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Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

JJ Styles

The Phenomenal Darling
  • 3,922
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    [font="Michroma]I may be late at welcoming 2017 with a bang, but its never too late for us to make a fun little thread that we can all enjoy.

    So we all know that video games of all different styles and genres feature creatures, monsters, or simply enemy units that we encounter in our day-to-day activities. But not everyone may be aware of the existence of certain enemy creatures or units that may be encountered in a new adventure or a different experience.

    So this "game" is pretty simple. Post a picture of an enemy creature, monster, or any enemy unit from any video game and let the next user guess what that mob is and where it comes from.[/font]

    1) User posts a creature, monster, or any enemy unit from their video game of choice
    2) Next user tries to guess what that thing is and what game is from. Next user should then post their own enemy creature/unit for the next user to guess.
    3) If a user has answered your post correctly, the next time you post your own entry, quote their original post and give them a "Like" before moving on.
    4) ????
    5) PROFIT!

    PS: There's something special for a user to have a bunch of "likes". I GARENTEE it.

    In order to spice things up, remember to add a "bonus challenge" whenever you post your entry. A "bonus challenge" can be something that the user must answer other than guessing the video game monster/creature/enemy unit that you posted. Use your imagination.

    1) As much as possible, do not post named individuals since they are way too easy to guess and offer no intrigue or challenge in guessing (say, posting a picture of Sephiroth, etc). Also, such individuals are named characters and are not your regular enemy grunts, creatures, or units.

    2) REMEMBER -> When you attempt to answer the video game monster/creature/enemy unit, you must not only say what it is, but also say what game does the enemy creature come from. This gives everyone a sort of insight on your own knowledge of the video game beastiary.

    3) Regarding the term "Monster" => A monster is any artificially intelligent thing encountered by a player as a hostile creature or unit. So in short, enemy human units that you may encounter in video games that feature them ARE COUNTED AS MONSTERS if we are to refer to the technical video game standards.


    Let me start this thread with a rather particularly easy one to get everyone in their toes:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus Challenge: Guess the other "monster" in the background while thinking up of a poem about those creatures in the picture.
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    I honestly have no clue. Does it have no body past it's upper torso??

    No bonus question so nothing to worry about there...

    This one I don't imagine being too hard...

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus: Name the weapons held!
    idk how specific you wanted but all I can tell you is that they're Turians from the Mass Effect series.

    Uh, weapons....again, how specific? Not like I could tell you more than there's an assault rifle and a shotgun in there.

    And for mine, guess this shit:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus: N/A
    ^ Above creature is a Belra from Phantasy Star Online Episode 3. PSO is a lovely game. We should do a get together on PSO3 and whoop dat Belra ass.

    This shouldn't be too hard:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    - Would you keep this creature as a lovely pet or would you set it free in the wild instead?

    Is he Overwatch Soldier from Half-Life? And the one in the background is Antlion?

    Yep. The very same creatures Mr. Freeman has to face with nothing but either Crowbar or a handgun.

    For being somewhat correct, you get a free Supply drop "like"
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    It's a Moblin! This one's from Wind Waker?

    I'm torn between picking something I know someone will get and one that's more challenging, but I don't want to go with something so obscure it kills the thread so I hope this isn't too bad (we did have a mafia game based on this game in the UG once upon a time so I'm sure someone's played it)

    Bonus: name one of their abilities/moves
    ^ If my guess is correct, its a Madman from Darkest dungeon, and one of its abilities is "Accusation"

    Alright, i swear this one is going to be so easy that EVERYONE can answer it! I swear to me mum!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    => In how many games in a certain franchise has this monster have been featured on?

    If you guess this wrongly, you are color blind, you may have been adopted, and You'll never get your Nepgear
    I have no idea, but I'm guessing it's that bird from Majora's Mask.

    For mine:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you
    ^ Isn't that a Resentful Noise Spirit from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

    LADIES and Ladies' men, please do remember if the user has answered your monster correctly, give them a "like". I've given a couple of likes as following my own thread's rules ;)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus Round:
    Name the race where this creature belongs to. If you could name it, then you'll get some freebies, and some of my entries will be related to that franchise. I GARENTEE it.
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    Pretty sure that's Venomancer from Dota, but I have no idea about the race.

    How about this one:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you
    The Hollow Soldier from Dark Souls.

    Ok, here's a good one! Slightly more obscure.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus Challenge: Location, and what does it's Tsunami attack do?
    Geryon from FFIV.

    No idea about his location, but Tsunami is a instant death attack.

    A friend of mine was replaying FFIV a few weeks back, and he was ranting about how bullshit this guy was because he comes with all the other bosses attacks.

    Anyway, time for something different.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus - What does the nation you support think about the strength of the nations military that uses this ship?
    Geryon from FFIV.

    No idea about his location, but Tsunami is a instant death attack.

    A friend of mine was replaying FFIV a few weeks back, and he was ranting about how bull**** this guy was because he comes with all the other bosses attacks.

    Anyway, time for something different.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus - What does the nation you support think about the strength of the nations military that uses this ship?

    That's from Infinite Space Ship.... wait, that's not a monster???

    For mine:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus Challenge: Which game is it from specifically, what do you need to fight it, and what Ability do you receive access to as reward for victory?
    Remember guys, make sure to not use too obscure stuff so that the thread keeps flowing. I mean most of my entries are so easy. REALLY EASY! ;)

    For mine:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    Bonus Challenge: Which game is it from specifically, what do you need to fight it, and what Ability do you receive access to as reward for victory?

    Isn't that a Demon Wall from Final Fantasy XII, and the sprite used for your entry is a Final Fantasy Record Keeper sprite?

    Based from my "research", that thing is located in the Tomb of Raithwall (Hall of the Destroyer and another from the Hall of the Sentinel), and if i recall, you can get the Demonsbane sword as a reward for killing it.

    Also, effective abilities against it are the following: Reflect and Aero. Without those, kiss your arse buibye ;)

    This shouldn't be a very hard thing to decipher. Heck, its one of the most recognizable creatures in the MONSTER PARTY!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    What is it? and What does it usually do?

    Should you ever encounter this thing, what do you think are the most effective arnaments against it?
    a) Melee weapons
    b) Ranged Firearms
    c) Magic Spells
    d) My bare fists
    e) Anti Aircraft weaponry

    Name two which you think are effective against this creature?
    Remember guys, make sure to not use too obscure stuff so that the thread keeps flowing. I mean most of my entries are so easy. REALLY EASY! ;)

    Isn't that a Demon Wall from Final Fantasy XII, and the sprite used for your entry is a Final Fantasy Record Keeper sprite?

    Based from my "research", that thing is located in the Tomb of Raithwall (Hall of the Destroyer and another from the Hall of the Sentinel), and if i recall, you can get the Demonsbane sword as a reward for killing it.

    Also, effective abilities against it are the following: Reflect and Aero. Without those, kiss your arse buibye ;)

    This shouldn't be a very hard thing to decipher. Heck, its one of the most recognizable creatures in the MONSTER PARTY!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    What is it? and What does it usually do?

    Should you ever encounter this thing, what do you think are the most effective arnaments against it?
    a) Melee weapons
    b) Ranged Firearms
    c) Magic Spells
    d) My bare fists
    e) Anti Aircraft weaponry

    Name two which you think are effective against this creature?

    I'd normally take that answer, but I was meaning specifics. The Nightmare Demon Wall from FFRK, you need to only use physical attacks, and you gain access to Nightmare Crushdown as a reward. Though the FF12 stuff is cool.

    Yours is a Demon from Doom. Challenge denied, sorry.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Monster Party! Guess the video game monster above you

    (It's the big one.)
    Bonus Challenge: Prerequisites to fight it, and how to make it spawn.