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Monthly Moddity of elmodooscuro Vol. I (Michael Jackson, WuMo, Attitude City) [Daily Bloggity Entry #139]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
  • 7,239
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    Date: 02 August 2014
    Time: 2:20 AM ET
    Mood: Vacation's over unfortunately

    It's a little bit weird, not going to lie. As you are reading this blog entry it's been exactly 2 months since I've been promoted to a Moderator of PokeCommunity. It's had it's high moments and it's low moments, on PC and in real life, and as a result it's helped me become like I'd hope to sum up as a better person. Some individuals might not solely agree with me on that point, but that's besides the point. As Went joked about in the above title picture when I was initially promoted the thought of a "Daily Moddity" series was pretty humerous to think about. However - and I won't lie, that was still pretty clever on Wen'ts part - I actually saw that little joke as a nice opportunity to openly reflect on my work as a Moderator in general; a segment in which yes, I can look at some of the positives that I've done on staff, but also critique my negatives and hopefully improve on them, as well as create a set list of goals to hopefully accomplish in the following month. So, instead of boring you with more blah blah blah, I might as well dive right into it. A note though: this entry might be longer than most entries, so you might want to get a snackie or two to pass the time *cough* get dem oreos, dawg *cough*

    Daily Music - "They Don't Care About Us" by Michael Jackson
    To start off, and I won't lie to myself on this, the Daily Bloggity took a huge hit. I can somewhat remember myself at the beginning of my tenure reassuring myself and others that I would create a healthy balance between my blog and my moderating duties. However, one ended up giving and that was unfortunately the blog. Keeping up with (weekly) series became somewhat of a hassle and it started to become a damper on my attitude towards it. Active Battle Server members can probably (or not) remember me openly deterring my blog and how I might possibly end it, which inevitably led me to my vacation from blogging. And I'll admit, it was a really relaxing period of time. Not having this cloud of "am I going to be able to publish this in time?" felt very nice and allowed myself to occupy myself in other activites. However, at the same time I realized that (surprisingly) people missed the Daily Bloggity. So, I began writing again, and even more surprising I ended up rekindling my passion for writing. That little vacation seemed to be just the trick to get the cogs in my mind churning once more and the ideas flowing once again. Which is a great feeling to have. I've noticed that a lot of my blogs lately have become quite a bit longer compared to my previous ones, which I personally enjoy because it shows that so much is going through my mind at the time. But to sum up, my blog initially took a hit but now, I feel more rejuvenated than ever to continue what I initially loved and hopefully not have to take another vacation from it anytime soon.

    Daily Comic - "Pets" by Wulff & Morgenthaler of WuMo
    Moving on from that, a huge goal of mine for this next month is becoming more of a "team player." This idea of mine can be divided into three parts: the way I act towards other people, the way I view myself, and the overall dispersion of roles and jobs. I've come to my terms lately that at times I can be pretty bipolar. I can be the nicest person, but then also be a stern jackass when it comes to interacting with people. And honestly, the latter needs to stop. Like now. What many people might now know about is that in the staff center we have a discussion thread called "Letter to Ourselves." Essentially, it's a nice way that staff members can reflect on each other's works and critique one another in a wholesome attempt to better ourselves not only as staff of PokeCommunity, but as human beings as well. While I did enjoy the nice things that some of my fellow staffers said to me, my mind more focused on the negatives. And I won't lie, it wasn't just a single person that called me out on some particular matters, but rather quite a few people. Which to those people reading this, trust me, I absolutely thank you for those critical remarks. I'm always in a constant state of bettering myself - a double edged point of view from my competitive nature- so I'm all for hearing what I need to work on. It's really refreshing to get another point of view on how you are acting because sometimes you get caught up in the moment or completely ignore all the warning signs which are screaming for you to just shut up already. Essentially, I really need to remove the stick from my arse at times when it comes to my stance on particular issues and look at the bigger issue and how it's affecting others.

    Daily Video - "Attitude City - NSP" by comedians Ninja Sex Party
    If you're still reading this entry by this point - which if you are, kudos to you! - I'm going to now focus on some of the "brighter" spots of my time as a moderator, or rather, things that I'm happy that I've done so far (warning: large amounts of hubris about to rain down, might need an umbrella.) Basically, it all stems down to what I've done in Video Games. If you've been living under a rock - say hi to Patrick Star for me by the way - then you should know that Video Games was already well-off when it comes to functionally operating. Both Dragon and Libra are exceptional moderators when it comes to their duties, so as the new guy walking in how do you make a name for yourself? Luckily in these last two months though, I've been able to make three imprints in Video Games: the Year of Gaming (which you may have seen a few entries dedicated to that through my blog), the Online Directory, and the monthly Coming Soon thread. I'm a lttle too lazy and tired to go nto every single one of these things at the moment, but if you just shimmy your way over to Video Games then you can get a pretty quick and basic idea as to what all three of these are.

    All in all though, there are a lot of things I want to work on this month. This includes.
    • Continue solid activity in Video Games
    • Stay consistent with Daily Bloggity
    • Work more on my personal attitude towards others and learn self control
    • No when to "step up, step back" on specific matters
    • Keep producing as much content for other subforums as possible
    • Try to find a way to reform the VIP Forum
    That's all I can think about at this point in time, so hopefully I can accomplish these small goals of mine when it comes to myself being a Moderator!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - elheroeoscuro

    A lot of people are clueless and trying, others know and don't care, and some are putting their best with what little they got. Reminds me of watching the JROTC Honour Guard after transferring schools and how little they knew and cared about the flag, and me reflecting on how an old officer and XO of mine would make us refold the flag for over an hour into breakfast. You gotta have people like you that are giving a conscious effort like Thorn was (and he was a jerk that didn't really care but had honour and integrity, not perfectly parallel but I digress), as opposed to the other grunts doing the work.

    There's people around like you Matt, and sometimes they're hard to find. People who still have integrity when they know the only person that would get onto them for that flag being wrong is no one. Doing the good thing and the right thing and doing your best when people may or may not be looking is vital. I guess those Letters to Ourselves was a good tug in the right direction, huh? Good luck to your further endeavors, okay? :)
    Alex;bt99278 said:
    A lot of people are clueless and trying, others know and don't care, and some are putting their best with what little they got. Reminds me of watching the JROTC Honour Guard after transferring schools and how little they knew and cared about the flag, and me reflecting on how an old officer and XO of mine would make us refold the flag for over an hour into breakfast. You gotta have people like you that are giving a conscious effort like Thorn was (and he was a jerk that didn't really care but had honour and integrity, not perfectly parallel but I digress), as opposed to the other grunts doing the work.

    There's people around like you Matt, and sometimes they're hard to find. People who still have integrity when they know the only person that would get onto them for that flag being wrong is no one. Doing the good thing and the right thing and doing your best when people may or may not be looking is vital. I guess those Letters to Ourselves was a good tug in the right direction, huh? Good luck to your further endeavors, okay? :)

    +1 for an in-depth, well-thought out, analytic response.