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Lot's WiP comic and general talk

Synchro-what? If it has something to do with the new DLC coming up I've avoided spoiler info like the plague, so if this has something to do with that then I haven't heard of it.
Though I also noticed a link to something PD related, so if this Synchro thing is related to PMD stuff instead then just let me know and I'll look into it. (y)
Synchro-what? If it has something to do with the new DLC coming up I've avoided spoiler info like the plague, so if this has something to do with that then I haven't heard of it.
seems to be a feature in the Indigo Disk DLC:woop: :mareepwave: but i understand with not wanting to be spoiled... to a extent :D what that extent is, i have no clue...
Though I also noticed a link to something PD related, so if this Synchro thing is related to PMD stuff instead then just let me know and I'll look into it. (y)
i'm not certain that it is... i just found it on that reddit pmd one :3
seems to be a feature in the Indigo Disk DLC:woop: :mareepwave: but i understand with not wanting to be spoiled... to a extent :D what that extent is, i have no clue...

i'm not certain that it is... i just found it on that reddit pmd one :3

I see! Honestly, if it wasn't going to come out in like a week, I'd be fine with looking into it. But we're already so close to the release that it may as well be a surprise you know? ^^
I see! Honestly, if it wasn't going to come out in like a week, I'd be fine with looking into it. But we're already so close to the release that it may as well be a surprise you know? ^^

:woop: :mareepwave:

also... i moved my pokemon shield+isle of armor *the one with the charmander* that was in timeline 1 to timeline 3 & then i moved my shield+crown tundra *the one with the magby* that was in timeline 3 to timeline 1



cause i wanted to include loh'a who has become soru's big sister into the shield+crown tundra pmd :3

*unfortunately, no poochyena/mightyena in galar, so her dad is also gonna be a zoroark :3 *


will these show up, i wonder? :hattremhuh:
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i moved my pokemon shield+isle of armor *the one with the charmander* that was in timeline 1 to timeline 3 & then i moved my shield+crown tundra *the one with the magby* that was in timeline 3 to timeline 1



cause i wanted to include loh'a who has become soru's big sister into the shield+crown tundra pmd :3

*unfortunately, no poochyena/mightyena in galar, so her dad is also gonna be a zoroark :3 *

Neat! It's good to get any last changes done early on in storywork!


will these show up, i wonder? :hattremhuh:

That's up to you. :p
Neat! It's good to get any last changes done early on in storywork!
yeah :D

also... i'm gonna say that that sneasel is loh'a's friend & he came with her on her trip to galar, as he was born in hoenn :D
That's up to you. :p
no, i meant about what i just showed...

it seems they did show up :D

& yes, they are gonna do the gym challenge, so that their kids can go to the crown tundra after :3
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i made a new pmd... :woop: & probably the last one... cause i think i've made enough now
for timeline 1

You do have a lot to work with for sure, besides, you can always add more later after you get some of these done, you know? :p

I read all the character's small bios, it seems like a good set of Pokemon. Nice picture choices for them as well. I really like the idea of the Totodile you have in mind for it as well!

It's really cool seeing them all lined up like this! Do you know which timeline you're going to start with?
You do have a lot to work with for sure, besides, you can always add more later after you get some of these done, you know? :p
yeah... but nah... these are enough, i think :hattremhuh:

I read all the character's small bios, it seems like a good set of Pokemon. Nice picture choices for them as well. I really like the idea of the Totodile you have in mind for it as well!
:woop: :mareepwave:
It's really cool seeing them all lined up like this! Do you know which timeline you're going to start with?
of course! :woop:

i want to start with topaz & mellow's timeline, timeline 1 :mareepwave: :woop: but starting with fiery binds, first :3

topaz comes two adventures after & then mellow comes one adventure after that :>
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It's really cool seeing them all lined up like this! Do you know which timeline you're going to start with?

i edited & saved a 2nd copy of my sitting down drawing

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

i've been crying a lot lately

cause mum has the virus & i can't hug her... well, i've been hugging her a little bit... but i can't control my crying for some reason lately...

but she says she's getting better

she doesn't know where she got the virus from....

but there is something that does make me happy, though....:woop:

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

mum let me get the scarlet & violet physical hidden treasure of area zero dlc for christmas from argos... she ordered them for me & their coming on saterday
& i saw there's a new emote :D :coolrim:
i edited & saved a 2nd copy of my sitting down drawing


but there is something that does make me happy, though....:woop:


mum let me get the scarlet & violet physical hidden treasure of area zero dlc for christmas from argos... she ordered them for me & their coming on saterday
& i saw there's a new emote :D :coolrim:

That was nice of your mum!
Neat! Glad to be getting some new ones.
That was nice of your mum!
yeah... i asked for them after all.... i'm looking forward to playing either of them after christmas :woop:

i think the 2nd one came out so cute, though :o
Neat! Glad to be getting some new ones.

also... i'm sorry about the late reply.... :plead:
when i got up today, which was near 1:00 pm, my brother started on me again, cause of what happened yesterday... he said that they're sending christmas cards too early.... then i said *i think* please don't ruin christmas like that... *or something along those lines*...

& then he went off on me... saying he doesn't care about the lead up to christmas.... that's not very holiday-ish, is it.... & he said that i don't mean my apologies... i do so :<
& then saying that he doesn't ruin my day... when he sorta does, in someway....

& then after that, i felt really bad & queezy & headachey & thought i was gonna throw up *i ended up not, though... but i thought i was gonna*, cause of all my crying... mum says my lips turned white, mum says it's cause it went into a trauma, or something... & my stomach hurt, mum said it's cause i got myself all in a big tizzy....

i had to lie down & take a nap & deep breaths at the end of the bed in the kitchen for a while, then after a while, i tried some butter on toast...

i think i felt a little better after that....
now i've got my water bottle & slowly drinking

& here we are :>
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yeah... i asked for them after all.... i'm looking forward to playing either of them after christmas :woop:

They've been fun so far!

i think the 2nd one came out so cute, though :o

The second one of what? I'm not sure if you're talking about your drawing or an emote.

also... i'm sorry about the late reply.... :plead:
when i got up today, which was near 1:00 pm, my brother started on me again, cause of what happened yesterday... he said that they're sending christmas cards too early.... then i said *i think* please don't ruin christmas like that... *or something along those lines*...

& then he went off on me... saying he doesn't care about the lead up to christmas.... that's not very holiday-ish, is it.... & he said that i don't mean my apologies... i do so :<
& then saying that he doesn't ruin my day... when he sorta does, in someway....

& then after that, i felt really bad & queezy & headachey & thought i was gonna throw up *i ended up not, though... but i thought i was gonna*, cause of all my crying... mum says my lips turned white, & my stomach hurt, mum said it's cause i got myself all in a big tizzy....
i had to lie down & take a nap & deep breaths at the end of the bed in the kitchen for a while, then after a while, i tried some butter on toast...

i felt a little better after that....
now i've got my water bottle & slowly drinking

& here we are :>

You don't need to be sorry about how long it takes to reply, I'm not an impatient person. ^^

Wait, what happened yesterday?

It's fine if he's not a fan of the lead up to christmas, or even chrismas itself, just as long as he doesn't treat you poorly for liking it. Saying that you don't mean your apologies was unnecessary and rude. Him saying that he doesn't ruin your day is also not his call to make, he isn't you, doesn't feel the things you do, so it's not for him to say if he does or doesn't.

I'm sorry you had such a poor start to your day, but I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now though! ^^
They've been fun so far!
The second one of what? I'm not sure if you're talking about your drawing or an emote.
i mean my drawings :3
You don't need to be sorry about how long it takes to reply, I'm not an impatient person. ^^
ok :>
Wait, what happened yesterday?

It's fine if he's not a fan of the lead up to christmas, or even chrismas itself, just as long as he doesn't treat you poorly for liking it. Saying that you don't mean your apologies was unnecessary and rude. Him saying that he doesn't ruin your day is also not his call to make, he isn't you, doesn't feel the things you do, so it's not for him to say if he does or doesn't.
he said he likes christmas as much as me, but....
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

I'm sorry you had such a poor start to your day, but I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now though! ^^

:plead: *this time, this emote is meant to be a happy smile piplup with flippers together :> *
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i mean my drawings :3

Then I agree, the second one did indeed look cute!

he said he likes christmas as much as me, but....
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't, but the important thing is that he doesn't treat you badly just because you like christmas.
He might just not celebrate it the same way you do, just something to keep in mind. :p

:plead: *this time, this emote is meant to be a happy smile piplup with flippers together :> *

I'm glad you're happy. ^^
Then I agree, the second one did indeed look cute!

Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't, but the important thing is that he doesn't treat you badly just because you like christmas.
He might just not celebrate it the same way you do, just something to keep in mind. :p
he does, i'm sure :> like christmas, i mean...

he understands that i want to celebrate the lead-up to christmas, too... 😓

I'm glad you're happy. ^^

i still feel a little bit queezy still, but not much, though... :>
he does, i'm sure :> like christmas, i mean...

he understands that i want to celebrate the lead-up to christmas, too... 😓

As long as he knows you're fine with it if he doesn't want to celebrate the lead-up, he shouldn't bother you for celebrating it yourself. :p

i still feel a little bit queezy still, but not much, though... :>

Just take it a bit easy until you're feeling good again.