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[PKMN OPEN] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]


i'm writing my own damn story
  • 325
    Darker Than It Seems / sequel

    IC / OOC

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    20 Years after Giovanni and his team eradicated the Hybrids created during the 'Rocket Bio Crisis' - an experiment that infected Pokemon genes into innocent children and gave them abilities that only Pokemon were capable of - rumors have emerged that perhaps Team Rocket had not succeeded after all.

    Some escaped from Kanto and started a new life, their true abilities hidden from the public eye. What these Hybrids didn't expect was for the gene to be hereditary. What made them unique and feared was unwittingly passed along to their children - you.

    A new threat has risen, one that operates differently than Giovanni. Ruthless, cruel and twisted, not at all - but calculating, preying off of societies hopes and dreams. Katherine has vowed to finish what Giovanni started and rid the world of Hybrids permanently.

    With all regions on high alert for possible sightings and giveaways, Mr Tessaro [your science teacher] has requested your presence at his private lab in the school.

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    1 : Emery Calder : shatteredxfrost
    2 : Zero Estinja : Gray-_-Hatred
    3 : Alex Hunt : IcyIce
    4 : Garett Temero : ElBurrito
    5 : Anthony Sorrel : Godzil
    6 : Elizabeth : Cheria
    7 : Versai Espera : LinearAxel
    8 : Theo Delvan : Superjolt
    9 : Rail : Saiyakitsune
    10 : Arabelle Whinch : Grassstrand

    « EVENT »

    SCENARIO : Early morning you find an envelope slipped under the door of your home, sealed and addressed to you. Inside is a letter :

    "Y/N, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."​

    You recognize the name as your high school science teacher.

    For those in Accumula town, only One Post is required for you to get to Instinct High School. Those in Nuvema - Two Posts will suffice but I won't argue if you rather do One instead.
    « LOCATION »

    Local Time : 9.00am Date : September 19th Season : Autumn​

    Nuvema Town
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Quaint and Serene, Nuvema Town is where most people retire to. There are few businesses, not many activities and the closest school is a town over. It's a mostly friendly community, a town where 'everyone knows everyone' and loveliest in the Spring. Currently the Fall season has stripped branches of their leaves and the community is working together to rake them into controlled piles. The residing Pokemon like to pounce into them.

    The town is mostly indifferent to Hybrids; refusing to even speak the name.

    Accumula Town
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Value-centered and scenic, Accumula Town operates rather differently than it's neighboring towns. Autumn has cast a natural orange hue over the buildings that lingers even after mid-day. Known for it's hospitality, Accumula is the perfect place to start a family and own a business.

    The subject of Hybrids is wildly taboo. A kid even got expelled from the school for chasing the younger children around claiming that he would 'incinerate' them with Flame Wheel.


    Nuvema Town



    Garett Temero

    Wood splintered in various directions as an axe came crashing down onto a log. Garett dropped the axe and wiped the sweat from his brow as he watched someone walk up to his house then walk away. I wonder what that's about. Garett thought to himself as he reached down to grab the two logs he had split. He tossed the logs into a pile then made his way to the garden hose and turned the water on. Garett washed up then stared at the violet eyed man looking back at him in the puddle at his feet. Aside from the hair I could easily be mistaken for him. Garett poked one of the purple spikes sticking out from his black hair. Can't believe it's already been fifteen years. He sighed then turned to walk toward the house.

    Garett pushed the creaking door open and looked down at anenvelope beneath his feet. He picked up the envelope and walked through the house to a dining room before sitting down.

    "You got mail this early?" A woman asked as she entered the room.

    "Yeah. Some guy walked up to the house and then this was under the door." Garett said to the small brunette woman. He opened the letter and read it.

    "Dear Garett, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day.There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    What would Tessaro need from me on a weekend? I haven't even talked to him since graduation. Garett tossed the letter onto the table and looked up at the woman. "Apparently my old science teacher needs to see me today. Have no clue what it's about though."

    "You should go see him then. It would be rude to keep him waiting." She nervously played with a silver Milotic necklace as she spoke.

    "You okay Carol?"

    "Oh, yes, I'm fine. Just worried about your Uncle is all." She tried to hide her look of concern.

    "Alright well I better get going. Not sure what he wants but I'll probably be back by midnight at the latest." Garett tightened the knots on his combat boots then stood up. "See ya when I get home." He waved then walked to the door. But seriously though,
    what's going on with the school that he needs me for? Garett pondered the letter as he walked down the road that led out of town.

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    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Name: Alex Hunt
    Age: 18

      Location: Nuvema Town  ✕█  Typing: Water ✕  CR: 1​

    "Dear Alex, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    Alex let out a heavy sigh as he read the letter from his teacher. He had plans with some of his friends today, but now all of that changed. Not only that, but he probably wouldn't have time to let them know either.

    We walked to the kitchen and grabbed a little container of Pumpkaboo Spice cappuccino and placed it into the machine that would make drinks for you as long as there was milk or water in it. He leaned up against the counter and looked outside. A lot of leaves had already fallen, but not quite all of them.

    "Geez... they are gonna kill me..." Alex said.

    "What's wrong?" Alex's mother asked with her kind voice as she entered the kitchen.

    Alex looked over at his mom, "I have to head to Accumula Town and I have to be there by Mid Day because of my teacher. Apparently it is important." Alex said.

    "What's wrong with that?" His mom asked, but it seemed like she may have known it was going to happen, but didn't say anything about. However, she was normally like that. As if she could predict the future. Then again, she probably had maybe already read the letter, but nothing confirmed.

    "I was supposed to help you at the bakery today and hang out with some of my friends to get ready for Autumn. But I have to get ready as soon as I finish this drink. I don't know if I will have time to tell them." Alex said, as the machine finished making his drink and he started to sip it. He knew he looked agitated when he was taking a sip of his drink, but that was common knowledge as it seemed like people did that a lot, especially males.

    "Don't worry. I can get Yuki to help me. I am sure she wouldn't mind. You know everyone thinks I am a cool mom! Who wouldn't want to help me!?" Alex's mom put a finger up saying that she was number one and winked.

    Alex growled slightly, but it then turned into a smile. "Thank you mom."

    Alex finished his drink and went upstairs to get ready. On his bed, laid his Mom's Lillipup. He walked up to the little puppy pokemon.

    "Come on Lil'Bit you gotta get out of my room for now..."

    The pokemon got up and looked up at Alex. It barked and then laid back down.

    "Really..." Alex sighed.

    "Lil'Bit! Come get your breakfast!" Alex's mom called from down stairs. Instantly the pokemon jumped of the bed and ran out of the room. Alex shook his head and then shut the door.

    Alex quickly grabbed a maroon short sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans. He grabbed his dark brown jacket and put it on. Normally he would wear a scarf as well, but it was a little too warm for that yet. He put on his shoes and then grabbed his messenger bag. He placed his solar laptop in it. That was the good thing about his laptop. He could take it anywhere and it could run. Although it was far more powerful with electricity. He placed a notepad and a drawing pad into his messenger bag, as well as some pencils. He placed his camera around his neck which was attached to a dark blue lanyard.

    When he finished getting ready, he walked down the steps and back in the kitchen. He placed a water on the side pocket of his messenger bag.

    "Do you really think you need all of that?" His mom asked as she entered the kitchen again.

    "I really don't know. Just said I should meet at the school. SO grabbed my notepad, sketch pad, and laptop. And of course my camera in case I see some pokemon on Route 1 I want to take a picture of." Alex answered.

    "I guess you're right. Well I made a large bag of jerky for you today, because I am just that great of a mom." His mom said, smiling.

    Alex quickly reopened the fridge and saw the large bag. His glimmered as he laid his sight on the bag. He quickly grabbed it and took a few pieces out. He looked back up and his Mom was right there in his face with an evil smile.

    "What do you say?" She asked with a smile, the annoyance was there, but she still said it with her calm voice, which made it even scarier.

    "Thank you! You are the best mom in the world!" Alex said.

    "There you go. I hope you have a great day! I will let Yuki and William know about what came up." His mom said.

    "Alright I need to go. I will seeya later Mom. Love you!" Alex said, as he walked to the door.

    "Be careful honey! Don't let another Patrat catch you off guard while you are using the bathroom again!" Alex's mom called.

    "MOM! REALLY!?" Alex yelled.

    "Oops! Sorry!" She said as he closed the door.

    She totally did that on purpose.... He thought. "At least no one was around... I hope."

    As soon he stepped out said, he was met by a cool breeze. The morning was brisk and leaves continued to fall. There was still dew on the grass. People were already up and about getting ready for Autumn and any other holidays that were coming. One house even had a series of paper ghost pokemon hanging from there trees.

    "Oh Alex! Watch for clowns! People are dressing up like clowns to try to scare people!" His mom called.


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    Opening her bedroom door, Emery is greeted by the sound of empty cans toppling over. She pauses in the door frame and purses her lips, keeping the slew of curses she longs to mutter inside. It was enough to be drunk all day every day, but did he have to leave the evidence around the house? It was unkempt enough as it was.

    Her eyes drift to where her Uncle is passed out on the couch, limbs draped over the arm rests and head lolling to the side. He still managed to keep a grip on his half finished bottle. She slams her bedroom door.

    "HU-What?!" Devlin flinches awake. He spots her with one eye still closed and waves a hand casually in her direction. "When did you get up?"

    "About twenty minutes ago," she quips. Her alarm was loud enough to wake the entire town, but her Uncle was a constant disappointment. "Any mail?" She covered the bills and rent, Devlin hadn't seen a check in ten or so years.

    "Dunno," he mumbles around a swig of beer. There was no point in telling him to take it easy - he didn't listen when she was eleven and desperately pried the bottle from his hands and he sure as hell wont change now.

    Emery strolls to the entrance and bends to retrieve three envelopes that had been slipped under the door. One for electricity, another for water, the last addressed to her... She had left very little impact on those she had encountered during her time on the streets, she made sure of that. If this was some poor chump looking to get his money back, they'd be sorely disappointed. She had none.

    Amused by the thought, Emery unfolds the envelope and scans over the letter:

    'Emery, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss.
    Mr. Tessaro.'​

    She flips the letter over, hoping for more explanation but of course, there's nothing. Mr Tessaro had always been cryptic like that. "As if I'm wasting my weekend," Emery turns the corner to drop it into the trash can and be done with it when she sees Devlin, asleep once more.

    Stay home and take care of Uncle or spend the day away from reality?

    Even listening to her dull science teacher was better than what is passed out on her couch. Shrugging, Emery flings the bills onto the counter top and takes off outside.

      Location: Nuvema Town; Route 1  ✕█  Typing: Fire  ✕  CR: 1​
    Arabelle Whinch

    A small fit of grumbling overtook the slumbering form of Arabelle Which as the first few rays of sunlight began to creep past her blinds. A yawn soon escaped from her involuntarily, her arms following suite in an exaggerated stretch, her spine letting out a few popping sounds as she did so. Rolling over her hazy unfocused eyes tried to make out the numbers on the electric alarm clock beside her bed. Squinting to try and focus she nearly fell off the bed. When she saw the time-8:21 AM! What sounded like a strangled gasp slipped from her lips as she shoved herself out of bed, practically throwing off her sleepwear and jumping into a gray skirt and long sleeved white shirt that she promptly rolled to her elbows.

    Still not fully awake she made her way to the bathroom, leaning on the corner of the sink and staring at her reflection a few moments before snatching a brush out of the top drawer, dragging it through her hair until she felt satisfied in its appearance. Turning the faucet on cold, she splashed her face a few times before bee lining for the front door, there was no way she was going to be late to walk that darn furfrou-she paused at the door of her apartment and stared down at the letter on her floor. She had mail already? It was probably from her father although they lived in the same town. Picking it up she tore it open, and began to read the folded paper that had been inside.

    "Arabelle, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."​

    The world was not on her side today. Slapping her free hand to her face she began to rub the bridge of her nose as she pondered what this could be about. What possible business did Mr.Tessaro have that required her of all people, with such short notice as well?! She went to pull her phone out of her pocket but realized that there was no phone in her pocket. After finding her phone still on her bedside table(along with the dreaded alarm clock) Arabelle sent a quick text to her pokemon watching client apologizing and explaining the situation to them before switching her phone off once more.

    All but slamming her door closed Arabelle made her way down the apartment hallway and out the front door, shielding her eyes from the sun a few seconds before they adjusted to the light. When she was not blinded she allowed herself to smile, familiar people all went about their daily tasks, bathed in the early rays of sunlight, walking across the red and orange leaves that dotted the towns paths and roads-it was a scene out of a movie, and she got to live it every day. It was what kept her going really, the community, the town, the memories. Arabelle let out a content sigh before she went off down the sidewalk again.

    Her attention was grabbed by a sort of clicking sound to her right, and she turned to see what it was. a large man that didn't look all to friendly was leaning against a brick building, hands up and covering his mouth and atenpting to light a cigarette. As the small flame suddenly caught Arabelle found herself frozen, the fire immediately making her heart race even at such a low volume, and then the smoke as it hit the cigarette.. So much smoke. The mans steely gray eyes made contact with hers, and he looked like he was about to say something before she turned and briskly began to walk away.

    Her face scrunched up as she walked, a hand placed over her heart as she tried to calm its rapid beating. How was it she was affected so drastically by such a small everyday life thing? It wasn't normal, she knew that for sure. Shaking her head she returned to giving her full attention to the path ahead. Whatever that teacher wanted it had better be important, because she was having a rather bad day and she was not going to allow it to worsen.
    Liz shot awake to the sound of knocking. What in the hell...? She rose groggily and opened the blinds slowly, trying to see past the blinding early-morning light and into the world beyond. She noticed a man walking quickly away from her door. Why is someone visiting us so early?

    Liz yawned and closed the blinds as her mom called up the stairs at her. "Liz! You have a letter down here!"

    A letter?

    Liz slipped into a pair of grey sweatpants and plodded downstairs. Her mom was reading the Accumula Current at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee. She looked up at the thumping."Your letter's on the counter," she said, nodding towards the envelope. "A man stopped by to drop it off a few minutes ago. That's what that knocking was." Liz retrieved the envelope and opened it slowly while she got a cup of coffee.

    "Elizabeth, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    Instinct High? Liz wondered. I mean, I guess I'm not doing anything today, but I wasn't planning on spending my day off going back to high school. She sighed and took a sip of coffee.

    "What's wrong?" her mom questioned, looking up from her newspaper.

    "Oh, nothing," Liz said. "I just have to go back upstairs and actually put real pants on. I wasn't planning on going outside today."
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]
    Zero Estinja​

    "Zero~ You'll come see us tomorrow right? You promise?" A girl on his right, asked, with a with a look of disappointment.

    "Do you really have to go?" A girl on his left asked, essentially begging him to stay while tightly embracing his left arm. "Can you pretty please stay with us? Just five more minutes... Please?"

    Zero looked at the girl on his right, then at the girl on his left. Their faces both showing disappointment and desire. These two beautiful, wealthy and married ladies were regulars, but whenever it's time for Zero to depart, they act is if they'll never see him again.

    "Unfortunately, I have to go. You both should be getting home now. We wouldn't want your husbands to find out about us~" Zero told them, with a smooth wink.

    "Aww... Fine..." They both whined, getting up from the table the three of them sat at. "Make sure you're here tomorrow!" one of them told, as she picked up her purse, handing him a large amount of cash.

    Both women started to leave the building, giving Zero time to be alone. He watched both of them, waving and waiting until they left with his natural mischievous smile. Once the door closed behind them, he stood up, looking at the money he made. "Heh, another successful gain."

    "Yo Zero! You leaving?" An older voice asked.

    "Yeah!" I responded, showing the amount of money I made.

    "Good work today!" The man said, before continuing his activities.

    Zero made his way towards the exit, and stepped out outside. The sun was shining, and the people were active. It was a great day. Zero started walking home, paying close attention to the people around him. After a couple of minutes, he arrived at his front door. He took the key out of his pocket, and stepped in only to be welcomed by the irresistible smell of cooking food.

    "Wassup, Son." A heavy voiced greeted, while wearing a pink apron.

    "Sup, pops." I greeted back, walking into the kitchen after closing and locking the door behind me. "What are you cooking?-"
    Suddenly. Both of Zero's eyes caught a glimpse of his father's arm. How it swayed when buttering the pan.

    With the amount of butter he used, Scrambled eggs is out of the question. He swayed his arm like that only once two years ago, when buttering a pan. Meaning, the dish he is most likely going to make based off of what I know

    Both of them answered, simultaneously.

    Zero's father turned toward Zero, who was watching intently at the pan with a casual grin.
    "How'd you know? I only made pancakes once, a year or two ago. The only other breakfast I make when using butter is scrambled eggs... So to think I'm making pancakes is-"

    "The amount of butter you used." Zero answered, staring at the pan.

    "It was only a slight difference!!" Alphonse exclaimed, somewhat upset he was being read by his own son. "Argh... Anyways, check the table. You got mail." He told, changing the topic in a grumbled tone.

    Zero walked to the table and opened the letter.

    "Zero, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    "... Mr.Tessaro, Mr.Tessaro..." Zero shook his head. "I'd thought you'd had enough of me in high school." He told himself, knowing how much of a problem child he was. He loved giving his teachers a hard time in the past.
    "Pops, I'm going out again. My High school teacher wants something with me."

    "Alright, try to stay out of trouble." Alphone said in a tone that suggested Zero will most likely get into trouble.

    "Me? Into trouble? Never~" He spoke with a grin on his face before stepping out the house.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    "Delivery for one Miss Espera!" A voice calls out as the Library doors glide opened.

    "What a pleasant surprise." A voice chimes from the receptionist desk, peering over her computer. "You're not our usual mail man."

    "Your usual mailman was trying to shove this under your door. He said it was important…so I told him I was you so he'd hand it over."

    "He's come to know me so well over the years, I see." Versai chuckles. The girl in front of her, Avery, could not look less like Versai if she made it her life's goal to do so. There is nearly a foot's difference between the two, and Avery's blonde hair and green eyes contrast Versai's own features on a drastic level. "Well, let's see what's so urgent." The taller woman requests with an outstretched hand.

    "Dear Versai, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day.There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    "This is…cryptic." Versai frowns as she re-reads the letter, as if looking for a better explanation.
    "Maybe there's some kind of library-related-emergency at the school." Avery suggests, which once more makes Versai chuckle.

    "I suppose I'll have to close for a bit…" She sighs. There's a pile of books that need to be put back in their appointed place, and weekend mornings tend to be one of their busier times.
    "I can watch this place for you." Emery speaks up. "You just shush people that are too loud and scowl at kids for returning books late, right?"

    "Um…"No, but how long can this possibly take? The high school isn't far away, and whatever they have to discuss could not take more than an hour, or he wouldn't ask her to come at such an inconvenient time…she hopes. Having Emery here to let people in would be better than sending them away—a lot of high schoolers depend on the library's resources to work on research when the school is closed. "You visit enough to hold down my fort for a bit." Versai smiles kindly to her best friend. "I doubt I'll be long."

    "Great! Wanna have brunch when you get back?" Avery asks as she inches behind Versai's desk.
    "Sure, that sounds lovely." The dark haired woman continues to smile as she stands, retrieving her scarf and bag from her coatrack. "There's some muffins in the break room, if you get tired of waiting." She tosses her scarf around her neck before opening the door. The crisp Autumn air breezes through her, carrying with it the wonderful scent of turning leaves and spices. This is truly the most delightful time of the year.

    Anthony Sorrel

    Most people would avoid going to work on their day off. Anthony was not most people. He casually strolled through the doors of the bakery, a spring in his step and a smile on his face. "It's nine o'clock on a Saturday; The regular crowd shuffles in..." He sang as he approached the counter, earning him a fake glare from the girl at the register.

    "What are you doing here? Aren't you tired of being here all week?" Anthony just laughed, leaning against the counter. "Come on, Katie, you know I love it here! I could never be tired of this place!"

    Katie shook her head, smiling at Anthony. "I suppose you wouldn't. So what brings you in on the weekend?"

    "I..." Anthony paused to dramatically pull an envelope out of his back pocket. "...got a letter this morning. It's from my friend Mr. Tessaro! He's requested my presence at the high school, but he didn't say why. Said it was urgent, though."

    Katie tilted her head in confusion. "So, you came to the bakery? Why not head straight to the school?"

    "Well, the letter said to be there before mid-day, so I imagine he'll be hungry. And since he didn't say what we're gonna talk about, it must be dark and mysterious. So I'm gonna bring some dark and mysterious snacks with me! A dozen double chocolate muffins, please!"

    "Why a dozen, if you don't mind me asking?" Katie asked as she fetched a box for Anthony's order.

    "I don't mind at all." Anthony happily replied, pulling out his wallet. "I'm getting a dozen in case he's invited anyone else. And if he hasn't, there's more for me!"

    Katie laughed as she handed Anthony his muffins. "You're a strange guy, Tony. Have fun today!"

    "Don't I always?" Anthony smiled mischievously, earning another laugh from Katie. He waved over his shoulder as he left, heading straight for the school. Despite his friendly banter, he was a little nervous. Mr. Tessaro had never been a very cheerful person, and nothing Tony did had ever made him happy. Tony actually got the feeling that Mr. Tessaro didn't like him at all, so for a letter to arrive out of the blue like this was more than just surprising, it was actually startling.

    Anthony shook his head to clear his thoughts, running a hand through his hair as he approached the school. He hadn't been entirely truthful about why he'd bought muffins. True, he imagined his old teacher could be hungry, but they were also a peace offering, and a chance for some levity before entering that school again. Something about it just gave off a bad vibe...

    "None of that, now! There's no need to worry! Everything will make sense soon enough!" Tony continued on his way to the school. "There's no need to worry..." Maybe if he said it enough times, he'd even believe it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Name: Alex Hunt
    Age: 18

      Location: Nuvema Town Exit. Route 1, Accumula Town  ✕█  Typing: Water ✕  CR: 1​

    As Alex walked to the edge of town, the wind picked up slightly, making it a little cool. Leaves fell around him and they crunched under his feet. He could smell the ocean as well, as his town was pretty much surrounded by it. Even on Route 1, there was a small sliver of the beach that he would walk by. He could hear someone rushing toward him as he made his way to the exit. Right as he was about to leave the town, someone called his name.

    "Alex! Wait! Where are you going!" A female's voice called.

    Alex stopped walking to turn to the female who was a few seconds away and closing, who came to a stop as she got to him.She was about 5'2", if that, and wore jogging pants and running shoes. Her hair was dirty blonde and she wore sun visor, which her ponytail came out of and draped down to her shoulders.

    "Oh hey Yuki. I was called to the school in Accumula Town. I am supposed to be there by midday." Alex said.

    "That sucks. We were supposed to work on some yards together today. William, that idiot, is probably still sleeping. I saw you walking by with your bag while I was at the store, so I came to catch up." Yuki said.

    "Yeah sorry. I should be back before long. I doubt it will take all day, but who knows." Alex said.

    Yuki looked at Alex with a look that only he and his other friends knew. A knowing look. A look saying that if you don't have something, I am going to kill you type of look.

    "What?" Alex asked.

    "Do you have the stuff?" Yuki asked in a low voice

    "What stuff?" Alex asked with an innocent look.

    "Alex Hunt, if you don't have the stuff, not even Arceus will be able to help you!!" Yuki warned.

    Alex smiled and flipped his bag flap up, slowly putting his hand in his bag. He pulled out a bag of Pumpkaboo Spice Cookies that had Moomoo Cream Cheese Icing on them and sprinkled with more Pumpkaboo Spice. They were in the shapes of Zubat and Spinarak. "You mean these?" Alex asked.

    Yuki let out an excited squeak, "Yay! Let me have them!"

    Alex lifted them above his head, "We made them last night, but if you want them, you have to get them." He said, with a grin.

    Yuki tried to reach for them, but couldn't as Alex moved them further up as she reached. After a few seconds, Alex saw her give up and he started to laugh. Then, pain surged right below his waist. He dropped the cookies and fell to his knees. He dropped to his side, holding his man hood, then looked up at Yuki. She had gotten the cookies and looked down at him, already chewing a cooking.

    "You should know better not to tease a girl about her height. Especially when it comes to you and your mom's baking. I can never get enough." Yuki smiled, she put a cookie on his forehead, making as boop sound as she did.

    "You better get going Mr. Hunt. Don't want to be late do ya? I will go get William's lazy ass up and gather the others. Be careful." Yuki said as she turned and started to walk back toward town.

    Alex was still recovering from that cheap shot, but he guessed he deserved it. Not wanting to let her have the last word, he got up. "At least I don't have to worry about clowns around every corner!" Alex called after her.

    He heard her make an eek sound and watched as she started to run, which made him smile as best as he could through pain. Then he looked around himself to make sure none were around. He hated clowns, but he wasn't scared of them... most of the time.

    Alex had entered Route 1 after a few minutes of recovering. The forest was full of sounds, human, nature, and pokemon alike. All around him, leaves fell, covering the route. He could hear pokemon running around and playing in the forest. He could hear the ocean crashing against the shore not far away, bringing the scent of salt and water. He heard people playing and talking in the forest area, but it didn't seem like any were battling in that moment. He grabbed a piece of jerky from his bag and he walked down the route. He stopped as two pokemon caught his eye.

    Over near a rock, two Patrat seemed to be playing catch with an acorn. Throwing it over the rock as if it were a wall. Alex watched them for a few moments from about 100 yards away and then started to move slowly toward them. Alex stuck his jerky in his mouth, hanging out like a cigarette. Closing in, he took a squatting stance. He inched closer to the Patrat, taking advantage of them playing with the acorn. His movement in the leaves was being muffled by the ocean waves not far away. He brought his camera up which was hanging around his neck. He got his balance by placing one of his knees on an old log that was sitting on the ground and took aim the two Patrat.

    He waited for a few seconds, snapping a photo when one threw the acorn. The shot was at an almost perfect time when the acorn was almost at the center of the rock, but not quite. He took a few more pictures in case the first didn't turn out well. He slowly inched back toward the road till he was far enough away to not spook them.

    He looked at the pictures that he had taken. He smiled at one as he was able to get a clear shot of the two Patrat throwing the acorn, as well as the rock that was sticking out of the landscape like a sore thumb. All around the photo, leaves were falling in different shades of reds, browns, yellows, and oranges. He was able to even get some of the trees in the background that still had leaves on them. He could tell that the Patrat were enjoying themselves in the photo as well. After going threw the different photos, only keeping the best, he left to finish his walk to Accumula Town.

    After a bit of walking, Alex finally arrived in Accumula Town. He didn't really like Accumula as much as he did Nuvema. Accumula was much more modern and he really didn't like it. His favorite part of it was near the back of the town where there is a large platform tier of the town looking over the landscape. He knew that part was beautiful and would love to go there, but he had to make his way to the school. He took a detour to the Pokemon Center as he needed to use the bathroom and get another drink. After he finished at pokemon center, he exited. He noticed the all too familiar orange hue during autumn that signifyed the start of the new school year.

    He walked toward the High School. Although he just graduated a few months back, he kinda missed it already. He thought he would dread entering after being out, but it was the opposite. He was actually happy to go back. Although he still wondered why the hell it had to be a weekend, especially when he had plans.

    People greeted him as he walked by, he replied with a similar greeting. He couldn't help, but look at the girls. Some of the groups even smiled as he smiled and giggled when he walked by. It reminded him of the time when William asked if he was gonna be cool at a school dance. Alex remembered all he did was say 'Dude' and pointed to himself. He would be at the school on time.

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    Rail hums softly to herself as she makes her way to Nuvema Cafe, wearing her uniform as usual. Turning a corner, the dark-skinned girl finds the owner of the cafe--and her boss--standing outside holding a letter, glancing at it somewhat. Seeing Rail coming close, he waves the hand holding the letter, beckoning the barista over. Looking at the letter, she finds her name on it. Strange, she hardly ever gets mail and that one has a stamp she recognizes that belongs to Instinct High, a school she remembers though the memories are a bit hazy. A lot of things are hazy when she tries to think of stuff past a few years.

    "Hey Rail!" The large man called out, his usual business face on, "You got some letter. You recognize where it's from?"

    "Yeah, I was in that school." Rail answered him, taking the letter and opening it.

    "Really now?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you said you didn't remember nothing from your past."

    "I don't, Simon." Rail retorted, rolling her eyes. "Not when I try to, but I have been at this school." Not wanting to talk some more, she begins reading the letter.

    'Rail I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro.'

    "Tessaro . . ." Rail repeated under her breath, memories of this man coming back to her. Well, at least her memories are convenient.

    "Whatsit say?" Simon asked, trying to peer over her should to which Rail closed the letter and pocketed into her jeans.

    "I gotta go somewhere like right now, so can I have the day off?"

    Simon sighs, running his hand on his aged face. "I really hate it when you request days off on the same day."

    "Hey, it's out of my power this time~" Rail said, waving the empty envelope. "I gotta meet my old teach asap."

    "Fine, but you're going to have to do a double shift." Simon declared, waggling a finger at Rail's face.

    "I'll do when I can, Simon~" Rail turned away from her boss and heads back the way she came. "When I can that is!"

    Simon sighs once again, shaking his head. "That girl isn't going to be wherever she has to be on time. Well, she hardly takes breaks so this'll be good for her at least."
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    Theo Delvan

    Suddenly, Theo found himself waking up. He sat up in bed. He didn't move for a few seconds, then slowly turned his head and squinted at his alarm clock. It was almost 9AM. Normally he would have slept at least another hour or so, but he figured he probably wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anyway. He stretched and yawned loudly. He flipped his legs over the side of the bed, looked down at his clothes and realized he had slept in his clothes from yesterday. Eh... he didn't feel like changing. There's no school today anyway, he thought. He slowly shuffled over to the window and opened the curtains, shielding his eyes from the sun. He turned and blinked a few times, still not feeling fully awake, then slinked across the room toward the door. He moved out to the hall, then over to the stairs. The steps halfway down creaked as he descended, yawning and stretching again as he did so.

    Finally, he was in the kitchen. Once he reached the counter, he grabbed two slices of bread from the breadbox and popped them in the toaster. He leaned on the counter and looked out the window to the backyard while he waited for his toast to pop up. The trees were mostly bare now and the grass was beginning to lose its lush green color in some places. He watched as a Pidove flew away from one of the trees. Turning to the nearest cupboard, he grabbed a jar of razz berry jam and a knife from the drawer, and slid them over to the toaster just in time for the toast to pop up. He threw his toast on a plate and sat at the small, square table in the middle of the kitchen.

    One slice of toast had already disappeared, and the other was in the process of doing so when Theo heard his name being called. "Theo... Theo! Oh, there you are," Auntie Miran said as she rounded the corner into the kitchen.

    "Mornin' Auntie Miran," Theo said with a full mouth. Well, at least she was able to recognize him again today, he thought.

    "There's some mail for you," she said, taking a note from the stack of mail in her hand and handing it to Theo.

    "Theo, I understand that this is rather improper of me but your presence is requested at Instinct High School urgently. This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter. Come by before mid-day. There is much to discuss. Mr. Tessaro."

    Theo groaned in his head. Why today? It was such a long walk to get there too. He frowned at the letter.

    "I think there's a mistake on that letter though, Instinct High? Aren't you still in middle school, yet?" Auntie Miran said.

    Theo swallowed the last bite of toast. "Auntie, I've been in high school for a few years, remember?" he said, smiling at her. He was always patient with her, he never gave her a hard time or anything when she couldn't remember something.

    "Oh, right... Yes! I knew that..." she said, then frowmed. "Oh, Theo... I forgot again didn't I?"

    "Don't worry, it's okay Auntie," Theo said as he walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, doing his best to reassure her. "Listen," he said, holding up the letter, "I have to meet with my science teacher, I guess I better leave now if I want to get there before midday. I'll be back later today, all right?"

    "All right," she said, managing a smile.

    Theo threw on his backpack and went out the front door. After he closed it, he stopped. He sighed and slumped against the door. Auntie Miran's memory had been better the last few days than it had been the past few weeks. He wanted to think it was a good thing but he had a bad feeling things would get worse soon, that always seemed to happen anyway. What would he do if...? He stood back up and shook his head, clearing the thoughts away. It was best not to think about it too much, she wouldn't want him worrying anyway. Before heading into town, Theo talked to his neighbor, who agreed to keep an eye on Miran while he was gone.

    A cool, light breeze swept leaves across the street as Theo headed into town. Piles of leaves lined the side of the street and the edges of yards. He looked at the letter again for a moment, then put in his backpack. Hmmm... he wondered, staring up at the sky as he walked. I wonder what Mr. Tessaro needs to see me for? He thought about it a little more. Uh, is it because I drew cartoons in the answer boxes for the last few questions on that test? I didn't know the answers... it was better than leaving them blank! Wait, maybe... he found out it was me that spilled soda all over his keyboard? An expression of panic washed over his face. He shook his head again. I don't know why he wouldn't just talk to me about these things in class though... He shrugged.

    Theo paused outside of a building. He had arrived. The usual place - a convenience store he always stopped at. It was pretty early in the day, but it was never too early for a soda! He went inside, fishing for money is his pocket as he approached the counter. The cashier had his back to the counter, fiddling with something on the back wall. Theo practically slammed the money on the counter. "One usual order, please!" he said.

    The cashier spun around. "Heyyy! You got it!" he said, smiling and pointing at Theo, recognizing him as one of his best customers. He grabbed a cup and started filling it at the soda machine. Theo would swear that this store had the best soda, even though most places served the exact same things. The cashier finished up and set Theo's order on the counter - the usual, a medium orange soda. Theo picked up the cup and headed for the door.

    "You have a good day, ya hear?" the cashier called.

    Theo gave a thumbs up as a sign of thanks, already sipping his soda as he exited the store.

    It was a slow and tedious walk from Nuvema to Accumula. She didn't help matters by climbing her tree - she spray painted a red X on the bark a few years back - an hour into the trip. After a solid few minutes of moving from branch to branch and loosening her muscles, Emery had climbed down to the lowest limb, straddling the branch before jumping down to the path, landing cat-like on all fours.

    As she reached Accumula, Emery was jogging her way into town whilst adjusting the sleeves of her jacket - it was getting warmer now that it was nearing afternoon. Her feet carry her towards the fountain a block away from the school in a childrens park, a place she frequented in her youth. Predictably, coins littered the fountain's bed.

    "Such a waste," Emery smirks and reaches in. She takes a handful, bouncing her hand lightly to hear the pleasant jingle of useless wishes.

    Pocketing the coins and cleaning her arm of any excess water, Emery makes her way to Instinct High School. She never had the best attendance... or grades, for that matter. Though most teachers were extra harsh with her - not being a privileged one, and all - Tessaro had always been quite patient.

      Location: Nuvema Town; Route 1  ✕█  Typing: Fire  ✕  CR: 1​

    « LOCATION »
    Accumula Town ; Instinct High School
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Local Time : 1.45pm

    Instinct High School is barren. Students have no reason to venture near the institute lest they enjoy the painful reminder that weekends don't last forever. There is not a teacher in sight.

    The courtyard has a fountain smack in the middle, four concrete benches decorate the inner rim and sit upon a red brick path. It branches off into four directions, one leading to the Gym [physical one, not trainer controlled], another to the front office, one to the library and finally, the standard class rooms which sits North East of the fountain.

    On the third floor is the science room, taught by Mr. Tessaro. Desks are lined up, a few siting askew from kids scrambling to get away from a certainly explosive demonstration from their Teacher. He's inside waiting, several PokeBalls on his desk and standing before the blackboard, grinning.

    Route 1



    Garett Temero

    "Definitely not how I expected to spend my Saturday morning." Garett muttered as he walked down the dusty path, kicking rocks as he moved. Garett looked up as a few red and orange leaves flew by in the wind. "Four years in that hell-hole and now I'm going back on my day off. And for reasons I don't even know. Not sure why my presence would be requested anyway. Tessaro didn't really seem to care for me. Especially after I bashed that guy's face in..." A smirk formed across Garett's face as the memory came back to him.

    Seemed like every day someone was tryingto pick a fight with me. Garett's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of crowds. Garett looked to his left to see a sign that read "Accumula - TheFast-Growing Town!".

    "Looks like I got here faster than I expected". Garett walked through town looking for the school. Once the building was in sight Garett stopped as a thought passed through his mind. What if I'm not the only one that Tessaro wanted to meet with? Garett groaned at the idea of running into his old class mates as he slowly walked to the building.

    Arabelle Whinch​

    I should have taken a bus...

    The thought briefly crossed Arabelles mind as she wildly shook her leg, trying to get the angry patrat off of her skirt. The rodent, however had other ideas, as it continued to dig its teeth into the fabric, arms flailing madly as it did whatever it was that it was doing. "Ack-Please leave I have somewhere to go!" Arabelle practically screamed, quite done with everything that the world had thrown at her that particular day. She had been walking for nearly 3 hours now, and she was just about ready to lay down at the side of the road and die. But she wasn't going to, not today. With a final sweep of her hand the patrat released its grip and tumbled into the foliage that lined the route. Not wanting to risk it coming back Arabelle made a quick run, ignoring her screaming muscles.

    After a few minutes of running and a long stare behind her, Arabelle deemed it safe to take a break, if it was only for a moment. Placing her hands on her knees she allowed herself to breathe, trying to calm down her racing heart. After a final long exhale she inspected her skirt, frowning at the minor scratches that scarred the fabric. Oh well, at least it wasn't a druddigon or something... She shuddered at the thought, considering she had no means to defend herself she was lucky it was only a patrat she encountered! Dragging out another long sigh, Arabelle returned to her standing position and set off down the road once more.


    The sign. The arceus blessed sign. Never before had Arabelle felt so much joy at the "Welcome to Accumula Town!" if she wasn't surrounded by people she was sure she would collapse over the sign and cry her eyes out in pure joy. But now was the task of getting to her old high school. With a groan she all but dragged herself into the city limits, weaving in and out of the crowds of people, avoiding physical contact as much as was possible.

    It took another 30 or so minutes just to reach the school courtyard, and Arabelle really just needed to sit down. Gazing about the familiar courtyard Arabelle breathed a sound of relief as she approached one of the stone benches around the fountain, slowly she slid onto the bench and allowed herself to relax. Whatever she was needed for could wait at least a few minutes more.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [IC]

    Name: Alex Hunt
    Age: 18

      Location: Instinct High School: Mr. Tessaro's Classroom. ✕█  Typing: Water ✕  CR: 1​

    Alex finally got to the school building after walking through the town. He looked around, but it seemed as if he was the only one so far. He removed his jacket now that it was warm enough not to have one. Being in a town like this also helped warm up things.

    He entered the courtyard and looked around, confirming that he was the first one, or so he thought. He looked at a street clock that was mounted off to the side of the main path of the courtyard where all could see the time. It was already past noon. He waiting a few moments, but didn't hear anyone coming. He thought that maybe Tessaro had already made it to the school and was waiting on him in the class room. Alex didn't know that others had also been invited. He figured that it was just him.

    He looked around one final time. He could hear a few bird pokemon flying high above in the sky, but he couldn't tell what they were. Probably just some Pidove enjoying the afternoon heat. Alex took the path of the red brick road that lead to classroom section of the school. He felt as if he was being watched. It felt as if it was some type of grass type pokemon. One that wasn't even from Unova possibly. Shrugging, he walked into the building, finding that it was indeed unlocked, confirming that Tessaro seemed to already be here.

    Alex walked through the dead silent halls. He always hated being at the school when it was empty, it just freaked him out. He guessed it was because the building was so big and it just felt odd being there alone when he was used to students being around him. He got to the first set of steps and walked up them. The steps were on opposite sides of the hall ways to help spread out the crowd of kids changing classes, going to lunch, or going home.

    As he walked down the second floor hall, he passed a picture of a waterfall. He looked at it and gritted his teeth.

    "Damn it! That damn picture is still here! Why can't they take it down? I know it is related to the class, but damn it! Every time I see that damn picture I want to destroy it." He gritted angerly thought his teeth.

    It reminded him of the departing of his father. He tried to top his father from leaving...

    13 Years Ago....

    "Why are you doing this Dad!?" Alex cried over the roar of the waterfall.

    Alex's father, Brian Hunt, turned back to his son, looking down. "You are too young to understand Alex. Go home!"

    Alex didn't back down, "But I am old enough! I am five! Soon I will be starting school! Why are you leaving us! Why now? Why can you not at least stay until my first day of school!?" Alex cried, tears streaming down his face.

    Brian looked down, "In time you will understand. But you are to young! Do not disobey me again! You will do as I say!"

    "No! Why can't you stay! Why!? Do you not love me and mom!? Do you not want me to grow up to be like you!? I love water pokemon just like you., so why not stay and teach me to become a Water Pokemon Master!?" Alex cried.

    Brian's face turned to anger, "If you cannot be patient, then you will never be a water trainer! You will never even be as strong as me! I doubt you could even beat me with a full team of electric and grass types!" Brian yelled.

    Alex's eyes widened he found himself running toward his father. Alex was angry with his father. He was confused.

    "Totodile, Water Gun!" Brian yelled.

    Alex's father's Totodile launched a water gun at Alex, hitting him square in the stomach. With as small as Alex was, he was thrown a good distance into the water. Alex gasped for air, desperately struggling for any that he could get. The air had rushed to his lungs, still being new to swimming, he wasn't able to get as much air into his lungs as a swimmer should get.

    He watched as his father muttered something to himself, but Alex couldn't read his dad's lips. He was in to great of shock. Alex found himself going down a river, quickly reaching what seemed to be the end of the world. He couldn't hear anything, but the rushing river and the crashing of the waterfall. He tried to swim to the bank, but the current was too strong. He tumbled over the waterfall into the river bellow. He started to black out after hitting the water. He thought he heard pokemon coming toward him. Duck..Duck... Swaa But when he woke up. He was back at home, hating his father for what he had done.

    Present Day, back in the halls......

    Alex found himself gritting his teeth. He was in the process of punching the waterfall pictures, but he stopped himself has his memory of waterfalls went away. Because of that incident, Alex was terrified of waterfalls. He didn't mind water, but when it formed any type of waterfall, it terrified him.

    "I will find you Dad and I will become a better trainer and hopefully a better father than you have ever been. I will make you tell me why you left that day. Why you attacked me with your Totodile and why you even freaking ever entered Mom's life! You should have just stayed in Johto for all I care. Wouldn't even care if I hadn't been born. It would have sparred Mom. You didn't even know how torn up she was when you left. You never came home. You never communicated. I will make you tell me why one day and it will be with pokemon you won't expect." Alex muttered angerly.

    He looked around to make sure no one had been watching and then continued the walk through the halls. He finally got to the next set of stairs and walked up. He found the classroom he was supposed to go in, it was easy to identify thanks to the door being open.

    He walked in and noticed that Mr. Tessaro was grinning as he entered the classroom. He couldn't help but notice pokeballs on his desks. Something told Alex that he was not the only one invited today.

    "Good afternoon Mr. Tessaro. I do hope this won't take long.... I was supposed to hang out with my friends today and help my mother." Alex said, taking a seat, keeping his eyes on the pokeballs.

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    Anthony Sorrel

    "Instinct High School. Because you have to rely on your instincts if you want to survive. Or something. I actually don't know!" Tony approached the school at a stroll, hopping up and walking along the rim of the fountain. He'd fallen in once during his school years, but was confident that he wouldn't today. Today was too important, potentially.

    "Or maybe it was founded by members of Team Instinct? Or named in their honor? Maybe someone just really liked the word, and wanted to hear people say it? Instinct. It does kinda roll off the tongue... Instinct, instinct, instinct-stinct!"

    Hopping off the fountain, he made his way to the front doors, taking the stairs two at a time. The stairs had been his favorite part about Tessaro's class! Other students would grow weary and trudge their way up to the third floor, but Tony had always taken them at a jog, happy for the exercise. Stairs made for great cardio, and were good for the glutes.

    "You know, I'm surprised how nostalgic this is. You'd think I would be done with this place, but I actually kinda miss it! I spent four years of my life in this building, and now that it's gone, I've lost that comforting sense of routine." He slowed to a walk, getting another bad vibe. "Wait... who am I talking to?'

    The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, making him look around the deserted school. He saw nothing, which almost made it worse. "Okay Tony, calm down..." He ran his hand back through his hair, resuming his climb. "You're just talking out loud because... that's what people do when they're alone! They talk out loud! Because there's no one else there..."

    He decided to run the rest of the way.

    "No need to worry, no one around, no need to worry!" He skidded to a stop in front of Mr. Tessaro's room, flinging the door open. "Good day, Mr. T! I got your note and came right down, even brought some snacks, I hope that's okay!" He spoke quickly, tossing the box of muffins on the desk before taking an open seat at the front of the class. "I ate one, hope you don't mind, so what can I do for you?"

    Accumula Town:
    Instinct High



    Garett Temero

    Garett walked into the school's courtyard and stopped at the fountain. "Kinda hoped I wouldn't see this place again. Ha ha." Garett laughed to himself as he looked at all the buildings surrounding the courtyard. Garett pulled the letter out of his pocket to read it one more time.

    This is something I simply cannot explain through a letter...There is much to discuss. What could be this important anyway? Garett folded the letter back up and placed it in his pocket as he looked around the courtyard one more time. He paused as he noticed a girl sitting on one of the nearby benches. Wonder if she might have been requested by Tessaro as well? But then why is she here and not talking to him? Unless maybe we're meeting him here and not inside? The letter never gave an exact location so I guess it couldn't hurt to check his room. I hope he's still in the same classroom. After realizing he had unknowingly been staring at the girl for what seemed like an eternity, Garett awkwardly waved then and went inside the school.

    "It's weird seeing this place dark and empty." Garett muttered to himself as he quietly walked through the dimly lit hallways. He stopped at the top of the first flight of stairs as he saw the shadowy outline of a hedgehog-like pokémon running through the halls. He tilted his head as he wondered what pokémon that was before continuing through the school.

    Garett stood at the door to Professor Tessaro's classroom. "Time to see how 'urgent' this is." Garett opened the door and took a few steps into the room. He paused as he spotted two more people in the room, neither of them were his former teacher. Guess my suspicions were right. I'm not the only person he wanted to see. Garett spun around to see Tessaro standing behind his desk grinning. Garett gave a simple nod to say hello then glanced at the pokéballs sitting on the professor's desk before turning around to face the chairs. Garett looked at the two guys sitting near the front, he recognized them from his school days but couldn't recall their names, then walked past them through the rows of desks. He slumped down in one of the seats as far back in the room as he could go and crossed his arms as he waited for Tessaro to speak. This meeting may be more

    interesting than I thought.


    Emery takes her time. It would be a damn shame to have to return home so soon and babysit Devlin when she could spend her night in town. Or wandering the halls of her old school.

    She turns her nose up at the billboards and their desperate club requests. It was a requirement, unfortunately. She joined the Gaming Club and never turned up once. When the Leader came to confront her about it, Emery made it clear what her role was - doing whatever the hell she wants. After a few jabs and getting in his face about it, the kid backed down real fast and signed her on and off the role call every week.

    Tessaro's classroom was, unfortunately, still burned in her memory. Emery steps inside, her hand keeping hold of the door and surveying the occupants in the room: three boys, about her age and unfamiliar and Mr Tessaro, beaming brightly behind his desk. She releases the door and moves about the room, fingers trailing over the empty desks and eyeing the Pokeballs.

    "Long time no see, Tess." Her eyes drift over to a box of chocolate muffins. "Those for me?" Not waiting for confirmation, Emery lifts the lid and helps herself.

      Location: Accumula Town; Instinct High School  ✕█  Typing: Fire  ✕  CR: 1​
    Rail looked over Accumula Town and Instinct High, the school she supposedly went to four 4 years. Well, the building does look familiar at least. She thought, feeling bored. She's been staring at the building for at least an hour or so, not feeling up to entering the school and meeting with 'Mr. Tessaro' just yet. After seeing the fourth person walk in, Rail sighed and got up. Guess I better get going. And I was just about to nap.

    Rail headed towards Instinct High, walking to the front entrance . . . and ignoring it completely as she walks around the building. She ignored every door and open window, only stopping in front of a busted air vent. No one's fixed this. Really? Rail shook her head, finding it more surprising that the opening of an air vent was not fixed than she is remembering that there was a broken air vent. Without hesitation, Rail got on her knees and crawled through the vent. As usual, Rail threw caution to the wind, and since her brain is telling her that this existed and it leads her to where she wants to, she's listening to it. Crawling through the vents, Rail quickly choosing paths without a second thought. In no time, she stopped, looking down at an opening to see three boys, a girl, and a man. She recognized all of them, though that mattered little. The older man, however, she knew his face and name.

    Mr. Tessaro. I'm at the right place. Go me. Looking directly beneath her, Rail sees an empty chair positioned just right for if she were to fall from this opening, she'll land right on the seat. With a sly smirk on her face, Rail removes the vent opening and drops down, landing perfectly on the chair. She waves to teacher nonchalantly, content with her entrance.

    "Yo." Was Rail's one word response in making her presence.