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[Challenge] Lottery Challenge

  • 60
    The playtesting phase is over, and here it is: The Lottery Challenge! A challenge that adds suspense every time you beat a Gym, that can have you overhaul your entire team if you're unlucky, and that rewards some creativity in team building to overcome the challenges you face.

    Without further ado, here's how it works:

    General rules

    • The challenge revolves around Challenge Elements. At the start of the game, you get a Challenge Element, and each time you beat a Gym you also get an extra Challenge Element.
    • Which Challenge Element you get is decided by random.org or another randomizer. You input numbers between 1 and 37 each time you need a new Element. Ignore duplicates.
    • You win if you beat the League in any game. If you want, you can roll a tenth Element after the League and do a Bonus Challenge of some kind (Steven/Red/second round League), that's up to you. Yes, you can make this totally ridiculous on Gen 2 and its remakes by adding another Element after each of the Gyms in Kanto. I didn't do that personally while playtesting on Soul Silver, beating the League is winning the game in my book.
    • Delaying Gym Battles to postpone acquisition of new Challenge Elements is frowned upon. In some cases it does make sense to go a bit out of your way to grind a bit or find a certain Pokemon, though. As a rule of thumb, don't postpone beating the Gym any further than you would in another playthrough.
    • If you start with a Challenge Element you cannot follow right away, you can play through the game normally until you can. For example, with element 9 or 19 you can use your starter until you get Poke Balls and can capture something else. With element 27 or 31 you can use your starting move (Tackle/Scratch/Pound) until you can acquire something that follows the rule.
    • Other obvious challenge rules apply. No Pokemon Refresh/Amie, no Gen 6+ Exp Share, no hacking (though you can try this on a hacked ROM/fangame if you want), no trading for anything other than trade evolutions. Legendaries are frowned upon.
    • HM Clause: You may teach HM moves (or other necessary field moves such as Flash) to your Pokemon even if it breaks the rules; however, you may not use them in battle if the rules disallow it.
    • Shiny Clause: You may always capture a shiny Pokemon, even if it breaks the rules. If it does break the rules, however, you may never use it in battle. You can transfer it to another game after beating (or forfeiting) the challenge.

    Challenge Elements

    Item restrictions
    1. Recession: Can only use normal Poke Balls
    2. Klutzes: Can no longer use held items
    3. Fair Battles: Can no longer use X Items and similar battle items (Dire Hit etc)
    4. Embargo: Can no longer use items in battle to heal your Pokemon (Held items are fair game)
    5. Empty First Aid Kit: Can no longer use items outside of battle to heal your Pokemon (Vitamins and such are fair game, Ethers are not)
    6. War on Drugs: Can no longer use Vitamins, Rare Candies or PP Ups/Maxes
    7. Scarcity: Can no longer buy items other than Poke Balls
    8. No Refund Policy: Can no longer sell items

    Pokemon restrictions
    9. Anti-Establishment: Can no longer use Grass, Fire or Water type Pokemon
    10. Muggles: Can no longer use Psychic, Ghost or Dark type Pokemon
    11. Low Fantasy: Can no longer use Electric, Ice, Dragon or Fairy type Pokemon
    12. Free Nature: Can no longer use Flying, Fighting, Bug or Poison type Pokemon
    13. Glass Cannons: Can no longer use Rock, Ground or Steel type Pokemon
    14. All Grown Up: Can only use Pokemon with a height above 3 feet
    15. Diet: Can only use Pokemon with a weight below 220 lbs
    16. Bad Romance: Can no longer use two or more Pokemon from the same Egg Group
    17. Diversity: Can no longer use two or more Pokemon with the same Body Style
    18. Rainbow: Can no longer use two or more Pokemon with the same color
    19. Into the Wild: Can no longer use gift Pokemon, starters, prizes, ingame trades or stationaries
    20. Creationism: Can no longer evolve Pokemon (using evolved Pokemon is fine)
    21. Collector: Can no longer capture duplicate Pokemon (evolved or underevolved forms of duplicate Pokemon are fine)
    22. Cherry Picking: Can only capture or otherwise obtain one Pokemon per route you haven't done so (none anywhere else). This is not a Nuzlocke, so it doesn't need to be the first one.
    23. Mortality: Must release/permanently box a Pokemon when it faints. No resetting to undo deaths.
    24. Never-ending Nightmare: Must release/permanently box a Pokemon when it falls asleep. No resetting to undo deaths.
    25. Broken Belt: Can only use five Pokemon on a team instead of six. (You may capture a weak Magikarp with only Splash to emulate an empty slot, so newly captured Pokemon will not join your team by accident)

    Move restrictions
    26. Naturalism: Can no longer use TMs or move tutors (including the relearner)
    27. Abnormalize: Can no longer use Normal type moves
    28. Status Purity: Can no longer use status moves such as Toxic and Spore (secondary effects and pseudo-status such as Confusion are fair game)
    29. Ignorance: Can no longer use stat changing moves such as Growth and Growl
    30. Perfectionism: Can no longer use moves with less than 100% accuracy (undefined accuracy is fine)
    31. Pride: Can no longer use moves with less than 60 Base Power (exactly 60 is fine, undefined base power is also fine)
    32. Damage Control: Can no longer use moves with more than 90 Base Power (exactly 90 is fine, undefined base power is also fine)
    33. Moveslot Syndrome: Can no longer use four direct damaging moves on a single Pokemon

    34. Law and Order: Must use SET mode
    35. Field Medics: Can only use each PC or other healing location once (unless you've been there already)
    36. Reckless: Can no longer run from wild encounters or buy Repels (finding and using Repels is fine)
    37. Strategic Victory: Must keep all levels below the level of the ace of the next Gym or the Champion

    Practical tips
    • Lists of Pokemon by type, height, weight, egg group, body style and color can be found on Bulbapedia.
    • Keep close track of your rules, so you don't make mistakes. Overwrite illegal moves as quickly as possible, check new Pokemon for illegal moves, and check if you're actually allowed to use the Pokemon. Keep close track of where you've been for Elements 22 and 35, for example.
    • Try to plan ahead. Which rule would totally screw you over if you got it next? What can you do to prevent that to some extent? (I didn't do this while playtesting and had to rebuild my entire team after I rolled element 20 mid-game)
    • If you've seen my playtesting report or the original idea: keep in mind that I added a couple more Elements and also switched around the order. Don't get confused!
    • If you find this too easy, here are some ideas to make it harder:
      - As mentioned before, you can do this on Gen 2 and its remakes and continue post-League.
      - You can add more elements after other important battles – bosses of villain teams or Rival battles, for example.
      - You can make someone else choose the elements for you to make it as hard as possible! Some ridiculous combinations would include 4+5+35 or 22+23+36 or both.
    • If you find this too hard, however, you can try rolling 9 elements at the start, so you know what's coming and you can plan ahead.

    Current challengers
    • BeAGoodOne / Madlad (Platinum; elements 23, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x)

    • xx
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    Just one thing could be added to the main post, that is kinda standard to have: Sign-Up form with list of Challengers and Champions.

    Just one thing could be added to the main post, that is kinda standard to have: Sign-Up form with list of Challengers and Champions.

    I will add that :)

    About that, the rules stated that the topic starter should do the challenge as well. In my case, I have just playtested and completed this challenge, so in a way I'm already a 'champion' of this challenge. However, it does feel kind of unfair to immediately proclaim myself as a champion; at the same time, I'm currently working on a different challenge because I don't like to do the same challenge twice in a row. What should I do with this dilemma?
    Might try this when I finish my infinite amount of current challenges, good job making it :)
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    About that, the rules stated that the topic starter should do the challenge as well. In my case, I have just playtested and completed this challenge, so in a way I'm already a 'champion' of this challenge. However, it does feel kind of unfair to immediately proclaim myself as a champion; at the same time, I'm currently working on a different challenge because I don't like to do the same challenge twice in a row. What should I do with this dilemma?
    Sorry for replying late, but it's okay not to do it again since you just completed it and even posted about it here.
    I participate!
    Since you didn't add a sign up formular yet, I create one. ^^

    Username: BeAGoodOne
    Trainername: Madlad
    Game: Pokemon Platinum
    First pulled Challange Element: 23

    Hope this does it.
    can u take multiple elements on this challenge?
    I guess so! You get one after each gym, after all. And if you really want, I guess there is nothing stopping you from getting multiple elements per Gym...
    I would like to sign in
    trainer name:Dawn
    Game:Pokemon Platinum extreme randomizer
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    oh ok
    thank you
    i want to try multiple elements just for making it more challenging

    I would like to sign in
    trainer name:Dawn
    Game:Pokemon Platinum

    The challenge revolves around Challenge Elements. At the start of the game, you get a Challenge Element, and each time you beat a Gym you also get an extra Challenge Element.
    Which Challenge Element you get is decided by random.org or another randomizer. You input numbers between 1 and 37 each time you need a new Element. Ignore duplicates.

    Ok, first of all I merged your two posts since there is no need to make multiple ones in this situation! And second... I'm not sure if this is the way you had already intended to play this challenge in the first place, but you need to randomize all the elements you get - not to mention, you should get at least one new Element per badge you get! And while deviating a bit from the rules is fine if you want to give yourself a slightly harder or more interesting run, making it quite easier (in this case, by not randomizing, or picking four elements for the whole run) is all but encouraged here! This is the Challenge Subforum after all ;)

    Speaking of which, if you get used to the way these elements work, you might already have a head start with some of the bigger Events we run in here from time to time, as they use very similar mechanics 😇
    The challenge revolves around Challenge Elements. At the start of the game, you get a Challenge Element, and each time you beat a Gym you also get an extra Challenge Element.
    Which Challenge Element you get is decided by random.org or another randomizer. You input numbers between 1 and 37 each time you need a new Element. Ignore duplicates.

    Ok, first of all I merged your two posts since there is no need to make multiple ones in this situation! And second... I'm not sure if this is the way you had already intended to play this challenge in the first place, but you need to randomize all the elements you get - not to mention, you should get at least one new Element per badge you get! And while deviating a bit from the rules is fine if you want to give yourself a slightly harder or more interesting run, making it quite easier (in this case, by not randomizing, or picking four elements for the whole run) is all but encouraged here! This is the Challenge Subforum after all ;)

    Speaking of which, if you get used to the way these elements work, you might already have a head start with some of the bigger Events we run in here from time to time, as they use very similar mechanics 😇
    OH, I think I need to pick elements that I want to used
    OK I will pick it random
    Thank you
    Let's go ahead and try this out.

    trainer name:Pluck
    Game:Leaf Green
    elements: 16
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    I need stuff to do during this time anyways

    username: Kyatra
    trainer name: Brendan
    Game: Omega Ruby
    elements: 16, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge

    Finished with the firered run! It was actually quite difficult, when it comes to the punishment spikes.

    Here's a list of the rules, along with the pokemon I used.

    Start - 16. Bad Romance: Can no longer use two or more Pokemon from the same Egg Group
    1st gym - 32. Damage Control: Can no longer use moves with more than 90 Base Power (exactly 90 is fine, undefined base power is also fine)
    2nd gym - 1. Recession: Can only use normal Poke Balls
    3rd gym - 33. Moveslot Syndrome: Can no longer use four direct damaging moves on a single Pokemon
    4th gym - 9. Anti-Establishment: Can no longer use Grass, Fire or Water type Pokemon
    5th gym - 3. Fair Battles: Can no longer use X Items and similar battle items (Dire Hit etc)
    6th gym - 37. Strategic Victory: Must keep all levels below the level of the ace of the next Gym or the Champion
    7th gym - 15. Diet: Can only use Pokemon with a weight below 220 lbs
    8th gym - 30. Perfectionism: Can no longer use moves with less than 100% accuracy (undefined accuracy is fine)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Piggy lv 53
    Egg - Field
    70.5 lbs
    Strength / Aerial Ace / Karate Chop / Bulk Up

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Slippie lv 57
    Egg - Human-like
    166.7 lbs
    Psychic / Confusion / Shadow Ball / Calm Mind

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Shoqq lv 54
    Egg - Mineral
    146.8 lbs
    Spark / Shock Wave / Swift / Light Screen

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Mommy lv 53
    Egg - Monster
    99.2 lbs
    Thrash / Dig / Brick Break / Leer

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Joopy lv 53
    Egg - Flying
    130.1 lbs
    Bite / Wing Attack

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    Slicc lv 53
    Egg - Water 1 / Dragon
    36.4 lbs
    Agility / Secret Power / Thunder Wave / Twister
    I'll start up another one on Emerald

    Username: Pluckles
    Trainername: Pluck
    Game: Emerald
    First pulled Challenge Element: 23 =\
    Gym 1

    Gym 2

    Gym 3

    Gym 4

    Gym 5

    Gym 6

    Gym 7

    Gym 8

    And that's all she wrote!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery Challenge
    I ended up losing both of my dragon types at Drake, but this was to be expected. I didn't really need Flygon much for the Champion fight anyways.
    Then, I used Swellow to fight against Whiscash, and then as fodder for Ludicolo, and sacrificed Aggron to a crit from Milotic. So the last two standing are~

    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery ChallengeVegine - Thunder/Shock Wave/Bite/Thunder Wave
    [PokeCommunity.com] Lottery ChallengeBigguns - Vital Throw/Surf/Rock Smash/Bulk Up

    And here are the list of rules I had total.
    23. Mortality: Must release/permanently box a Pokemon when it faints. No resetting to undo deaths.
    36. Reckless: Can no longer run from wild encounters or buy Repels (finding and using Repels is fine)
    2. Klutzes: Can no longer use held items
    27. Abnormalize: Can no longer use Normal type moves
    33. Moveslot Syndrome: Can no longer use four direct damaging moves on a single Pokemon
    9. Anti-Establishment: Can no longer use Grass, Fire or Water type Pokemon
    26. Naturalism: Can no longer use TMs or move tutors (including the relearner)
    4. Embargo: Can no longer use items in battle to heal your Pokemon (Held items are fair game)
    22. Cherry Picking: Can only capture or otherwise obtain one Pokemon per route you haven't done so (none anywhere else). This is not a Nuzlocke, so it doesn't need to be the first one.
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    Username: Sprigatito
    Trainer name: Ned
    Game: Emerald
    First element: 2
    Meh, got through emerald first time without even knowing held items were a thing.

    Just beat roxanne and got... 23! My team is:
    Klutz the grovyle
    Lotsy the lotad
    Ralts the... well... ralts
    And an unnamed nincada that I'm just using to get shedinja

    Just beat brawly and got 27. Lotsy died.
    Klutz the grovyle
    A nincada
    A ralts
    A sableye
    And an aron
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