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Monster MMORPG V 2.4.5 Update - New Monster - Better Artworks and Events


Monster Game Developer
  • 256
    Monster MMORPG 15 June 2014 update change logs V2.4.5 Beta

    ⚛ Monster MMORPG is an online RPG game that Pokemon players are mostly liking and having easy time to solve the game. It is free to play

    ➽ Click F5 or refresh button to see updated images

    ✌ 15 monsters images are updated

    ✔ 1 New monster added to the game

    ➢ 150% EXP and Gold boost for the weekend started.

    ♛ All monsters on the maps re-assigned (this means some of the previously not catchable monsters are now catchable and some may not be catchable anymore)

    ♟ All NPCs and their monsters on maps re-assigned

    ♜ All Monsters default abilities re-assigned (default abilities come with rewards such as donation rewards)

    ♣ The latest catchable monsters on maps list can be seen here: ⇶ https://www.monstermmorpg.com/Not-Appear-On-Maps.txt

    ☀ Special starter monster catching weekend event started. At this event a starter monster appears as wild monster on a single map:

    ♔ This weekend Monster is: ⇶ #49 Wallacuff

    ♔ This starter is catchable on: ⇶ Training Cave F2

    ☑ 1 New monster added to the game as zenith (volunteered):

    ☑ 3 Monster images updated (commissioned low budget):

    ☑ 9 Monster images updated (volunteered):

    ❆ Here the links of all image updated monsters:

    #436 Niesky#437 Nielaika#657 Pugel#658 Pudeuer
    #882 FlamePup#883 InfernoHound#1251 Lavabug
    #1252 Volcabug#1253 Volcamount#1725 Cuckat#1726 Cuckoot
    #1727 Cuckrazy#1806 Falcjin
    #705 Wookey#706 Fertamam#707 Tikdra

    news source
