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Help Thread: Map Rating/Review Thread

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Rated Map:

Rating: 6/10

Reason: Again still looks too similar to littleroot, I agree with Ninja Caterpie, change the still pond to a moving one and mabye remove the rock and expand it.

Suggestions: Resize the map and maybe change the tiles to help steer away from a littleroot quick edit.

Now for my map:
Map Name: Cylstic Twon
Map Game: Firered Hack

Comments: This is the 1st town for my hack, Tell me what you think! :)

When we say "edit the positions of the houses", we don't mean "swap one or two around". At any rate, with the path it looks much better. Even though it's still the same basic layout as Littleroot, it does look significantly different (see what even a swap + path can do?). It is much better than before, though. :D

Although you still need to put moving water under that waterfall. It'd be a bit weird to have a waterfall then a still pond, no?

I know, but... since it's such a small map, I can't really put the house wherever I want... Also, while it may not look like it, it is quite different to Littleroot. I guess it's the tiles and similar house placement that makes it look similar. I'm sure if I changed the tiles, it wouldn't be as similar. I mean, I've changed the size and exits (instead of exiting north, it exits east.) Nevertheless, thanks for the help.

Anyway, here is (hopefully) the final edition: [PokeCommunity.com] Map Rating/Review Thread

Actually, after placing the maps side by side, I can actually see a strong resemblance. Oh well. XD

Littleroot Town:

EDIT: Didn't notice the map above. XD
Rated map:

Rating: 5/10

Reason: Way too much space! I'd either make the map smaller, or fill up the space with trees, flowers... whatever. XD The tiles are very nice though. :) Also, the house at the bottom looks quite crmped (despite all the free space. XD) I'd move it to the west. However, the tree placement is very natural. :) I also noticed you said it was the first town. therefore, i don't see why it has to be so big. Normally, first towns are relatively small.

  • Decrease the amount of free space by either decreasing the size of the map, or filling it in. I'd go with the first option.
  • Move the lower house into a spot where it looks less cramped.
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Reviewed Map:
Now for my map:
Map Name: Cylstic Twon
Map Game: Firered Hack

Comments: This is the 1st town for my hack, Tell me what you think! :)

Review: Well, if you just glance at the map you could tell it's easily too large, since there's ton of free space around the whole map, unless you fill up the empty places, I'd say to shrink down the map. Also, is there any other types of tiles you got there in that ROM base? Because I'd say to use a variety of building-tiles, not just that blue house for each one... Maybe that's just me. But anyways, you should make the trees look more natural, (north where the other blue houses are), and not just trees in rows. I also don't understand the significance of the marble path between the two sand ones... Well, overall this maps looks too plain. Add lots of more natural decorations and buildings to the map or else maybe shrink it.

Suggestions: Shrink the map, unless you can add more buildings and trees, flowers, small trees, mountains, etc. Remove that gray marble path (unless you have a reason for it). Make trees more natural when placing them on the map. When doing so, your map should improve. =) Good luck.
Rated Map:

Rating: 6/10

Reason: Again still looks too similar to littleroot, I agree with Ninja Caterpie, change the still pond to a moving one and mabye remove the rock and expand it.

Suggestions: Resize the map and maybe change the tiles to help steer away from a littleroot quick edit.

Now for my map:
Map Name: Cylstic Twon
Map Game: Firered Hack

Comments: This is the 1st town for my hack, Tell me what you think! :)


Review: It's empty. Very, very empty. You have so much space and nothing there, so try making the map smaller. I also don't like how straight the path is, and how isolated the players house is.
Rating: 3/10


Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Map Name: Lunar Forest
Credits: On first post of thread
Comments: Well, this map will play a kinda important role in my hack, mainly for obtaining rare items and Pokemon. You battle against the evil team for the first time here, and you can catch elemental monkey's underneath the large trees. You can also catch Tropius at the bridge at the top on Fridays. I honestly think this is my best map so far, except for the part with the mountain near the bottom right, but I honestly couldn't think of what to put there.
Rated Map:

Rating: 7.5/10
Review: Well altaria, you've done a pretty good with this map. But there's a few things. First of all, is that a tile error I see on the mountain? Bottom-right. Secondly, you've overloaded the place with grass. And there's not enough flowers for this kind of map. Also, that lake at the bottom irks me.
Rated Map:

Review: I like how you used a good variety of tiles. It is also fairly large. However, I think the exits and entrances could be easily missed. Also, I don't like how sometimes the path is only one tile wide. Also, as Blaziquaza said, there is too much grass, and I can see it annoying the player after a while.

  • Make the exits and entrances more noticeable.
  • Lower the amount of grass.
Map Game: Pokemon Ruby
Map Name: Newman's Path
Comment: The first route of my ROM hack. Basically, the map I showed you earlier (the home town) is to the left, and the next town is to the right. the player has to travel through the lower path initially, but he/she can use the higher path as a shortcut to return to the home town without facing wild Pokemon. I also changed the palette, hwoever I know it is too green so I'll probably change it to a less harsher type of green at some point. Also, the Player will face Pidgey, Zigzagoon and Wurmple on this route, and there are no trainers. So yeah, don't rate the palette; just rate the mapping.
Reviewed Map:
Map Game: Pokemon Ruby
Map Name: Newman's Path
Comment: The first route of my ROM hack. Basically, the map I showed you earlier (the home town) is to the left, and the next town is to the right. the player has to travel through the lower path initially, but he/she can use the higher path as a shortcut to return to the home town without facing wild Pokemon. I also changed the palette, hwoever I know it is too green so I'll probably change it to a less harsher type of green at some point. Also, the Player will face Pidgey, Zigzagoon and Wurmple on this route, and there are no trainers. So yeah, don't rate the palette; just rate the mapping.
Review: I dunno why but this also looks like an edit of a map... I think of Route 102...? Anyways, this isn't the Tile/Palette Rating thread so I'll just go to the map. It seems like a familiar map but I apologize if it isn't... The patches of grass seem okay... But the north path seems to empty, like you need more things there... Tall grass or small trees perhaps? Since you say you don't want to add tall grass north then just add more natural decorations then. The gate at the west entrance seems empty, so I advise you to add a gate near the bottom of the west entrance and gates at the east entrance.Overall this isn't that bad of a map.

Suggestions: Add more natural tiles north of the map, so it doesn't seem empty. Maybe change the placement of the flowers, as it seems too much of the same pattern. Make them look more natural. Add gates at the entrances. Fix the palettes.
I mentioned that the palette I chose was awful and I didn't want it rating a few posts above, but thanks for rating it anyway. :)

Anyway, I finally murdered the horrible palette. Here it is with a better palette:
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Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Map Name: Lunar Forest
Credits: On first post of thread
Comments: Well, this map will play a kinda important role in my hack, mainly for obtaining rare items and Pokemon. You battle against the evil team for the first time here, and you can catch elemental monkey's underneath the large trees. You can also catch Tropius at the bridge at the top on Fridays. I honestly think this is my best map so far, except for the part with the mountain near the bottom right, but I honestly couldn't think of what to put there.

Review: I strongly agree with the general consensus here; the pathways of this map are far too restrictive and have far more grass than they should. I think that the greatest example of this is up in the top left of the map, where the player would descend a mountain level and walk along the path. During this part, the player would step in 33 grass patches minimum - This is far to much to ever subject a player to. That pathway also shows how you are restricting the player's movement, where 2-3 width is generally recommended if you want a map to be 'enjoyable'.

A more minor aspect which is bothering me is your construction of the cliff faces. At the top of the lower mountain, you have used two distincly different ways to show that the mountain is large - Overlapping one level over the other, while also hiding all of the levels underneath the very highest. While I have no problems with either of them, the fact that you have used both styles within a very close proximity to one another seems strange to me.

Suggestions: Widen your pathways and give the player 'breathing room' where they aren't forced to wade through tons of grass. Try to keep your construction of mountains consistant across the map.

Anyway, I finally murdered the horrible palette. Here it is with a better palette:

Review: This is a nice early map, even though I don't think you've perfected the palletes completely. There are a few tile errors within the centre trees, but thats as much as I can see :)

On the top path, you have a 'small' tree which is sticking out in the middle of the walkway, which I can't see as being a good placement option. Try putting it directly below/ above/ next to a larger tree like the others rather than sticking out like a sore thumb. the small tree above the ledge should probably be moved as well, but there isn't anything inherently wrong with it. The only other thing about this map I could say is that the bottom could use some more grass, considering the top has none what-so-ever.

I like this map, and with a little extra tweaking, I'm sure that it will look and play fabulously :D

Suggestions: Move some of the small trees to better positions. Add some extra grass to the bottom path.
Map Name: N/A

Map Game: Pokémon Emerald Version

Comments: This one's different. I wanted to do something special for my 1,000th post but the only thing that I could think of (that didn't require a lot of planning) was to post a map. I noticed that I hadn't made a new map in almost a year so I wanted to see if I still had it in me. I didn't want to make just any old map, though. So I challenged myself to create a fully Nintendo-styled map. I've always liked my style of mapping because I feel like it's a nice balance between natural- and Nintendo-styled mapping but until this map, I had yet to give full-on Nintendo-styled mapping a concentrated effort. So basically, the idea behind this map was to to try to get as close to a real, Nintendo (or Game Freak, if you prefer) map as possible. In the process, I learned that Nintendo maps aren't defined by "squareness" or empty space. There's so much more to them and that's the essence that I tried to capture with this map.
If you're going to rate it, please only rate it on how accurately I emulated the Nintendo style. I only want criticism on how well I did in that regard.


Review:'K this is gonna be hardWell, if you were aiming for a GameFreak styled map, you did it. Well, almost, there are a few tree shading errors, namely the tree at the bottom right, and the bottom two trees at the right of the patch of grass at the bottom left, as well as some rock showing underneath the bridge. Also, a few parts of the map look like they could be doing with just one or two more flowers, but other than that, this is a really great map and could pass of as Gamefreak's own work.

Suggestions:Fix up the tree shading errors and add just a few more flowers.


Map Name: Route 403
Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Credits: First post of hack thread
Comments: Well before you start saying the maps too small, I know it's supposed to be small because the player has just been through a gigantic forest and battled bad guys. There are two paths you can take here. One has Wild Pokemon, and the other has Trainers. Beat the Trainers and you will be rewarded at the end of the route with a rare item. This route also leads into the third Town you visit, which will have the first gym. I think I done alright with this map, although of course there is room for improvement.

Map Name: Route 403
Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Credits: First post of hack thread
Comments: Well before you start saying the maps too small, I know it's supposed to be small because the player has just been through a gigantic forest and battled bad guys. There are two paths you can take here. One has Wild Pokemon, and the other has Trainers. Beat the Trainers and you will be rewarded at the end of the route with a rare item. This route also leads into the third Town you visit, which will have the first gym. I think I done alright with this map, although of course there is room for improvement.

looks good overall, but you might have overdid it with the amount of stumps here, there are too many of em on such a little map.
The map seems to be a dead end, you should place some sort of path near the forest entrance. you should also make the paths a few tiles wider, especially the top path since the are trainers on them, giving them a little more room would make the map appear less crowded.
Map Name: Route 403
Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Credits: First post of hack thread
Comments: Well before you start saying the maps too small, I know it's supposed to be small because the player has just been through a gigantic forest and battled bad guys. There are two paths you can take here. One has Wild Pokemon, and the other has Trainers. Beat the Trainers and you will be rewarded at the end of the route with a rare item. This route also leads into the third Town you visit, which will have the first gym. I think I done alright with this map, although of course there is room for improvement.
Rating: 8/10

Reasons: Taking in to consideration of what you said, about it being small, I see no issue with that, there needs to be some smaller maps in games. I like the pallets you've used, the different colored trees break it up a little and make it easier on the eyes, yet it remains bright and vibrant (which personally play a good deal in how much I like a game, people don't always like dark and dull) . I also like the tiles you've made with the tree and grass sprouts as well as the stumps and logs, It brings out the feel of it being a forest. A few issues I have with this map are that the paths are a bit narrow. I personally try to keep most paths 3 to 4 tiles wide. Also the bush in the top right corner seems out of place here.

Suggestions: Just a few things. like I said above, try making the paths wider perhaps, and maybe you could integrate the hill more, Maybe by adding a path on it to an item. I say this because of it being it ther middle of the map, it comes off as a focal point of the map and should be used a little, otherwise it's just a clump of dead space in the middle of an otherwise well executed map. One last thing I noticed, with your flowers, perhaps you could spread them out, or move them around a little, especially the white (light blue?) ones. Or get rid of the sprouts next to them, it looks a little cluttered in that area.

okay, now My Map.
Map Name: Iron Canyon
Game: Fire Red Hack (not named, just for personal use... right now)
Comments: first, sorry for the poor resolution. This map is home to several Steel type Pokemon. the three caves in the center connect to one another, and provide means to get past the snorlax blocking the pass. (note: the second large tree on the left side above the lake has been replaced by a tunnel entrance to a town to the east.)


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Map Rating/Review Thread
    89.4 KB · Views: 112
Map Name: Route 403
Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Credits: First post of hack thread
Comments: Well before you start saying the maps too small, I know it's supposed to be small because the player has just been through a gigantic forest and battled bad guys. There are two paths you can take here. One has Wild Pokemon, and the other has Trainers. Beat the Trainers and you will be rewarded at the end of the route with a rare item. This route also leads into the third Town you visit, which will have the first gym. I think I done alright with this map, although of course there is room for improvement.
The main issue with this map is just the lack of space. There are a few spots with only one tile of walking space, and some of them are diagonal, making it even worse. Even 2 tiles isn't enough, which is about as big as this map gets. Another thing you may want to change is the grass placement. You literally have the bottom half of the map covered with grass, and the top half of the map is empty. Try splitting it up into 2 or 3 groups instead.

Map Name: No name, as always.

Map Game: Made in Emerald. Not made for any hacks.

Comments: So, this map is supposed to be a first route. Basically, you if you follow the path, you'll end up at that big wall of rock smash rocks (It's supposed to be a landslide. lol), and have to turn around. Odds are, you're going to try the path that you haven't taken yet, so you'll end up at that cave. On the other side is a town, where you'll get Rock Smash.

I wanted to include some tree or bush secret bases, but I just couldn't get them to look good, so I left it out.
I'm quite happy with this map though (for once).


Also reposting this map, since I didn't get any ratings on it last time. It's in the attachment.
QuilavaKing said:
Map Name: None as always.

Map Game: Emerald as always.

Comments: I actually am trying to capture a very specific emotion, that I felt quite often when I was younger, with this map. You know when you've just been through a big dungeon, and you finally find a little relief in a game, whether it be a town or just resting spot, you don't actually want to keep going, or at least that's the way it is for me. I've never liked the fighting/dungeons in most games, so I always used to just want to stay in a town between caves/dungeons, wishing there was more to do there etc. In this map you come in through the top right cave, and come out to half of the city, before being forced to go through the other cave, to reach the rest of it.

This is my first city map ever, and I wanted to do something new/interesting, and combine it with a route/the mountains. Unfortunately, that made the actual city part more or less impossible. So, I really don't know if that part came out ok or not. I didn't bother doing anything with the water since you only see a very tiny bit of it... and I'd already spent 2 weeks or so on this map. It's also my biggest map to date.

The city part was more or less very well made, your use of Rustboro tiles was absolutely perfect. Although the city itself isn't very big, in game I imagine it would create the illusion that it was. The only thing I can say is that the lamps are a little too abundant. This is honestly the only map that has impressed me in a long, long time.
@ quilavaking: even though I personally hate emerald tiles,you make them look good,on the second map,you should enable the player to go into the sea,add some islands or make it a really big lake.9/10.
here's my map.
Map name:Aurinn town
map game: darkblack
map description:'The Town That Radiates With Aura.'
map credits: Alistair and me.
My review of r0bert's Aurrin Town, and my Alcemare City.

Rated Map:

Rating: 8/10

Reason/Suggestions: This map is good. I like the overall feel of the location, but there are a couple things that could be tweaked a little. First, there are two rectangular signs very close to each other. I'm not sure why you would need two signs for such a small town, but if you are keeping them both I suggest moving one. Another small complaint is that it is plain. No fences. No flowers.(Not in the main part of the town, anyways.) No paths. Just trees, grass, and houses. I suggest adding a little something here and their. However, I do understand that you don't want to cramp the space. Also, at the bottom where the ridge swerves in and out is a little cramped. I'd suggest separating the ridge's curves a bit. Overall it's pretty good. I definitely sense an ominous feeling about the town. Honestly, if you kept it the way it was it would be fine. :)


Map Name: Alcemare City

Map Game: FireRed

Comments: This is a pleasant little seaside town. It features the laboratory of Prof. Ainsley Sero. The name Alcemare comes from the latin word alcedonia meaning tranquil, and the latin word mare meaning sea. The beautiful water, and then small population make this a popular spot for retired people. In a game this town would be the second town. This is my first map, so don't be too rough on me. :) Here it is:


Map Name: Alcemare City

Map Game: FireRed

Comments: This is a pleasant little seaside town. It features the laboratory of Prof. Ainsley Sero. The name Alcemare comes from the latin word alcedonia meaning tranquil, and the latin word mare meaning sea. The beautiful water, and then small population make this a popular spot for retired people. In a game this town would be the second town. This is my first map, so don't be too rough on me. :) Here it is:​


Review: I'll try not to be rough, but to be honest, there are a few negatives in this map.

There is one main problem that I can see right off the bat - There are numerous tile/ block errors across the map. Your tree shading definitely needs work as you have mixed up the shaded and un-shaded tiles. If you look closely at the trees on FR/LG maps you'll be able to see that they are constructed pretty thoughtfully in terms of shadowing - Review how the tree shadows are arranged in-game and apply it here. I can see that you want to make an exit leading out of the right side of the (extremely cramped) lab-thing, but there are far better tiles to use for that than the partial road tile you have used. Tiles 144 and 14C on tileset 0 are perfect side entrances/ exits for the building you're using, while you can also add an overhead to it by using 13C and 18E. Your fences around the lab 'garden' also need some work - Keep an eye on how they connect and take greater care in their construction.​

The flowers around the sign in the north seem contrived and are really distracting, especially considering that there are only three other flowers in the map outside of that enormous bunch. While I applaud your use of putting them in diagonal rows rather than in one enormous square block, only two or three should be used at a time (Think of your flowers as garnishes - they shouldn't outweigh the map, instead the should accentuate some parts of it). Finally, there are a number of block errors - Where the blocks you are using have incorrect bottom layers. This can be seen most easily in the the rock feature infront of the lab (Its bottom layer is of a 'rough path') and the flowerboxes in front of the houses (They appear to have a paved road pattern underneath). These tiles can be fixed easily in A-Map's block editor, so it would be best to do so.​

All of the above observations are purely technical, but the actual design of the map isn't too bad. The lab seems to be a bit to small, but it is useable (I like the extra building next to it though - Storage space?). Some more flowers dotted around the place in small diagonal spaces wouldn't hurt. The beach is looking very nice, but the mountains going across the entire map aren't very appealing - Try to add variations between the layers, rather than having the lower layers copying everything the above layers do.​

Suggestions: Clean up the block and tile errors as learning what tile works well in a specific instance is integral to mapping. That tree shadowing should be a priority, especially if you're going to be using the default trees, so learning that is going to be important. I'd say that the lab should be expanded upon, but it can also be considered as being fine at this moment. Add some more flowers, but use them sparingly :)​

I'm really sorry that this is so long and came out pretty negative - I didn't want your first foray into mapping to be a bad one despite it being miles ahead of my very first map. Take what you can from this review and keep practising whilst referring to FR/LG maps constantly to see what works well and where :D​
@ quilavaking: even though I personally hate emerald tiles,you make them look good,on the second map,you should enable the player to go into the sea,add some islands or make it a really big lake.9/10.
here's my map.
Map name:Aurinn town
map game: darkblack
map description:'The Town That Radiates With Aura.'
map credits: Alistair and me.

Well apart from the bottom part, it's pretty bare. No paths, no flowers, just grass houses and signs. And Postboxes. And trees, but anyway, the mountain part at the bottom right were the two mountains are parallel doesn't look too good either, and the lakes are all really square, and just get smaller. Tree placement looks pretty good. Maybe you could move the houses up a little? And give them windows. Overall, not bad, but just a few things that could be fixed up a little.


Map Name: Route 401
Map Game: Pokemon Iron and Stone
Credits: Link to thread in sig.
Comments: I like it. Most of the crit I had received on past maps was about the lack of space for the player to move, so I tried my best to fix that, and completely redone my old Route 401. There are a few one tile spaces, but, ah well. This is the first route, where you will encounter the evil team having an argument with the good team, and then after the evil team leave, the leader of the good team will show you how to catch a Pokemon, and give you Pokeballs. To the left there will be a grunt from the evil team, so you'll be forced to go forwards. Then, once you gain access to the left, there will be a few trainers, and then another route. Not much else to do in this route unless you like Hummingbirds, Squirrels, Dogs and Abra.
@ r0bert

I rather like the map, except the area seems a little small around the houses, as well as bare. There should be a little more variety in the grass, maybe some flowers or bushes.

Anyways, here is my map. It's the starter town for a non existent hack :P. The cave is victory road, and it's kind of like a crossroad for trainers. To the south is the first three gyms, to the east is the next three gyms, and to the north is the final two and the league.
@ r0bert

I rather like the map, except the area seems a little small around the houses, as well as bare. There should be a little more variety in the grass, maybe some flowers or bushes.

Anyways, here is my map. It's the starter town for a non existent hack :P. The cave is victory road, and it's kind of like a crossroad for trainers. To the south is the first three gyms, to the east is the next three gyms, and to the north is the final two and the league.

I really like this map, in it's simplicity, it really shines.
It's really playable and I find it nice to look at.
It has one fault that I find annoying.
You used the same Grass tile.
I know the pattern it annoying to do, I find it impossible personally.
If it's troubling you too, try switching to the same tile for all four blocks.
Maybe the Emerald one?
Anyway rating is:
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