You guys know my thoughts on Skyrim, right? I've mentioned them before, and if you don't...well, it doesn't really matter.
Point is, I can't play Skyrim without mods and have fun. Bought it at launch and...well, let's just say the mods were a godsend. For this specific game, I have several dozens of mods, probably over a hundred, and they make the game fun in my case and better in others. Requiem's easily my favorite and has had the largest impact on my experience.
But even other than that, I love the hell out of mods, and on pretty much any game. Left 4 Dead, Garry's Mod, The Sims, Super Smash Bros, Crypt of the Necrodancer- I could go on. Because regardless of whether you're making the mod or not, by adding them to your game, you're personalizing the experience and fitting it to you, ultimately making the game more fun.
Sure, guns weren't meant to be chickens, but devs don't see a problem with mods because, despite not necessarily being their original vision (except when mods actually bring dev intended features or hidden characters), the player gets more out of the experience with them and, as a result, it's actually better for the developers, both financially and otherwise.
In my opinion, I don't really think that much of mods, because they kind of ruin the original experience
As one who plays mods avidly, I don't think this is necessarily true- rarely is it. Ruin is a strong word here, and it's not often that mods are made in mean-spirits towards a game's design or those developing it. Heck, a lot of mods are really simple. For the Sims...let's say, the Sims 3, there are mods that simply get rid of the opening logo, make switching between households faster, or just make the game more stable- and these are some of the most popular mods.
Going to Minecraft, Notch even fully sanctions mods because they complement the game's design and make for a more personal experience. Even going to Skyrim, there are a lot of mods that simply build on what the game does or wanted to do during development. Even disregarding those and going to more eccentric mods, I see no problem with Reimu Hakurei and Master Chief running around Kokiri Village fighting hordes of terminators in Left 4 Dead 2. The experience hasn't been ruined, I'm still playing Left 4 Dead 2, but if it's difficult for me to go back after playing a modded game then that means I'm probably doing something right- it means I'm having
fun, and that's the name of the game, isn't it?