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lol, Mime Jr.


  • 7,415
    So I'm currently grinding up a Ferroseed in my Y version in Reflecting Cave and I'm attacked by a horde of Mime Jr. Ferroseed is of course a notoriously slow pokémon, so even Mime Jr. that are 17 levels lower can outspeed it.

    I'm just sitting here waiting patiently for this battle to end only glancing at my DS once every ten seconds or so to make sure Ferroseed doesn't faint, whilst the Mime Jr. all kill themselves from the Iron Barbs recoil from continuous use of Double Slap.
    ...and after the battle came to and end, I forgot that I had intended to catch one of them for completion's sake (it's a bit easier than breeding a Mr. Mime).

    Oh well. >_>
    Yeah this is why I hate hordes... some can get painfully long if you don't have attacks that hit multiple targets. Good luck and it'll be a Ferrothorn in due time!