on Pokemon I don't particularly care for. Honestly, I'm content with just catching and training the ones I like.
    If you could be a Gym leader for a week, what would your type be?
    That's horribly unbalanced from a team-building and strategy perspective... Maybe Normal so I could use my Persian and my party could use a variety of moves... Or I could use my regular party of diverse Pokemon and just say they're all "Awesome-type Pokemon" :P
    What is it about those 'trainer types' that annoys you the most?
    I encounter so many that have a one-track mind about it... training's all they ever talk about. I mean, I like training, but I don't want to talk about it 24/7. Sometimes, I want to talk about things like internal financial audits. And classic car design. And hotel management. And which season of Pretty Cure is the best. And why I feel Harris Teeter is a better place than Publix to get my groceries. And I could go on and on xD Varied topics like that.

    Also, some of them are a bit too eager about rushing out into the field... too spontaneous and I'd wish they would take time to plan things out before rushing in headfirst. I've lived the trainer life before, and the whole routine of being out in the wild for days on end without civilization, good restaurant food, or lodging with comfy beds, continental breakfast, and free wi-fi just isn't for me. And being with someone who is into training invariably means I'd have to return to that sort of nomadic lifestyle...
    If you had another home, which region would it be in?
    Lowcountry region of South Carolina. My parents live in the Upstate and my current home is in the Charlotte-Rock Hill metro region, but the coastal communites of Charleston, Beaufort, and Hilton Head are very alluring :)

    I'm not sure about the established Pokemon regions, though, except my choice wouldn't be Hoenn - way too much water and getting around would be difficult. Sinnoh is admittedly pretty though, if I could live in a larger city like Hearthome.
    Would you ever want to visit the Pastoria Great Marsh?
    Only in a big four wheel drive truck with a lift kit and some large off roading tires. No way would I want to wade through knee-deep mud on foot... I tried that once and ruined a perfectly good outfit.
    What do you think of the official trainer outfits for Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh? Which is your favorite?
    Kanto's is simple yet classy. You can't go wrong with a nice skirt :P Sinnoh's is cute too but the beanie-type hat doesn't appeal to me. I really don't like any of the guys' outfits, though (see below)
    If you had to design a trainer outfit, what would it look like?
    For the girls, blue floral dress, green blouse, and white pantyhose work just fine. Pretty much what I'm wearing now. For the guys, they need to step it up. How about a nice three piece business suit and tie? Something classy, you know?

    Thanks for the birthday wishes :)
    Hey Lisa, sorry if I'm late but Happy Birthday anyway :D

    Who is the trainer you look up to the most?

    What's your favourite legendary Pokémon?

    Is there a boy who currently attracts you?
    Who is the trainer you look up to the most?
    Either Leaf, Champion of Kanto and the one who beat me in nationals a few years back, or Lorelei, my current supervisor within the League Investigation Bureau.

    What's your favourite legendary Pokémon?
    The Buick Electra Estate Wagon, who else xD Actually, I've encountered very few legendaries in my travels - most of the criminal enterprises I investigate are involved in fraud, extortion, and gun and drug smuggling, and those type of operations typically don't involve legendaries. But I've heard of this legendary called Mewtwo who was supposedly created with the power of science, and you know I'm a big sucker for anything scientific :P

    Is there a boy who currently attracts you?
    What's with all these questions about my nonexistent love life xD? There's no one currently, and until I start hanging out with CEOs and accountants instead of constantly dealing with lowlife thugs, that probably won't change. It's hard to be attracted to a guy that you just went all Walker Texas Ranger on :P
    I am very too late but happy bday Lisa...

    q1 why do you seem like a girl of me
    q2 what is your least favourite pokemon
    q3 what is (pi*sqroot491) + (googol/0.666)
    q4 where do you find a quality inn
    q5 where do I buy a 1965 Buick (pink!)
    q6 if you could battle anyone who would it be
    q7 can you tell lesabre to give me your next chapter now.

    thanxs Lisa