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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Ultimate Mono-Colour Challenge: Black

Update! Exams have been gnawing at my personal life, leaving me with little to no energy to narrate the events of these strenuous challenges.
Platinum, in particular, is a nightmare. Do forgive my lack of enthusiasm.

Generation I: (Remake) Fire Red - Status: Complete!
Nuzlocke Mode: On

Generation II: (Remake) Soul Silver - Status: Starting Kanto
Nuzlocke Mode: On

Generation III: Emerald - Status: Complete!
Nuzlocke Mode: On

Generation IV: Platinum - Status: Elite Four Prep
Nuzlocke Mode: On

Generation V: Black 2 - Status: Waiting
Generation VI: X - Status: Waiting
Generation VII: Moon - Status: Waiting
P.S. Kelis died to a Sludge Bomb at the Fuschia Gym, and quite possibly disqualified this run, seeing as I didn't use her against the Elite Four. Do-over coming up shortly.
There's no need for that, the OP states that Black in Kanto is exempt from the 2 Pokemon rule, as Snorlax is the only one available. So you are good to go on that.

You will need to get another Pokemon in SS for the Red fight, as at least three are needed for that to count. There are quite a few options available now so that won't be too hard.
Your Platinum file cannot use Giratina, legendaries with 600 BST and higher are banned from this challenge not to mention Nuzlockes in general. Drop it before you fight the E4.
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Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge (X) - First Update

Update on Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge.

Update #3 on Black 2.
  • Continuing from Mistralton City, I did some training on Route 7 and scaled the Celestic Tower.
  • During which, Psyqueen evolved into Gothitelle!
  • Skyla was a bit of a tough fight since Skarmory resisted almost all of my attacks, but we prevailed in the end.
  • Flew in a plane to Lentimas Town, and I caught Zeppelin the Drifblim and Stinger the Skorupi outside Reversal Mountain.
  • After some training, I went through Reversal Mountain with Bianca, and Stinger evolved into Drapion!
  • Arrived in Undella Town, then I caught RayRay the Mantyke and a Remoraid in Undella Bay.
  • Boxed Whiskers, and a couple quick battles later, RayRay evolved into Mantine!
  • Went to Route 14 and caught Shaolina the Mienfoo to replace Whiskers, and my team was complete.
  • After a little more training, I defeated Hugh at Undella City, then continued on through Lacunosa Town.
  • Defeated Zinzolin alongside Hugh, then coninued on to Opelucid and Route9, where I did some vitamin shopping.
  • Flew back to Undella City, ready to take on the trainers I skipped earlier, in order to prepare for the Opelucid Gym.
  • Saved in Undella Bay.

Team Indigo:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

RayRay the Timid Mantine, ♂ - L42 @ Lucky Egg
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Air Slash, Surf, Signal Beam, Bulldoze
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shaolina the Docile Mienfoo, ♀ - L42 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Strength, Drain Punch, Jump Kick, Rock Slide
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Toxix the Adamant Muk, ♀ - L45 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Stench
Moves: Gunk Shot, Dig, Payback, Rock Slide
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stinger the Serious Drapion, ♂ - L44 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
Moves: Night Slash, Rock Slide, Poison Fang, Aqua Tail
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zeppelin the Brave Drifblim, ♂ - L45 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Unburden
Moves: Acrobatics, Fly, Shadow Ball, Cut
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyqueen the Bold Gothitelle, ♀ - L45 @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
Moves: Psychic, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Whiskers the Quiet Liepard, ♀ - L42
Ability: Limber
Moves: Return, Fake Out, Snarl, Seed Bomb

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Snivy - Cut, Flash [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ducklett - Fly, Surf [boxed]

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Ultimate Green Monocolor Challenge (LeafGreen) - First and FINAL Update

Update on Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge.

Update #4 on Black 2.
  • Continuing from Undella Bay, I defeated all the trainers I skipped earlier from there to Opelucid City.
  • While that went on, Shaolina evolved into Mienshao!
  • Entered the gym, and after sweeping through the trainers, I took on Drayden.
  • He was surprisingly the easiest gym leader up to now, mostly because of the attack power of Shaolina.
  • Team Plasma showed up and froze the city, but I defeated the grunts and Zinzolin again without much trouble.
  • The Shadow Triad stole the DNA Splicers, and I followed them to Humilau City, where I took on the gym.
  • Marlon was also pretty easy, mostly thanks to Psyqueen's great bulk + Leftovers comboing to tank hits.
  • Went to Route 22 and Colress gave me his funky machine, and I saved back in Humilau City.

Team Indigo:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zeppelin the Brave Drifblim, ♂ - L53 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Unburden
Moves: Thunder, Fly, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyqueen the Bold Gothitelle, ♀ - L54 @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
Moves: Psychic, Signal Beam, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shaolina the Docile Mienshao, ♀ - L53 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Strength, Drain Punch, Jump Kick, Rock Slide
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

RayRay the Timid Mantine, ♂ - L53 @ Metronome
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Air Slash, Surf, Hydro Pump, Blizzard
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stinger the Serious Drapion, ♂ - L53 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
Moves: Crunch, Rock Slide, Poison Fang, Aqua Tail
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Toxix the Adamant Muk, ♀ - L54 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Stench
Moves: Gunk Shot, Dig, Payback, Ice Punch

Former Team Members and HM Slaves:

Ultimate Black Monocolor Challenge (FireRed) - First and FINAL Update

Cross-posting this one with the Solo Challenge thread

Apologies, but I don't think I can continue this challenge. My 3ds turned randomly off when I didn't know I had low battery on it. And I can't recall the last time I saved so, sorry. ^^'
Black 2 Blue Mono-Color - Update #2


Alright, it's been two weeks, so I can get this in, and not a moment too soon.

Black 2 Blue Mono-Color - Update #3


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I've been rotating my physical cartridge games when I ride the bus into the city, and I have enough now to report on my Black 2 run

Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge (Black 2) - First Update

Black 2 Blue Mono-Color - Update #4



I've already beat the game in that one, but I'll post the next two updates later. But in the meantime... Let's start another leg of this, shall we?

Username: Swagroar (formerly Stargazer/Pendraflare)
Color: Blue
Game: Blue, Soul Silver, Alpha Sapphire, Platinum, X, Black 2, Moon
Ultimate?: Yes


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Well, this has been a long time coming. My first Monocolor started basically when I started this thread way back in 2011 with White on Blue. Can't believe it's taken me 6 years to do this! It's been a great run and who knows I may even continue these someday! Enjoy the update!

Update on Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge.

Final Update (#5) on Black 2.
  • Started in Humilau City, then surfed down Route 21 to Seaside Cave, which I navigated to get to the Plasma Frigate.
  • After defeating all the Grunts and solving the puzzles, I took down Zinzolin alongside Hugh.
  • The Frigate flew off to the Giant Chasm, and I followed them with Hugh.
  • Got through more Grunts to defeat Zinzolin for the last time, then took down Colress as well.
  • After a speech by Ghetsis, I defeated the Shadow Triad easily, then followed Ghetsis into the caves.
  • Black Kyurem was fused but I defeated it to stop Ghetsis's plans. He didn't like that and challenged me.
  • My team was more than up to the task and we finally cleared Unova of the evil Team Plasma.
  • Next up was Victory Road and the Elite Four. Home stretch in sight!
  • We made our way through Victory Road while fighting every trainer, ending with Hugh at the top.
  • After some moveset editing, EV maxing/training, and a few Rare Candies got everyone to L61, we took on the Elite Four.
  • Surprisingly to me the most difficult one was also the first one we faced, Shanutal. He took down most of my team before Toxix was able to go on a streak to win.
  • The rest of the Elite Four were team efforts with good contributions from almost everyone, though Shaolina and RayRay stood out.
  • Finally Iris was up. She wasn't too much trouble after I got ahead of her team numbers-wise. Here's a video and play-by-play:



Hall of Fame:

Team Indigo (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shaolina the Docile Mienshao, ♀ - L62 @ Muscle Band
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Drain Punch, Rock Slide, Hi Jump Kick, U-turn
Final Stats: 181/205/96/136/93/168
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stinger the Serious Drapion, ♂ - L62 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Battle Armor
Moves: Crunch, Rock Slide, Cross Poison, Aqua Tail
Final Stats: 184/151/154/80/122/158
Iris MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyqueen the Bold Gothitelle, ♀ - L62 @ Leftovers
Ability: Frisk
Moves: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave
Final Stats: 209/74/155/151/167/110
Unova co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zeppelin the Brave Drifblim, ♂ - L61 @ Electric Gem (poof!)
Ability: Unburden
Moves: Shadow Ball, Fly, Thunderbolt, Acrobatics
Final Stats: 266/156/72/142/88/100
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Toxix the Adamant Muk, ♀ - L62 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Stench
Moves: Gunk Shot, Dig, Payback, Ice Punch
Final Stats: 225/189/115/77/144/85
Unova co-MVP, Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

RayRay the Timid Mantine, ♂ - L62 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Air Slash, Blizzard, Surf, Hydro Pump
Final Stats: 185/54/111/132/187/138
Elite Four co-MVP

Former Team Members and HM Slaves:

We'll see if I ever get these past Gen V. See you all on the other side!​
Username: tommyeatsdonuts
Color: white
Game: Y
Ultimate: Probs not

A great man once said...
Let's-e go!
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Black 2 Blue Mono-Color - Update #5


Moon Blue Mono-Color - Update #2


Just finished the color White on Y.
Got no screens cuz I'm lazy...


Black 2 Blue Mono-Color - Update #6 / Final Update

The Final Team!

So that leaves three more games to finish before I'm the second to get all seven generations in one of them. And on that note...

Moon Blue Mono-Color - Update #3
