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lol what a waste


by fire be P U R G E D
  • 4,519
    As I look at the Who's Online list, I notice that a good amount of members (including myself) chose to use their final name change to go back to their original or most known name. It's almost like the name change feature was never there. XD

    But I fought the power and went with a different name other than going back to Pikataro like some people wanted me to.
    I know rite? xD

    Although, I thought it was cool to see everyone going back to their original names, or what they were most known as. I'm actually glad the name change feature is gone, now I can't lose track of people, and also.. people probably won't have the urge to change their name now. With the option gone, it might eliminate that "I CAN CHANGE MY NAME! OMG. MUST THINK OF SOMETHING!" feeling.. xD
    I was going to change back anyway. This was basically just an early change card for me.
    BeachBoy;bt38275 said:
    classics > all
    It was your name that was the feather that broke the camel's back and prompted me to make this blog.

    Welcome back to the beach, boy.
    Lady Gaga;bt38277 said:
    Was I the only member (aside from Aizuke), that didnt change their name? D:
    Erm, No. I'm not here too long to, but I had already made up my mind that I only desire only one username. I got tempted once though. But, b00m.
    Gummy;bt38276 said:
    It was your name that was the feather that broke the camel's back and prompted me to make this blog.

    Welcome back to the beach, boy.
    Thanks Gummy, glad to be back.
    I like being Forever. [/somewhat relative to this]
    For Us: I guess it's kinda like an answer to a test. You put down your first gut answer that feels right, then change it to one that logically is better (i.e. cooler), but I know personally my changed answer has NEVER been right in the end.

    For Others: Unless it's like gokussj4386 or something it just seems like the first name is always the best/familiar one. Even though Jorah changed her name, in all my personal data banks she's still logged Jorah no matter what she goes by.

    And that would be my super special theory on this. We go 'exploring the world' but when it's time to stop we come back home.
    Yeah, I've had two names before this one, neither of which I really want back. Kenji Sasaki was just a little . . . idunno, weird? Weeaboo-ish? Self-insert-y? And Sparkling Dragon was . . . I mean, come on, do I really want to hang around glittering for the rest of my life?

    I contemplated changing to Fall of Civilisation, but I don't think I could stay comfortable with that for any extended period of time. Not to mention that I was Misheard Whisper when I had my extrovert phase and met lots of people, hence many people know me by that name. And I like it, you know? It's somehow poetic. XD It fits like . . . something other than a glove that still fits even though it's not a glove. (All my gloves are too small, so . . .)
    I was going to go back to my real name. But someone took it! All the names in the world, they had to pick my real name! Oh well...everyone still remembers me as Lucy. I just add the "Lu" to it. And I am glad the name change system is gone. Because then I will get to know everyone without checking everyone's history of name changes. I won't get confused. It was nice that we had it, but it was hurting the server. I am glad everyone went back to their original names though. It makes it easier.