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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Finished Green (on Gold Version)

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Here's me beating Red.
My team was Politoed, Xatu, and Meganium. For any other info you may need, take this, its me soloing the Elite Four with each.

Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Update #2 on SoulSilver.

  • Moved on to Olivine City and climbed the Lighthouse to get the quest from Jasmine.
  • Surfed to Cianwood City, where I beat Eusine easily, and Chuck with difficulty, mostly with Breaker.
  • Got Fly and taught it to Kenya the Spearow (from the guy in Goldenrod).
  • Healed Amphy and took on Jasmine. Maximus was the star here, although it did take a crit Surf to beat Steelix.
  • The Safari Zone was now open, so I went there to catch my next team member, Ranger the Kangaskhan.
  • Taught her Strength and regulated Ratti to HM Slave status.
  • Made my way to Mahogany Town and went up to Lake of Rage.
  • Killed the Red Gyarados with Petro then talked to Lance about Team Rocket.
  • Infiltrated the hideout and laid waste to the fake wannabe ninjas there, then defeated Pryce pretty easily.
  • Got the call from Elm about the Radio Tower, so I headed back to Goldenrod.
  • Tried to sneak in the Radio Tower but Silver screwed it up. I then proceeded to beat up everyone there and in the Basement, too.
  • Finally got rid of Team Rocket once and for all.
  • Went through the Ice Path to Blackthorn City, and caught Griz the Teddiursa on Route 45.
  • After beating all the trainers on the Mountain Road, I took on the gym.
  • Clair was tough but Ranger was able to finish her off.
  • Got the Rising Badge in Dragon's Den, then found out that Kimono Girls thought I was hot stuff.
  • First though, I went deep into Mount Mortar, where I found the Karate King, defeated him, and was given Lionel the Tyrogue.
  • During my hike, Griz evolved into Ursaring!
  • Trained up Lionel to L20, when he evolved into Hitmonlee!
  • After some more grinding, I took on the Kimono Girls and barely defeated them.
  • Surfed to the Whirl Islands, and after fully exploring them, found Lugia and defeated it.
  • Finally I could get to Victory Road, so I surfed from New Bark Town and manuvered my way there.
  • Maximus evolved into Dragonair at L45 after learning Dragon Dance, and I defeated Silver at the exit.
  • After reaching Indigo Plateau, I put my head down and started grinding the rest of my team.
  • I am just about to take on the Elite Four.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Petro the Bashful Sudowoodo, ♂ - L39 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Rock Slide, Low Kick, Wood Hammer, Headbutt
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ranger the Adamant Kangaskhan, ♀ - L39 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Scrappy
Moves: Return, Outrage, Crunch, Fake Out
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maximus the Naive Dragonair, ♂ - L45 @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Dragon Rush, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lionel the Hasty Hitmonlee, ♂ - L39 @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
Moves: Hi Jump Kick, Brick Break, Fake Out, Meditate
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Griz the Naughty Ursaring, ♂ - L39 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Strength, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Breaker the Careful Pinsir, ♂ - L39 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: X-Scissor, Brick Break, Dig, Swords Dance

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ratti the Raticate - Strength, Rock Smash, Cut [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kenya the Spearow - Fly [boxed]

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Started Platinum.

► Turtwig was the chosen one, so I used him until I got to Floaroma, where I caught Peach the Cherubi.
► Peach took care of all trainers (including Gardenia and Fantina) until I reached Route 209, where Pudding the Chansey was caught. Peach had turned into a Cherrim by this point.
► And on Route 215, I caught Lemonade the Lickitung.
► I trained Pudding and Lemonade on Routes, avoiding Maylene and Crasher Wake. During this time, Lemonade evolved into Lickilicky!
► After some training, I took on Maylene and won.
► Then I headed to Pastoria, where my rival challenged me. When the battle was over, Pudding evolved!
► I challenged Crasher Wake, who wasn't hard to beat.
► Just beat the Galactic Grunt and got the SecretPotion from Cynthia. About to head to Celestic Town.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Peach the Cherrim, Lv 40 (♀)
Item: None
Sunny Day, Growth, Leech Seed, Petal Dance

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pudding the Blissey, Lv 37 (♀)
Item: None
Sing, Shock Wave, Softboiled, Light Screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lemonade the Lickilicky, Lv 37 (♂)
Item: Soothe Bell
Supersonic, Stomp, Rollout, Slam
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Update #3 on SoulSilver.
  • After valiantly fighting our way to Lance, I realized we were too underleveled to ever defeat him.
  • EV trained and grinded everyone some more to L46-47.
  • Also stole a SilverPowder from a Butterfree in the Bug-Catching Contest for Breaker to hold.
  • Back at the Pokemon League, none of the Elite Four were too hard this time:
  • Will was defeated by Petro and Breaker.
  • Koga was soloed by Petro.
  • Bruno was soloed by Lionel.
  • Karen was beaten by Breaker and Maximus.
  • Then it was time for Lance, who was very difficult to beat. Here's the video and play-by-play of the battle.



Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Griz the Naughty Ursaring, ♂ - L47 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Strength, Avalanche, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Breaker the Careful Pinsir, ♂ - L47 @ SilverPowder
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: X-Scissor, Brick Break, Dig, Swords Dance
Johto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maximus the Naive Dragonair, ♂ - L47 @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Dragon Rush, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Petro the Bashful Sudowoodo, ♂ - L50 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Wood Hammer, Sucker Punch
Elite Four MVP, Lance co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ranger the Adamant Kangaskhan, ♀ - L39 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Scrappy
Moves: Return, Outrage, Crunch, Fake Out
Lance co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lionel the Hasty Hitmonlee, ♂ - L47 @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
Moves: Hi Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Fake Out, Meditate

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ratti the Raticate - Strength, Rock Smash, Cut [boxed]
Johto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kenya the Spearow - Fly [boxed]

SoulSilver Monocolor Brown Challenge Update #1

SoulSilver Update #1 : D

Name: Brown
Starter: Ferris the Totodile
Rival: Rickard

-After the beginning hubabaloo, caught the first real member of the team, Tucker the Hoothoot! Caught another Hoothoot named Knightbus for future HM use
-Caught the second member of the team in the Dark Cave, Roy the Geodude (he's Jordan's cousin)
-Trained up in Sprout Tower, and then Roy proceeded to kick Falkner's annoying Roosting bum.
-Went through That One Cave, saved the Slowpokes in The Other Cave, then Tucker and Roy took turns busting down Bugsy (forgot screenshot)
-My rival's Bayleef can go die in a hole
-Tucker evolved into Noctowl just before arriving in Goldenrod
-Got to Goldenrod and after 3 ½ HOURS of Voltorb Flip had the coins to purchase the third member of our team, Dany the Dratini and the TM for Thunderbolt to teach her (took a bunch of screens to try my best to prove I didn't just cheat her or the move in)
-Dany and Tucker teamed up and took on Whitney together (Dragon Rage is so OP at this stage of the game)


The Current Team:
Well wonderful. I updated my Windows the other day to come back and find 90% of my desktop changed. Wonderful. Running some recovery programs right now. All my new roms are gone. Dammit I wanted to keep going with this. I don't want to start over, I was grinding for the elite four. If the recovery doesn't find it then I have no other choice right? Ugh oh well.

Sorry about that Tman, hope you find it and are able to continue.

SOOO.. I have some big news. If youv'e been following along in the CI&D sticky, some of us have been talking about the fact that legendaries are almost always banned from challenges. Anyway, you can look in the sticky for the discussion, but I have decided to allow legendaries to be used here in the mono-color challenge!

Caveats are as follows:

  • You can only use legendaries that have a BST of under 600.
  • You can only have one on your team.
  • You cannot use it until you have 7 badges.
  • Of course, the color has to match, and it can only be the Pokedex color, even if it's shiny.

The list of obtainable legendaries:
  • Kanto: Legendary Birds
  • Johto: Legendary Beasts
  • Hoenn: Legendary Golems
  • Sinnoh: Lake Guardians
  • Unova: Legendary Musketeers, as well as Thundurus and Tornadus.

There are some other ones that qualify, but they are event only. I am only allowing the ones found normally in the games right now.

In other news, I am in Kanto in my Brown mono on SS. I've beaten Surge and Brock and evolved Maximus into Dragonite. the rest of my team is around L50-51. My computer is on the fritz right now and it's not playing the emulator very well, so my next update won't be for a while.

Take heart, challengers! use legendaries without fear!

For example, HuggerMugger, you could use Entei if you wished.
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That makes sense, but I don't think it's something I'm gonna take advantage of atm. I feel like Dragonite is going to make this pretty easy as it stands already.
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

That makes sense, but I don't think it's something I'm gonna take advantage of atm. I feel like Dragonite is going to make this pretty easy as it stands already.
the problem for me was that Dragonite evolves so late in the game. You do what you want though.

Also, I lied a bit. It seems that I was able to make some solid progress on my Brown monocolor. :)

Update #4 on SoulSilver.
  • After arriving at home, I got the S.S. Ticket, and headed to Kanto.
  • Beat all the trainers and found the old guy's granddaughter.
  • Beat Surge rather easily with Breaker.
  • Next I caught a Venonat with Compoundeyes ability, then headed down to Route 15 outside Fushia City.
  • Cuaght a couple Chansey, and one of em had a Lucky Egg.
  • Used it to explore Kanto, training up my team as I did.
  • Started with Maximus, evolving him into Dragonite!
  • Beat the rest of the Kanto gym leaders in order:
  • Brock was almost soled by Lionel (Hi Jump Kick), but Petro had to kill Kabutops with Wood Hammer.
  • Misty was also almost soloed by Lionel (Meditate + Hi Jump Kick), but Petro finished off Starmie with Sucker Punch.
  • Erika was soloed by Lionel's Blaze Kick.
  • Janine was soled by Maximus' Dragon Claw and Fly attacks.
  • Sabrina was soloed by Breaker and his X-Scissor.
  • Blaine was dominated by Petro's Rock Slide.
  • Now I'm gonna train against the Elite Four before battling Blue.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lionel the Hasty Hitmonlee, ♂ - L59 @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
Moves: Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Mega Kick, Meditate
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ranger the Adamant Kangaskhan, ♀ - L59 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Scrappy
Moves: Return, Outrage, Crunch, Cut
Lance co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Griz the Naughty Ursaring, ♂ - L59 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Strength, Avalanche, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Petro the Bashful Sudowoodo, ♂ - L59 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Wood Hammer, Sucker Punch
Elite Four MVP, Lance co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Breaker the Careful Pinsir, ♂ - L47 @ SilverPowder
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: X-Scissor, Rock Smash, Dig, Swords Dance
Johto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maximus the Naive Dragonite, ♂ - L47 @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Dragon Claw, Fly, Waterfall, Surf

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ratti the Raticate - Strength, Rock Smash, Cut [boxed]
Johto co-MVP

SoulSilver Monocolor Brown Challenge Update #2

SoulSilver Update #2

-Caught the next member of the team, Ulfric the Pinsir (his horns make him look like a Viking), in a bug catching contest (we lost). Taught him Dig
-Killed Sudowoodo out of spite. I was going to catch him for HM use, but then he mimicked Dragon Rage and started wrecking everybody.
-Pulled the hatched Togepi out of the box to teach it Rock Smash instead
-Tucker and Roy are bros. They can take on double battles for days.
-I don't know if you've ever used a Noctowl, but every time they come out in battle, they do an animation where they turn their head and look back at you with a super intense expression on their face, almost like saying "You ready? Let's do this!" It's very reassuring.
-Ulfirc broke the mold and dug his way to victory against the trainers leading up to Morty, and then tag teamed the man himself with Tucker. Taught Tucker the TM for Shadow Ball we were awarded.
-Beat up All The Things, including but not limited to: The Lighthouse, Eusine, Chuck (actually a more difficult battle than I expected, with Dany coing through for me in the end), the trainers leading up to the Safari Zone (during which Roy evolved into Graveler), and Jasmine (ridiculously close, came down to throwing a slave in there to Revive Dany)
-This is certainly a challenge this time around so far, that's for sure.


The Current Team:
SoulSilver Monocolor Brown Challenge Update #3

SoulSilver Update #3

-Killed Red Gyarados just to get some use out of the Thunderbolt TM I spent forever to get
-Bro'd it up with Lance's sorry hacking bum (who does he think he is with his lv. 40 Dragonite?) to beat up Team Rocket again, during which Dany evolved into Dragonair!
-Ulfric proceeded to break a bunch of bricks in Pryce's face
-Went and grabbed the Exp Share from Mr. Pokemon to use relatively soon :)
-Apparently the Rocket uniform is too tight to be able to pedal a bike properly
-Saved the Radio Tower, during which Tucker learned his first flying special move Air Slash, and Roy learned Earthquake like the boss he is
-Went through That One Cold Cave, then went to route 45 to catch the 5th and final member of our team, Ser Jorah the Teddiursa. Taught him Shadow Claw, Taunt and Strength right away and trained him up on the route that we found him on
-Evolved Roy into Golem for the fun of it
-Trained Ser Jorah up to Lv. 34 on trainer rematches, during which of course he evolved into an Ursaring. Taught him Avalanche
-Ser Jorah and Dany cleared the way to Clair, which in itself was a team effort which was made relatively easy to some lucky para-hax and some Hydro Pump misses


The Current Team:
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Final Update (#4) on SoulSilver.
  • Before training against the Elite Four, I battled Silver for the last time and won easily.
  • Beat the Elite Four a few times, then challenged Blue and won with a team effort.
  • Took on the Elite Four with their upgraded teams. Lance was a pain to fight but I won thanks to some lucky crits.
  • After some more training and using Rare Candies to get everyone to L72, I climbed Mt. Silver, where Red was waiting.
  • Here's the video and play-by-play of the fight:



Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Breaker the Careful Pinsir, ♂ - L72 @ SilverPowder
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: X-Scissor, Earthquake, Superpower, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 192/240/177/85/137/176
Johto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Petro the Bashful Sudowoodo, ♂ - L72 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Rock Slide, Double-Edge, Wood Hammer, Sucker Punch
Final Stats: 212/212/197/59/120/62
Elite Four MVP, Lance co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lionel the Hasty Hitmonlee, ♂ - L72 @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
Moves: Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Rock Slide, Meditate
Final Stats: 177/244/90/66/179/192
Kanto MVP, Red co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maximus the Naive Dragonite, ♂ - L72 @ Life Orb
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Outrage, Fly, Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance
Final Stats: 255/253/164/170/154/170
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Griz the Naughty Ursaring, ♂ - L72 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Quick Feet
Moves: Rock Climb, Avalanche, Hammer Arm, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 263/271/135/133/108/100
Red co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ranger the Adamant Kangaskhan, ♀ - L72 @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
Moves: Return, Substitue, Outrage, Focus Punch
Final Stats: 273/213/140/63/141/171
Lance co-MVP, Lance 2 MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ratti the Raticate - Strength, Rock Smash, Cut [boxed]
Johto co-MVP

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Been a while since I posted, but here we go:

♦ Made my way to Celestic Town and beat up Cyrus. Got Surf, and started doing some sidequests.
♦ After that was done, I went to Canalave where my rival challenged me. I beat him and moved on to the Gym.
♦ Byron was hard to take down, because I didn't have anything that would be super effective against his Pokémon. I had to depend on Peach with Leech Seed and Petal Dance. Eventually, Byron was taken down.
♦ Then I started doing the lake quests, and beat up Saturn and Lake Valor. It was then time to re-visit Twinleaf, just to take down Mars at Lake Verity.
♦ After that, I went to Mt. Coronet to pick up a Feebas. No luck the first day, but they popped up on the second day, so I caught a bunch and chose a Modest one. Named it Strawberry.
♦ Bought some Poffins at the Veilstone Department Store to max Strawberry's beauty. Then I leveled it up, and it became a Milotic!
♦ The rest of Sinnoh was a piece of cake. Just before I was about to challenge the Elite Four, I got a sudden urge to use Mesprit, with the new rule and all. And since I still had the Master Ball in my possession, it didn't take long at all to get. Named it Mango.
♦ Took down the rival, the Elite Four and Cynthia!


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Peach the Cherrim, Lv 55 (♀)
Item: Razor Fang
Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Leech Seed, Petal Dance

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pudding the Blissey, Lv 53 (♀)
Item: Light Clay
Toxic, Thunderbolt, Softboiled, Light Screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lemonade the Lickilicky, Lv 56 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Flamethrower, Earthquake, Power Whip, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Strawberry the Milotic, Lv 58 (♀)
Item: Razor Claw
Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Recover

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mango the Mesprit, Lv 53
Item: Spell Tag
Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Extrasensory, Psychic
SoulSilver Update #4

-Hung out with some nice Japanese ladies, one of which has a bugger of a Vaporeon that took hits for days
-Tucker and Roy, the bros that they are, killed Lugia because I couldn't be bothered to care too much about it
-Caught a goddamn legit shiny Tentacool surfing east from New Bark Town. #swag
-Killed all the trainers leading up to Victory Road and our rival in The Cave itself with no issue. Taught the TM for Earthquake we found in The Cave to Ulfric.
-Went on a time-travelling world tour to visit a bunch of the Week siblings to get some hold items
-PAINSTAKINGLY, PAINFULLY grinded up everyone to around level 48 on rematches, in Victory Road, and on E4 suicide runs. No, really, it sucked a lot, that's why I haven't posted in a while, I just didn't want to do it : /
-We got through the E4 in probably the least graceful fashion possible with plenty of item use, but I just wanted to get it over with. Didn't really pay attention who was taking care of who, seemed like mostly a team effore, but I think Tucker and Ser Jorah were the main stars. Geeeeeeez, I'm only halfway through this run.


The Current Team:
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

-PAINSTAKINGLY, PAINFULLY grinded up everyone to around level 48 on rematches, in Victory Road, and on E4 suicide runs. No, really, it sucked a lot, that's why I haven't posted in a while, I just didn't want to do it : /
-We got through the E4 in probably the least graceful fashion possible with plenty of item use, but I just wanted to get it over with. Didn't really pay attention who was taking care of who, seemed like mostly a team effore, but I think Tucker and Ser Jorah were the main stars. Geeeeeeez, I'm only halfway through this run.
One thing I would suggest that really helped me in my Brown SS run was: I caught a venonat up on rt 24 (above cerulean city) that had the compoundeyes ability. Then I went to route 15 (east of fushia city), put the venonat first, and searched a bunch until I saw chansey (1% encounter chance). Compoundeyes raises the probability of wild pokemon having held items by 50% (venonat doesn't have to be alive either). Chansey will then have a 55% chance of holding a Lucky Egg, which gives your pokemon holding it an exp boost. I had to find 2 Chansey before I got one, but it saved on a lot of grief later on.

Now on to my real post...

I continued my Brown Ultimate Monocolor in the Hoenn region:

Update #1 on Ruby.

Name: Brown
Starter: Treeko

  • After the beginning stuff, I caught Locke the Seedot (of Nuzlocke fame).
  • He beat Roxanne easily with Bullet Seed, and right after the battle, he evolved into Nuzleaf!
  • Then I traded for Makit the Makuhita in Rustboro.
  • Saved the Goods from the Magma Grunt and got the PokeNav, then caught a ride to Dewford Town.
  • Caught Esper the Abra in Granite Cave, and after training him up he evolved into Kadabra!
  • Brawly went down easily to Esper's Confusion.
  • Got ferried to Slateport and delivered the Goods, then moved on to Mauville, beating May along the way.
  • Beat all the trainers around the city, and Makit evolved into Hariyama!
  • Wattson was pretty tough, but Esper was able to break through Magneton eventually.
  • Caught Smokey the Torkoal in the Fiery Path, then continued on through Fallarbor Town and Meteor Falls.
  • Beat Maxie on Mt. Chimney, then hopped down to Lavaridge Town.
  • Beat Flannery pretty easily with Smokey's Curse & Body Slam.
  • Saved after entering the desert.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Smokey the Quiet Torkoal, ♂ - L30 @ Macho Brace
Ability: White Smoke
Moves: Flamethrower, Curse, Body Slam, Smokescreen
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Locke the Lax Nuzleaf, ♂ - L30 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Bullet Seed, Fake Out, Nature Power, Growth
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Esper the Hardy Kadabra, ♂ - L30
Ability: Syncronize
Moves: Psybeam, Shock Wave, Recover, Future Sight
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Makit the Hardy Hariyama, ♂ - L31
Ability: Guts
Moves: Arm Thrust, Strength, Vital Throw, Fake Out

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zigzagoon - Cut, Rock Smash

Yeah, that'd be nice. I might end up doing it depending on where I am after the gym leader rematches and how I feel after repeating the E4 ad nauseum. It'd be nice if you're lazy like me and don't want to actually catch the Chansey because you could teach the Venonat Theif :P

SoulSilver Update #5

-Took the quick trip on the SS Anne, then Roy and Ulfric utterly destroyed Lt. Surge
-Got to Saffron, and got Mr. Psychic to teach Tucker his namesake
-Ulfric dominated Sabrina by himself without taking a hit, the beast that he is.
-Took a stroll down the east coast to get to Fuchsia City, where everyone (except Dany) took turns beating up Jasmine, mostly because her Venomoth turned out to be more of a pain than expected
-Flew back up to Saffron, rode west to Celadon, where Ser Jorah and Tucker took on Erika with no issue. Ursarings are absolute beasts, Avalanche isn't even STAB and it one-shot a Victreebel 2 or 3 levels higher than it.
-Did some training on the Cycling Road and north of Cerulean where Dany FINALLY reached Lv. 55 and evolved into Dragonite!
-Found a hidden Heart Scale in Vermillion, flew back to Blackthorn, went to the Move Relearner and taught Dany Thunderpunch. Also taught her the Dragon Claw TM I found on the way to Victory Road because I'm tired of Dragon Rush's accuracy (or rather, lack thereof)
-Saved the Power Plant, then Dany, Ulfric, and Tucker took out Misty
-Killed a Snorlax, went through A Cave, then Ser Jorah, Dany, and Ulfric took out Brock. Taught Roy Rock Slide.
-Sailed south from Pallet, took out Blaine with Roy and Dany (that Magmar got pretty annoying with Confuse Ray)
-Ser Jorah, Roy, and Dany took out Blue valiantly


The Team:


SoulSilver Update #6

-Did another one of my time-travelling world tours to wrangle up all of the Gym Leaders into the Fighting Dojo for rematches, after which everyone was around Lv. 60
- Bought up some items and decided to go straight for the E4 rematch
-Roy and especially Ulfirc completely obliterated Will this time around
-Roy, Tucker, and Ulfric took out Koga, with Muk being quite annoying but nothing more
-Bruno turned out to be much tougher than I was expecting, with Tucker's Reflect being the true hero of the fight
-Karen was one of the easier fights, with Ulfric running the show accompanied by Roy and Ser Jorah
-Lance was not the greatest fight at all, I probably used more items than moves, but when I wasn't healing I was taking things out in one or two shots, which is alright I guess


The Team:

Probably gonna put this challenge on the backburner and move on while I gather up the willpower to grind up those levels to take on Red. I'll at the very latest finish it before I start Gen V.
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Sorry for the double post, but this one is gonna be a big one, that includes a whole new run, so....

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge


-Grinded everyone up to Lv.72. Pretty painful, but getting my hands on a Lucky Egg helped out quite a bit
-The Red fight was a lot of luck and a lot of item use. My main strategy was to get a Sandstorm up at the very beginning and then praying for Blizzard misses. EVeryone played their part


The Team:


Ultimate Monocolor Brown Ruby First and FINAL update! :D:D:D

Name: Sienna (went with a girl this time)
Starter: Reginald the Mudkip

-After the starting things, caught the first real member of the team on Route 102, Scherzo the Seedot! Also caught Zach the Zigzagoon for HM purposes
-Reginald pretty much has to babysit Scherzo until we learn a new attacking move other than Bide, cause Bide is too risky for my liking
-Caught a Slakoth in Petalburg Woods to trade in Rustboro for Makit the Makuhita
-Got Makit up to Lv. 14 then took on Roxanne. It was a bit rough because he was ignoring orders, but it got done
-Realized Bullet Seed wasn't the item behind the bush on Route 104 but obtained from the guy by the flower shop. Taught it to Scherzo nonetheless.
-Scherzo evolved into Nuzleaf going towards The Tunnel
-Sailed to Dewford and went to Granite Cave where we saw the return of our good friend Horace the Abra!
-Went blindly through the cave to talk to Steven, took a quick trip back up to Rustboro to get the Exp Share to slap on Horace till he evolves
-Sailed to Slateport to train on the trainers there, then finished up back in Granite Cave where Horace evolved into Kadabra and learned Confusion
-Horace then proceeded to utterly decimate Brawly and his Gym. Taught Makit Bulk Up.
-Got up to Mauville and tried to take on the Gym right away. Big mistake.
-While training up on the routes around it, Makit evolved into Hariyama, who then proceeded to take on Wattson by himself. Taught Horace Shock Wave.
-Caught the next member of our team, Thomas the Torkoal, in Fiery Pass
-Got to Fallarbor, went to That Cave, beat up That Boss Guy on The Mountain, went to Lavaridge
-Thomas and Makit took out Flannery with no issue
-Norman was simple as anything with Thomas' Protect
-Caught Airbus the Tropius for very-near-future HM use
-Saved the Weather Place, killed Brendan
-Winona was actually pretty tough, ended up coming down to Thomas using Iron Defense.
-Found the Leaf Stone on route 119 and evolved Scherzo into Shiftry. Taught him Aerial Ace.
-Dealt with some Team Magma Things at Mt. Pyre and their hideout.
-Beat Tate & Liza with some difficulty
-Since that was the seventh gym, got a Wailmer up to Lv. 40 so it evolved, caught a Relincath, then went to do the silly things I needed to do to catch the last member of the team, Regirock (who I forgot to nickname :S)! Used the Master Ball cause I'm lazy
-Scherzo, Makit, and Horace took out Wallace with little issue.
-Victory Road was actually kind of rough to get through.
-VBA Linked me an Alakazam
-Grinded everyone up to Lv. 55, which didn't take too too long with the Speed button on the emulator
-Then we took on the E4! Sidnet got utterly demolished by Makit, Thomas, and Scherzo
-Phoebe got crushed by Scherzo, Makit, and Regirock
-Glacia was taken out by Makit and Horace
-Drake was a team effort, with Regirock pulling out ahead slightly to be the MVP
-Steven was pretty easy, with Makit being the MVP but everyone played their part


The Team:
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Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Update #2 on Ruby.
  • After exploring the desert, I went back to Petalburg City, where I defeated Norman easily with Makit.
  • Trained on the water while surfing to Slateport City.
  • Fixed the New Mauville generator, then headed to Fortree City.
  • Beat Winona easily with Esper and Smokey.
  • Went down to Lilycove, where I caught my next team member, Rager the Doduo.
  • Beat May with Rager, and while climbing Mt Pyre and clearing out the Magma Hideout, Rager evolved into Dodrio!
  • Surfed over to Mossdeep City and beat Tate and Liza with Locke, Rager, and Smokey.
  • Surfed down to Rt 129, where I caught a Wailord after a while, then dove for a Relicanth.
  • Went over to the currents and unlocked the Regi caves, then went to the desert, where I Master Balled Monolith the Regirock.
  • Flew back to Mossdeep and evolved Esper into Alakazam!
  • Saved after entering the Seafloor Cavern.

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Monolith the Adamant Regirock - L40 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: AncientPower, Rock Throw, Superpower, Curse
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Smokey the Quiet Torkoal, ♂ - L41 @ Charcoal
Ability: White Smoke
Moves: Flamethrower, Curse, Body Slam, Amnesia
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Esper the Hardy Alakazam, ♂ - L42 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Syncronize
Moves: Psychic, Shock Wave, Recover, Future Sight
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Makit the Hardy Hariyama, ♂ - L43 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Guts
Moves: Vital Throw, Strength, Dig, Fake Out
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rager the Naive Dodrio, ♀ - L43 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Tri-Attack, Steel Wing, Fly, Pursuit
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Locke the Lax Nuzleaf, ♂ - L44 @ BlackGlasses [boxed]
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Faint Attack, Giga Drain, Nature Power, Growth

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zigzagoon - Cut, Rock Smash, Surf [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wailord - Surf, Dive

Completed White today:

♦ Beat the first gym with Oshawott and then caught Grapefruit the Munna and Chocolate the Audino as team members.
♦ Chocolate & Grapefruit were complete bosses and got through a large portion of Unova without trouble. I evolved Grapefruit after it had learned Psychic.
♦ After getting Surf, I captured the third team member; Watermelon the Alomomola.
♦ The rest of Unova wasn't any trouble either. My team was a little higher than Lv 50 when I reached the Elite Four.
♦ Shauntal was easily taken down, Caitlin and Marshal didn't put up much of a fight either. Grimsley was annoying though.
♦ N and Ghetsis were easily taken down by the whole team.
♦ The postgame wasn't too exciting. I wanted to catch a Porygon for the team, but it never happened because the special dude in White Forest you need to
talk to in order for them to appear wasn't there.
♦ When the postgame was done, I challenged and beat the Elite Four and Alder!


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Grapefruit the Musharna, Lv 77 (♀)
Item: Miracle Seed
Shadow Ball, Psychic, Calm Mind, Energy Ball

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Chocolate the Audino, Lv 77 (♂)
Item: Razor Claw
Double-Edge, Surf, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Watermelon the Alomomola, Lv 77 (♀)
Item: BrightPowder
Aqua Ring, Aqua Jet, Toxic, Waterfall