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[Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

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    • Seen Jul 21, 2024

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [alink id=introduction]Introduction[/alink id] - [alink id=howtoplay]How to Play[/alink id] - [alink id=rules]Rules[/alink id] - [alink id=prizes]Prizes[/alink id] - [alink id=puzzle]Puzzle[/alink id][/COLOR]

    [a id]introduction[/a id]


    Welcome to Pokémon Trivia's Pokétrivia League! I am your host, BinaryPeaches. I will both guide you and present to you the puzzles that will be required to solve in order for you to become a champion here in Pokémon Trivia. This will be a test of patience, determination, and, above all else, your knowledge of the world of Pokémon. It will be of no easy feat. It will take weeks, months of dedication in order for one to become a Pokémon Trivia Master. First, you must conquer each of the regions and become a champion in all. But before you even begin your quest you must first learn how this league works. What kind of puzzles will there be? How does one get one more step towards their goal? The answer here right here for you to see. But do not fret. When you become a champion you will be rewarded for your hard work and receive a prize for your accomplishments. What is it? You will see soon enough. Now come along, and let us get you ready for your adventure.​
    [a id]howtoplay[/a id]


    Every week, I will present a puzzle (or two) here at Pokémon Trivia. There will be an assortment of them, including crossword puzzles, word searches, as well as "Who's that Pokémon?", a game that used to be done here in this very place. Each puzzle will have a theme, representing one of the many badges that are in the Pokémon world. If you complete the puzzle and answer everything correctly, then you will win a badge. The badge you will receive will depend on what the theme was. If it is a theme that goes with multiple badges, you will go in the order of generations.

    For example. If you complete a puzzle with a Rock theme, then you will win the Boulder Badge. The second time you complete a Rock themed puzzle, you will then receive the Stone Badge. If you complete a puzzle with a Ghost theme, then you will win the Fog Badge, as it is the first Ghost badge that existed. Because of how this works, you do not have to try to gain your badges in order, nor do you have to complete one region before you complete another region. Once you finish getting all eight badges you have completed that region. There is no elite four to go through in order to save everyone a bit of time (40+ puzzles is already pushing it). Occasionally, there might be two puzzles that you have to complete during the one-two week period. Don't worry, for double the effort you will receive a badge for each puzzle you complete.

    You will PM your puzzle answers in the way that is described in the puzzle thread. If you try to submit your answer any other way then you will be disqualified and will have to wait until the next round to try and obtain a badge.

    There are two types of wild cards in this league. The first is the Dark type. As there is no such thing as an elite four in this league, the Dark Type is the only type that currently does not have a badge. Due to this, whenever the week is Dark it is a wild card week to everyone. The second type of wild card is a type that you have already collected every badge from. So if the week is Dragon, and you already have the Rising and Legend Badge, then that week will be a wild card to you.

    A wild card is simple. If you complete the puzzle of a wild card week, then a random badge that you do not currently have will be given to you. This way, you do not have to wait for a specific week in order to obtain a badge. You can keep playing every week and still obtain a badge if you finish the puzzle.

    Due to the fact that the Unova region has two set of badges, you are welcome to choose which set you wish to pursue. However, you can only pursue one set so choose wisely.

    If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to PM or VM me. I will do my best to assist you on your quest!
    [a id]rules[/a id]


    Of course! A League cannot be one without its rules. Simply follow these guidelines, and you will be well on your way to becoming a champion in no time!

    • Follow all of PCs and Pokemon Trivia's Rules
    • Follow the rules directions given to you in the puzzle thread in order to complete the puzzle
    • PM your answers to BinaryPeaches
    • You may jump in and take a break at anytime during this league
    • If you post your answer in the thread you will be disqualified for that week
    • If you don't follow the rules in the puzzle thread you will be disqualified for that week
    • All badge progresses will be kept in this thread; if you see a mistake please PM the host so she can fix it
    • Wild cards are randomized. No exceptions.
    • You are welcome to use this thread to speak about the PokéTrivia League
    • Have fun!

    [a id]prizes[/a id]


    The prize are none other than emblems for your accomplishments! When you have completely finished a region, you will receive an emblem based for that region. If you go all the way, and complete every region, then you will receive a very special emblem for all of your accomplishments. The emblems that you may receive are below.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Yes, the region of Kalos will be included and there will be an emblem for it (thus, making it harder to get the last emblem) once Pokemon X and Y is released. With the amount of weeks before its release, I don't have to worry about anyone getting the final emblem before I can use the Kalos region anyways.

    Also, the first to receive the final emblem will also receive supportership. However, only if there is one or two people who receive it first. This is because someone is generous enough to offer to do this for us, but they can only give so much.
    [a id]puzzle[/a id]


    The puzzle is not in this thread. This is to keep this thread as simple and as clean as possible. Instead, each new puzzle will have its own thread and will be linked here for easy access.

    The types for these puzzles are Fighting and Steel!

    Last edited:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    Razor Leaf

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​



    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​


    Virtual Headache

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)

    Johto: n/a
    Hoenn: n/a
    Sinnoh: n/a
    Unova: n/a​

    Last edited:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [Main Thread] The Pokétrivia League! (COMING BACK IN 2014)
    [alink id=kanto]Kanto[/alink id] - [alink id=johto]Johto[/alink id] - [alink id=hoenn]Hoenn[/alink id] - [alink id=sinnoh]Sinnoh[/alink id] - [alink id=unova]Unova[/alink id] - [alink id=masters]Masters[/alink id]

    [a id]kanto[/a id]


    [a id]johto[/a id]


    [a id]hoenn[/a id]


    [a id]sinnoh[/a id]


    [a id]unova[/a id]


    [a id]masters[/a id]



    Last edited:
    Extra Post in case I need it in the future for whatever reason
    Could you look over the water crossword puzzle? Specifically 1-Across and 16-Across? I just want to be sure there are no mistakes on the puzzle, but I can't figure them out in a way that fits the spaces.
    16 across is right, you just need to look somewhere that isn't Bulbapedia. 1 across is wrong however, at least I think so, and I already PM'ed Peaches about it.
    Last edited:
    First one (Across 1) was partially my fault as I didn't double check with more than one source about the answer. It was an easy fix; just added something to the clue so it fits instead of having to try and redo the crossword itself. The second one (Across 16) is technically incorrect if you use Bulbapedia (which at this point definitely the more reliable source). Just don't repeat any double letters (so like letter would be leter).

    Good thing that I put this up before June 7th because otherwise haha ... oops. But if there are anymore problems please don't hesitate to tell me! Definitely tells me to at least look at more than one source when creating puzzles.
    Finished them both and got the battle server to do them too, this is looking like a fun concept so I hope it gets the activity it deserves! The word-search was easy (bar one certain fossil Pokémon that I shan't name but grrr) and the crossword took some thought but wasn't too hard, can't wait for next week though!

    Would be more than willing to help out if you need any ideas/assistance :)
    I'm going to be extending the due date another week since I've barely gotten any PMs with the answers sob (which means I guess I'll be making that blog post after all sigh).

    Help would be appreciated! Maybe more trivia ideas and such, as well as ideas for questions to use etc etc. Word Searches are easy but other things require more thought haha.
    You could do word scrambles. Or maybe trickier word scrambles where you add in an extra, unused letter. That would make it harder. So like, if you had one scrambled word of "Rhydonegia" the answer would be "Hydreigon" with a leftover "a." And you could even make the leftover letters spell something (or be another scramble themselves).
    Building up from Scarf, you could make a scrambleception, in which you basically put a word and we would have to pull a certain number of Pokémon from it. As an example:

    rwenogsnidshondayre contains (well, it SHOULD) Hydreigon and Sandshrew, assuming that you only use each letter once.
    Since you mentioned Hydreigon and Sandshrew in one thing (because they aren't related by typing at all) does some trivial things with dual-typing that gives you two badges sound cool? I think the main thing here is that people don't want to wait so many weeks for a emblem so the more badges a week the quicker it'll be and thus perhaps the more activity this can gain.

    Because face it. People like their emblems and often do things for said emblems.

    Oh and yes, the word scramble idea is fabulous. And easy as well so it shouldn't take long to conjure some up.
    Haha, well it did bring up a neat idea, didn't it? So it's all cool! We'll see how this goes (I will be making the blog post soon) after this and see if it'll help or not.
    Is number 14 across incorrect for the crossword puzzle? Because the water Pokemon with the highest overall base stat is a different answer than what it should be with numbers 6 and 10 letters say it should be. And I know that numbers 6 and 10 are correct...
    Yep. It's correct. I suggest triple-checking your answer as the overall base stats for water types aren't far from each other. Make sure you are spelling everything correctly too; simply mistake, I know, but I've had it happen to me plenty of times before.

    If you want any more assistance send me a PM and we'll see what's up.
    Answers are up in the Puzzle Thread. Not many completed overall but I suppose it shows that I really do need to bump it up ad advertise this thing somewhere. Like in my signature, blog, etc. But for those who did complete it there you go! Sorry for the lateness, I kind of spend the whole day caught up in playing Pokemon XD haha. But the new puzzles will be up soon (ideally by the end of today. ♥)
    Can't wait for the new puzzles, the last ones were a lot of fun! I'll start advertising it too once they're up, hopefully we can drum up some more attention between us all :)
    Erm, how did I not see this! Can I join now?
    The answers have already been posted for the first set of puzzles so it's too late to answer those, but you should definitely join in for tonight's! Check back here occasionally and it'll be posted when BinaryPeaches is ready :D